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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 1 minute ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    They are Dea Matrona, a very talented trio of very talented young ladies - who apart from busking, have also supported in front of very large auditorium audiences and appeared on Irish TV, not to mention appearing in front of a certain rock photographer's lens in August 19.


    If you have told me about them before @gldenwetgoose I'm sorry for not making the mental note. They are really good - I've been listening to some other covers of theirs this afternoon. I bet you enjoyed that photoshoot 🙂 

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, JDG said:

    That is indeed not much different! 

    Do you know anything about her peeing habits before you met? My gf told she would pee in parking lots with her ex as well, which he considered gross and very unladylike. But she said that she didn't care about that as she always said "when you gotta go, you gotta go!" 

    No I didn't, to be honest. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I grew up in a family with a pretty laid back open-door bathroom policy (to be honest, there was always pressure on bathroom space and we just didn't have any hang-ups about all using the bathroom at the same time ... and it's something that has continued a generation down). But K's family are more straight laced. I suspect (though I haven't actually asked her) that she didn't have that upbringing. But ever since we've known each other, we've been entirely comfortable in front of one another. Unlike your GF though, she doesn't feel comfortable peeing outdoors in the countryside. She has incredible bladder control and hardly ever needs to. She will, but only in extreme circumstances!

  3. This is an interesting question. To be honest, it's usually by accident. Sometimes when I am getting turned on by looking at stuff online, my hand inevitably finds its way down to my crotch. Now we all know the pleasure to be had from edging for ages - hours - but sometimes (and tell me it isn't just me please!) I misjudge it, and ... then ... it's too late. I'm there and I didn't want to be. Don't get me wrong - it's a fantastic feeling, but I didn't want it to happen just then.  

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  4. 37 minutes ago, JDG said:

    Thanks! From the first time chatting on that app onwards, I have always suspected she was into peeing as well, as she was so open to talk about it and also very open in peeing itself. 

    I will come back to this later, but I can tell you that despite my suspicions she doesn't have a sexual interest in peeing at all (unlike me). Even though she always watches during those shower pees (which I do now together with her), but she works in health care and is therefore interested in bodily functions in general. She likes to watch the bodily fucntions (like peeing) out of a professional interest, but she does't get sexually aroused by it. She even did once ask if she could hold my penis while I peed, but again only out of professional interest.. 

    She also always said that of she would have a dick for one day, she would be peeing against every tree possible, so she did that once with mine as well. But again, she really liked doing that, but more in the sense that you like playing a game. No sexual arousement was involved. 

    I hear where you are coming from. My wife and me are in a position that's not so different. She doesn't get a connection between pee and sexual arousal for herself. However, she is happy to play along, and has fun doing so in various situations. She has no professional interest in pee - unless there were some books about it that she needed to catalogue - lol! She knows about my kink and is happy to go along with it because she knows how much I enjoy it. I look forward to reading more of your descriptions.

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, JDG said:

    Hello all! I came across this forum a lot of times when having private time (if you know what I mean...), which almost always was perfect. So I decided to start contributing a little bit as well. I want to do that by telling about all the times that I saw my girlfriend peeing (ofcourse focusing on the hot pees!), which is actually very often. I won't post them all in this opening post, as that would be way too much and I want to keep it as detailed as possible for you guys! I will just start from the first time and gradually continue till today.

    Little disclaimer before I start, if you can even call it a disclaimer at all.  I just find it very very sexy to watch girls peeing outside of a toilet (although I don't mind watching one on a toilet either😁 but it does a lot less for me). I however am not at all into pee play between the sheets, I also wouldn't want to be soiling my or anyone else's belongings and I also am not into girls who make peeing a sexy thing. By that I mean, I love it when a girl needs to pee, finds a place, pulls down her pants and squats. I am not so much into situations where a girl pulls out her tits while peeing, licking her fingers etc. The more natural the peeing, the more arousing it is for me! Also, I am not into desperation or wetting.
    So if you are looking for stories about peeing during sex, peeing all over a hotel room or some place like that, taking off al clothes before peeing or desperation/wetting, this topic is not for you I'm afraid..

