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Louise87 last won the day on December 14 2020

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146 Outstanding

About Louise87

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  • Birthday 07/06/1986

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  • About Me
    Hi all new here recently divorced looking to explore an enjoy more pee fun

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Golden showers wetting peeing outside
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Peeing in front of my next-door neighbour

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  1. Your welcome.xx. Yeah sat on toilet normally at first then saw them so shuffled forward so could per on floor. Yeah quite a puddle. Quite like it to be honest lol. Yes hopefully we beat Grimsby this Saturday
  2. I always have a cheeky look when I pass the urinals so I thought yeah I'm in your domain lol have a good look I think they all enjoyed the view anyway. I'll post the other two occasions later X no didn't put me off at all quite liked it to be honest lol
  3. Your welcome yeah I was fine with everything thank you. I'll post the other two times later
  4. So Wembly happened an has far has the football went didn't get the result that I wanted Wrexham lost 1.0. Had to go a few times whilst down there turns out that I had good reason to end up going into the gents has there wasn't many women's toilets there so all were really busy. The first time I went, I walked into the gents a few guys looked at me funny like what are you doing in here but I was desperate to pee so just walked in. Slightly nervous I thought sod it I'll leave door open I sat down an started to let it go I soon had an cpl of guys pop there head in this time I shuffled forwa
  5. Thanks Hun some cracking ideas I'm sure I'll be doing at least one of them x
  6. with an offer like that I might take a trip to Kingfield anyway even if we do go up
  7. the concourse is a good idea thanks I shall see what I can do. I might go gents and just leave the door ope. We will see what I can get away with. Hmm yeah wasn't very happy with that result especially has Stockport list as well maybe if we play you next season (hopefully nit an we win play offs) I get a ticket in the home end
  8. Thanks for the suggestions from you both @Kupar @gldenwetgoose I'll think about that one and see if any others come up with anything xxx
  9. So I'm off to Wembley this Sunday to watch Wrexham in the FA trophy final. I'm guessing that none of the toilet doors will be broken in the gents. Out of interest do any of you have any suggestions for me when I go for a pee in the ground?
  10. Yeah just had a need to pee then by the time I realized door was open I just thought sod it have a proper look. Yeah I was happy that he admitted to me. Thanks for taking the time to read an reply xxx
  11. Usually sleep naked so mostly no underwear.an usually on my back with legs straight.
  12. Might consider making it a regular visit when I go to the matches lol. Yeah it is that Wrexham thanks it was a really good match today xx
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