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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Wow! That's a beautifully described scene @gldenwetgoose. Thank you! I think I know who the winner is ... and it's not either of the celebs 🙂
  2. Wow - that's a lovely video. It looked like you were having a really good time 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing ❤️
  3. Thanks so much for this report! I've often wondered what it would be like at one of these special clubs. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
  4. I don't have the length of experience on the site as the previous two illustrious members, but there does seem to be an ever-changing pattern of activity. Sometimes the stories (real and fiction) threads are busy, sometimes it's specific types of original content, sometimes specific types of pee porn videos, ad the public chatroom does have its 'golden ages' where for a few weeks or even months there's a regular busy pub-style chat of an evening or even during the day. I agree with what I believe @gldenwetgoose has said elsewhere that people's working patterns during the last couple of years h
  5. I enjoy solo pee play, but I haven't done anything at work. Peeing outside in the garden or in the countryside, on piles of clothes before they're washed, into cardboard boxes (the sound is lovely!) and when I am feeling particularly naughty, peeing on washable walls and floors at home or in hotel bathrooms. But I have to clean up straightaway - I don't like the idea of leaving a mess. There are many, many threads on the site that will give you ideas I'm sure. Not sure if you are into wetting for your own pleasure - that's a whole different concept really, but can be just as enjoyable if not m
  6. Hope it was worth the worry in the end 😧❤️
  7. That would be very helpful - thanks. "Take this down, please Barbie" 😉
  8. Would you care to crash my next Zoom call please @Barbieoxo? It would liven up a discussion of esoteric technology no end 🙂
  9. A great experience! Thanks for doing the 'show-and-tell' so well this morning 🙂
  10. That sounds very lovely indeed @Peewee123 - thanks for describing it for us 🙂
  11. Pleased to meet you! Enjoy looking around the site (there's a huge amount of content) and I look forward to seeing you around.
  12. ... and double checked that email you'd sent to my boss a few minutes earlier? 😉 Seriously, though, a really hot account of a lovely time - thank you! And yes, bore away, if you don't mind!
  13. The sightings described here have echoes of your 'rugby girls' stories @Alfresco 🙂
  14. I know it's a typo, but it's such a lovely image! Peeing in a layby, cars and lorries thundering past on the road, and a cat whizzing by, not bothered by the pee or the traffic 😊
  15. Certainly mess is not top of K's list of nice things! I'm very grateful we have found ways to enjoy pee fun together 😊. And pleased you have too!
  16. Gulp! That's seriously powerful 🙂 Take it easy mate!
  17. Wow! A lot of sports there 🙂 How's the college doing? Do you play in a league?
  18. I think I'm probably happy just doing my leisurely summer river swimming, and my pootling about cycling in the flat lands of the fens 🙂. Still a little cold for the first of those for me, but it is probably time to get out on the bike again.
  19. I like the idea of triathlon, but there are two things that put me off: first, the swimming (because it's the first thing you do and my technique is poor I would be completely exhausted by the end of it, so I'd have nothing left for the other two parts) and second, the cycling: I've never had a road bike with clipless pedals / cleated shoes and I would have to learn a completely different technique - and I get put off when I see people who are really good at cycling and the scary speeds they go). But the running would be OK 🙂
  20. You have reminded me of the time I had a UTI and didn't realise what was going on. Over the course of a work day it just became more and more difficult to pee until mid afternoon I just couldn't go. I wanted to, but nothing would come out. I went home from work and called the out of hours doctor, and my wife drove me to the surgery about 10 miles away, all the time desperate and upset, feeling like I was going to burst. It was horrible. At the doctor's, a nurse put a catheter in - very skilfully (no discomfort at all!) - and my pee just started flowing, and it just went on and on and on!
  21. Is it weird to find the left-hand (dressed) photo *much* more of a turn-on?
  22. Wow! Extraordinary. Maybe she was one of us, or maybe as you say it's just more prevalent than we suspect and some housekeepers are just kind to us!
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