    Anyway, enough talks, let's walk the walk! My girlfriend and I are together for quite a long time now, so the first story is already quite some years old. It is coming from our very first date.

    We met on an online dating app (not Tinder though! 😁) and we already had been talking for quite some while. It really clicked on almost every front while talking through this app and later WhatsApp. I had the feeling I could tell her anything and she had that feeling too. I was (and still am sometimes) quite ashamed of finding peeing girls so damn sexy (and no-one knows it), so even though we discussed very personal things (including sex), this fetish was the only thing she didn't know about me. We quickly decided to go for a date, to see if we would click as good in real life as we did on WhatsApp. We decided to meet up in a town about halfway both our homes. We both came by car, met up on the outskirts of that town and from there went to the city center by one car as there was paid parking at the place we were planning to go. The time we met was halfway through the afternoon, for some drinks. The plan was to have some drinks in a Pub, then have some dinner, right after dinner watch a television show we both love and then go home.

    Everything went according to plan. The drinks were lovely and the dinner was lovely as well. After dinner, we had a find a place to watch that television show. The plan was to park the car somewhere quite and watch it on one of our phones. We found a spot at an outdoor shopping mall (which obviously was already closed, as it was weekend and after 8pm). The show finished at 10pm, but as expected we clicked very well in real life as well, so instead of going home, we stayed in the car and kept talking and talking and talking... All of a sudden, it was 1:45am and we both realised we needed to pee. As mentioned before, I ofcourse didn't mention to her that I like girls peeing, that would be very creepy.... I however did talk subtly about pee during our chats (for instance by mentioning a camping holiday which I did once but didn't find very comfortable, as there wasn't any toilet available). Because of that, I already knew that she didn't have a lot of inhibitions about peeing in public, as she told me she had had that kind of holiday as well but didn't mind peeing in a bush. I therefore had high hopes at this point, but unfortunately there was a McDonald's located on this shopping mall. This McDonald's was opened till 2AM, so we went there and went to the toilet. As we had spend the entire evening in the car talking, we both took the chance to grab a drink as well.

    After this, we were like "ok, it's very late already, let's go back home". We drove back to the parking lot on the outskirts where the other car was parked. However, instead of immediately leaving, we got talking again. And we talked and talked and talked (and kissed, but that is another story 😁 ) and then suddenly it was 6AM..... We at that point decided to finally go home then, but then the magic words came out of her mouth: "Ummmm, I actually have to pee quite badly... But I cannot just drop my pants her on a first date can I??".
    I tried to stay as calm and uninterested as I could, even though I was quite aroused because of her words (and because of the kissing we had done ofcourse, as I hadn't touched a woman for almost three years at that point.....). I replied that I didn't mind if she did, and was actually hoping she would do it as I would have a good excuse to have a pee myself as well, as I needed to go as well and felt the same as her: can't pee in public on a first date!

    Reluctantly she said "ok, let's do it then, but don't peak!!" and asked if I had a tissue. I did, so I gave it to her while promising I wouldn't peak at her. As I already really saw a future with her at that point, having had a date for such a long time (2PM till 6AM) and telling her all my personal stuff, so I kept my promise. I can however describe enough other details 😁

    The parking lot we were at had a hedge on some grass on the side. Our cars were parked with the hood against the hedge so to speak. Her car was parked left to mine. I went to the passenger side of my car and peed in the hedge/the grass in front of the hedge. I expected her to squat against the hedge as well, so she would pee in the grass and avoid the splatter, but to me surprise she walked to the drivers side of her car (so there were two cars in between us) and dropped her pants there. As said, I kept my promise by not peaking, but because I noticed she was going to pee on the tarmac of the parking lot rather then on the grass (which made me very happy!), I kept my ears wide open! I was already done when she started, so the only sound I heard was her fourcefull stream splattering on the tarmac. After I zipped up, it stayed on the passenger side of my car to not spook her, but I still heard the stream splattering a lot and even saw the stream coming from underneath her car to the other side. She lasted for about 40 seconds, wiped and pulled her pants back up. I saw her head popping up above her car again and decided to walk around my car at this point. The excuse I had was to give her a last kiss, but ofcourse I wanted to see the puddle she created as well! We had our last kiss, we both stepped into our car and I texted some friend about the date I had. This meant she left before me, which gave me the chance to have a quick look in the puddle she made. It was a large puddle, which had also streamed over 6 parking places at this time and was still streaming further. She despises littering however, so she had thrown the tissue in a nearby bin.

