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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 2 minutes ago, Geepee9 said:

    Wonderful and sexy encounter Kupar. One of my favourite encounters is sitting with my Wife warming my lap with her pee, in many different circumstances, Toilet, beach shower or garden etc, through clothing or bare, I do not mind. Been a bit dry of late. Offspring are living under the same roof for a while and lack of privacy is murder. Can't last for ever though so look forward to easier times.

    Sounds like your situation is like ours then @Geepee9 - we have both children with us for a few weeks. And while that's lovely of course, it's nice when there are more opportunities for spontaeous and uninihibited playtimes!

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  2. 6 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm glad you picked up on that lol.

    You'll be pleased to know I've started on the next instalment, although it seems to be getting to the action even more slowly 🙄

    Looking forward to it already. Don't worry about the preamble ... it'll be nicely written, and good to read 🙂

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  3. 57 minutes ago, Admin said:

    Hi @Kupar, it was a bug that's now been fixed, thanks. 

    The limit does not apply to gold members, and you should now be able to start 10+ conversations a day.

    Just to for clarity to anyone reading this, the limit for non-gold members is 10 new conversations (not messages). 



  4. 2 minutes ago, owlman76 said:

    I decided to have a foray into electronics recently, although I am an electrician I knew next to nothing about electronics, which surprises a lot of people although they are actually two completely different fields. Anyway I wanted a controller for the emergency equipment on my landrover and it was pretty expensive, I sat and thought about it and made an almost indentical unit for less than £30, so that was good, just need some warm weather to fit it now, lol.

    Sounds interesting. What emergency equipment? And why the controller? Sorry - being very nosy here!

  5. My wife's in her mid-fifties now, and has had two children, and tells me she never leaks or dribbles. She has done pelvic floor exercises, including with a rather nifty electronic trainer (Kegel8.co.uk), but that wasn't really about solving or even preventing a leak problem and more to do with the fact that it was actually quite a lot of fun. 

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  6. On 12/20/2020 at 12:18 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Possibly the world's finest drummer too... at least one of the very best.  Not just with Blondie, but also Eurythmics and the Ramones too.  Brilliant to see up (very) close too...

    Just read this again. Please, if you don't mind, tell me your Clem Burke up close story/stories. DM if you prefer 🙂

  7. 1 minute ago, Eliminature said:

    I've heard it said that men are less likely to have an accident because the prostate acts as a sort of block or sphincter. I'm not a urologist, though. That could be entirely false. 

    Well, an enlarged prostate does, I believe, result in a reduction in flow, but for a normal sized one, I'm not sure what the mechanics look like. You may be right.

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  8. All useful things to know - thanks @gldenwetgoose - I am a little surprised that even registered flyers are able to fly near (50m distant from) people, but as you point out, other laws govern the use to which any photos / video can be put, and the safety of individuals and property, so there's no need for extra regulation in that area.

    Let's hope you can get out and about and make use of your drone during 2021 🙂

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