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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 2 hours ago, Sophie said:

    You want to give your house a fresh coat of paint, which decorator do you choose? 



    3's the boss, with 11 doing most of the work. Oh, and can I see 5 and 15 stand facing each other and squash their boobs together? Preferably with my head between them? It won't get the work done any better, but it would make me feel very happy.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Almost worth getting an injury for!

    I had a problem a couple of years ago with my shoulder that wouldn't move enough to let me put my hand behind my back.   I had physio with a gorgeous young lady and boy did she put me through pain - I'm sure she took great pleasure in it and I'm sure I only went because she had a great arse and I enjoyed following her up the stairs to the treatment room and enjoyed having her hands massaging me.  Has to be said though the treatment did work and full mobility returned.

    Sounds excellent! I'm glad the lady in question was professional and effective as well as possessing a great backside.

    I liked my free session - and the ladies - enough to book on to two of their (paid, but very good value) online classes, this Thursday and next, covering strength training for runners. Given by the lovely Nadine. I am very much looking forward to the first one 🙂 

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  3. 16 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    It's one of those catch-22 situations, the people prone to unacceptable behaviours are often those least receptive and least likely to go searching for guidance.

    You're right. In which case I am even more grateful for the good work the staff do.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Admin said:

    The reason JMY won't be joining us is that he was banned. 

    Or more specifically, he was already banned for repeatedly breaking the rules many months ago. 

    This was his attempt at making a brand new account to try and circumvent his original ban.

    I think he was just trying to stir up some trouble here. If he didn't think this site was for him, I doubt he'd have gone to all that trouble of creating a new email account just so he could re-register to the site for a second time.

    However, this thread is useful for anyone who genuinely does wonder if this site is for them, and I just want to say thanks for all the great comments here! 

    Ah. OK. Thanks for the clarification @Admin. Perhaps the sentiments in the comments could be distilled into part of the guidance to users somewhere. Don't know where. Just musing really.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    As some of you might have seen in the chat, over the last couple of days I have been working on some image manipulation software. It works! But now I don't know what to do with it. Any ideas of what I could do with ~200 photos of faces? 😂



    Fantastic! You could sell it to @Admin for use with the site video index

  6. 7 minutes ago, ukpeegirl86 said:

    As part of my job role I sometimes have to attend local authority properties to photograph and report on work that's been carried out. Today I went to a large block of flats, somewhat run down, near the centre of town. I'd arrived early and was waiting in my car for the team who carried out the work to arrive. I could feel my need to pee increasing but knowing there was nowhere to go, I held it. I looked around the car park for somewhere to go but it was far too exposed. I even considered getting into the back seat, hiking up my skirt and sitting and weeing into the upholstery but I dismissed that as with current circumstances there's no way I'll be able to get the car valeted and I don't really want to have to spend £60 due to having a wee anyhow 😂 

    In the end I remembered an almost empty water bottle in my handbag. I drank the last of the contents and went into the building into a cupboard used by cleaners to store their equipment near the lifts. Fortunately it's a door I was able to lock behind myself. I pulled my skirt up and my knickers to one side and held the bottle opening to where I thought it would catch my stream. I totally misjudged the correct location and pee cascaded all over the bottle and my hand. I quickly realised this was going to make a massive mess so I cut my losses, squatted and pissed straight onto the concrete floor. In an attempt to cover my tracks I tipped a mop bucket onto its side beside the puddle, left and locked the door behind me. I binned the empty bottle on my way out and hopefully nobody will ever be any the wiser about my desperate wee in the cleaners store.

    Quick thinking @ukpeegirl86 - your secret is safe with us 😉 

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  7. As with many aspects of our kink, Mia, it's endlessly fascinating. I love what you post on here, and  chatting and corresponding with you. I can't see myself getting into diaper wearing for myself, but the way you describe the feelings you get from being wet in your pampers, and what you do when you're feeling happy about that, and what you'd like to do with others, makes me feel good and, yes, excited. I would support a topic here that covers  your interests more closely. ❤️

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  8. 1 hour ago, steamlover6 said:

    I'm sure you can imagine for a moment the situation when a few years ago I walked 190 miles of the famous Coast to Coast walk across England with two volunteer ladies from my charity walking group! Virtually every day involved walking through open countryside with no possibility of finding a toilet from breakfast time to dinner! The first toilet break of the walk was necessary within an hour of our lunch stop at a pub, ( I could easily anticipate the moment given the amount we drank) which we handled with due privacy. I'm not sure how but on day 3 one of the girls suspected my fascination with girls peeing and I shyly admitted it to her. From that moment onwards we found we were more and more able to pee quite openly with each other, I would even hold the hand of one girl while she was squatted down relieving herself!  The one girl in particular, became very comfortable with it and admitted she was discovering her own pleasures with outdoor peeing with me! It was a beautiful experience looking back on it all, and seemed quite natural, while admitting that it gave me a rather special pleasure on each and every occasion!  The two of us met on occasions afterwards to perpetuate the pleasures we had found, always great and exciting meetings!

    That must have been such a lovely thing! Sometimes wonderful things do happen!

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  9. Welcome to Peefans! I hope you have a great time exploring the forums and contributing. I guess you'll have already found the existing big threads relating to standing pee, but if you haven't, here are two that you might enjoy: 


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