    I quickly drove home and you don't have to guess what I did there.... 😁

    Three dates (without peeing) later we were a couple and a half year later we went on our first holiday: a long roadtrip. Till next post!

    That's a great story ... sounds like you were made for each other. And you dealt with the whole "how do I introduce pee?" problem very well - both of you.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, MiaDarling said:

    Oh gosh...

    So, .. I have to admit I'm one of the offenders of using the chat for tinkle talk. While I do engage in other topics when people in the chat are talking other topics, I find I always end up drifting back to my tinkle status. And even worse...thinking back, I've been quite selfish about it. I am always open to talk about what's going on in MY pamper, but I don't seem to ask about other people's wetting and I'm sure I've come across as very self absorbed. I know I'm not the only one who likes wetting, and by not letting other people talk about their interests, I end up hogging all the chat talk when I'm there. My apologies for not only always talking tinkle ..but for also only taking about my tinkle. Forgive???

    Stay wet,

    Mia 🤗😘💓💕 

    You know your regular chat partners love your tinkle chat Mia ❤️. Nothing to forgive. Don't stop!

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  7. I'd second all the comments from the people above. There's so much here, and I would be surprised if you couldn't find content to enjoy and other members to interact with. One thing that might help is to create a specific "activity stream" to follow. That way you can just track the things from people and threads you enjoy. But the key thing here I think is to be non-judgemental about others' interests. The forum is very broad and it's really not expected that everyone will like everything 🙂 



    • Thanks 1
  8. Interesting! You have clearly thought this through. Most bladder strength training focuses on exercising pelvic floor muscles, but your proposal is a more direct outcomes-centred approach. You also measure an increase in hold time, and I wonder whether it would be appropriate or useful to measure volume as well. Just musing. I'm not a doctor!

  9. 8 minutes ago, Sammilove said:

    I had just came out of an abusive relationship of 2 years. I had told my then BF what I liked around 6 and he shamed me for it. Said it was gross and would never want to see it or be in it.

    I had been single for about 6 months when I met my now wife. I told her upfront after our 2nd date what I liked in bed and what I wanted. There was a bunch of stuff we both wanted like toys, hand cuffs, blind folds, whips, etc. basically all the bdsm stuff. Then I brought up pee. I told her how much I enjoyed it and how cool it was. She never in her life had even heard of this fetish. She is tons of questions. 

    We talked for roughly an hour about just pee. Show her a video for two and a few pictures and stories. Needless to say, she wanted to try it. Our 3rd date, we booked a hotel for the sole reason of sex. Somewhere not too far away but where we would have privacy. (We both lived with family)

    I don’t remember what all happened leading up to it that night. But I do remember, not only the desperation but also anxiety. Probably my most anxious pee of my whole life. I remember us standing in the tub together while we held hands and looked into each other’s eyes while we both squirmed. But after a few seconds of forcing myself, the damn burst and I soaked my shorts. (We both agreed to wear running shorts for the sake of laundry) She followed shortly after I finished. It was the most amazing experience ever. My hearts racing just thinking about it now. I’m not going to elaborate on what happened next but I’m sure you get the idea.

    We’re married now and tend to do holding contests every few months (I always lose) but it definitely brought us together more than any form of sex could’ve. She doesn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I do but she says she just likes seeing me so happy and squirming while we’re doing it.

    Another wonderful description - thanks for sharing ❤️

    • Like 1
  10. 55 minutes ago, Sammilove said:

    The day started like any other. Wake up. Make coffee. Drink a cup or two. Shower. Do my make up. Go to work. Nothing special about today. Except for whatever reason, my body said it needed water. So I filled my nalgene and took a big drink. Like really big. Almost half of it. (It’s a 32oz bottle.)

    I refilled it and headed out to start my car. There was a little bit of frost on my car so I cleaned it off quickly while freezing. Once it was cleaned off, I headed to work. Usually a 20 minute drive tops but today took almost 45 minutes because of a wreck. I came upon the wreck fairly early into my drive. Both lanes weren’t moving and I was stuck on the inside. 

    I sat for roughly 10 minutes before I felt a very remote need to pee. Must be the coffee I thought to myself. The need quickly grew from a 2/10 to a 5/10 in just a few minutes. Uh oh. Traffic was starting to move slowly by this point. If traffic was flowing like normal, I was still a good 15 minutes away. I had completely forgot about the water until I went to grab another sip of it. “Oh hell, have I drank that much!?” It was half empty again. 

    No wonder the urge was building so quickly. Roughly 32oz of water in 20 minutes or so sitting on roughly 2 cups of coffee. I’d been on the road now for a good 25 minutes now and I was starting to need to pee pretty bad. I was starting to become uncomfortable with the feeling which meant I was around a 6.5/10. It was only gonna get worse from here and traffic was still barely moving.

    I was starting to become concerned. My bladder was filling fast. The coffee was making me it’s b***h. Literally. I was starting to have to press my thighs together. I undid my belt hoping to relieve some pressure. It didn’t help any. The caffeine was already making me energetic but my bladder was turning that energy into panicky frustration. 

    We finally came upon the wreck. Someone he ran into a telephone pole and it was blocking a lane. Police and fire trucks were there. If I had to guess it fell across both lanes and they cleared it enough for us to get by. Thank the heavens! Traffic was moving again! 

    I was only about 5 minutes away from the store now but my bladder was screaming at me. I was at least an 8/10 now. I knew I was going to make it but I was worried I might spurt a bit. I was searching my car for something to protect my leather seats if that did happen. I usually keep a towel in the back seatwhen I take my dogs to the park. But for whatever reason I took it out and never brought it back. 

    I found a plastic Walmart bag and promptly shoved it under me as I squirmed trying to get comfortable. My car is a manual so I didn’t have a free hand to help hold the pee back if we were moving. 

    I was at the traffic light by work when I felt a spurt escape. I panicked. “No! No! No! I’m RIGHT here!” I shouted to myself. Thankfully, I was stopped so I could use my hands to regain control. I was in genuine distress at this point. My bladder hurt. My muscles were getting tired and weak. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to just break down and cry. “But big girls don’t cry and definitely don’t pee theirpants.” That’s the only thought that kept me from crying. And the fact that I could see the store helped a little bit.

    I pulled into the store parking lot and threw the car into neutral and pulled the e-brake so hard I thought I broke it. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to be at work. I gathered my bag andcomputer and literally ran inside. My opening cashier greeted me but I only responded with “I’m about to burst! Watch my stuff for a sec!” As I dropped my stuff on the counter and ran to the employee restroom. 

    I ripped open the door and yanked my pants down as fast as I could. I think had started to pee before I was even sitting on the toilet seat. The relief was sogreat I let out a little moan. I caught myself after a second hoping my cashier didn’t hear me almost orgasm from peeing. I finished after a minute or so and inspected my underwear. Just a tiny droplet had escaped and didn’t show on my tan pants even slightly. I gathered myself and returned to the front to grab my belongings.

    ”You look like a new woman.” Said my cashier.

    ”You have no idea. I drank too much coffee and got stuck behind a wreck. I thought I was going to explode.” I said.

    “Yeah, I’ve done that a time or two. I’m glad you feel better!”

    ”Thanks. I’m going to go do my paperwork andorders. Give me a shout if you need me!”

    I didn’t even think to look in the mirror but my face felt like it was on fire. I didn’t even think to look. I pulled out my pocket mirror once I got to my office and holy cow was I blushing. Hopefully I’m smarter in the future with my coffee and water intake before work. That was too close for comfort when it comes to work haha. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed my near-accident.

    Wow! I lived every second of that with you ... a great account - thanks!

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  11. I have not measured after holding as long as I possibly can, but there is the result of a week's detailed intake / output measurement in this (geeky) post. The second chart is probably most interesting. I concluded that I have a small bladder. My wife has a larger one. 


  12. 1 minute ago, greedyneedygirl said:

    I may have written about my early experience on this forum before, but at the risk of repeating myself I'll briefly discuss it again. I was about 10, on the cusp of moving from Primary to Senior School. We used to play in a yard surrounded by garages, and some derelict cars. We managed to break into a small van that had been abandoned and me and my friend Sandra sat in the driver's and passenger seat, pretending to drive. My older Brother, (three years my senior) and his friend were also with us, messing about on the roof of the van. Suddenly I became aware of warm water cascading down upon us, I looked up and saw my brother's friends circumcised penis poking through an air vent. The warm water that we were being soaked with was urine, he was literally pissing all over us. My friend's T-shirt was soaking, as we quickly got out of the van, she was crying. My brother and his friend found it highly amusing. Luckily I was able to get my friend home so that we could throw our clothes into the washing machine. I just remember the sight of of that long cock through the vent, peeing. I think it was the first time that I had a tingle about 'tinkle!'

    Wow - quite an awakening! I hadn't read that before @greedyneedygirl - thanks for sharing it again.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Simpfan said:

    I didn't really know what was involved with sex, partly because of a strict Catholic background, and partly because I was forced to relocate with my family after I had completed 7th grade. Technically that was a part of the high school in our rural community, but where I moved to, they considered it junior high and in their school system, sex education was taught in 7th grade. So I missed out on hearing the main part. Being molested at an early age  by my eldest brother's father-in-law, and being blamed for it, didn't help anything. Part of my puberty happened when I was 10 and the rest caught up at 12. When I was 13, I started to make the connection of pee arousal. I still didn't know about fucking or even where a cock was supposed to go, or what one looked like, and I was very curious, but didn't have any way of finding out. From 10 to 17, I had horrible acne and very low self-esteem. And subsequently, no dates. Even if I had ever been asked out, my family said I wasn't allowed to until after I turned 18. So the correlation between pee and sex for me was, when I had the sensation of a full bladder, if I crossed my legs tightly and made a rocking motion, I would have an explosive orgasm. Of course, I didn't know what that meant, but I did it whenever I could. And from the time I was an older child, before puberty, I had developed a thing for finding different places to pee, which was easy to do out in the country. It wasn't until much later that I would connect all of this with being sexual, at least for me. Now I see peeing as a necessary function but also one that can be sexual and most pleasurable in any sense. My primary likes are watching men pee, especially in places outside the norm. Realizing what's considered normal varies with each person, the bathroom scenes I like watching in videos are watching a guy pee all over a glass shower door (It's like I'm looking in and all that separates him from peeing on me is that glass door.), seeing a man pee on a mirror is like doubling my view. (Two cocks and pee streams.) Peeing anywhere except in the toilet is nice too. I like watching vaginal piss fucking, especially when the woman is pouring her piss all over his cock while he fucks her, and that moment of pause by him where you know he is flooding her cavern as well. I have experienced this with two different men, decades apart. It's extremely intimate and can feel like burning hot liquid against my cervix. I like watching scenes of public or otherwise naughty pissing, sometimes by either gender. And most of this I seek out when my own bladder is full or soon will be. 

    What an amazing, honest and interesting account of how your interest in pee and sex began @Simpfan. Everyone's early life experiences are so different, and it is a privilege to read yours. Thank you.

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  14. After resting a sore calf for a few days it was good to get out again this morning for 10k (46:28) with no ill effects. I think I also benefited from some exercises I have been doing to increase hip mobility following a free online mobility assessment by two gorgeous ladies at a local sports injury / physiotherapy clinic (part of a local council virtual fitness festival thingy). If anyone wants a copy of the exercise plan for hip mobility let me know - though I am sure you are all capable of looking up such things yourself 🙂  (By the way, the pigeon stretch is bloody impossible - I always found it impossible when I was doing yoga - gives me cramp in places I didn't know I had.)

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