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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. Well done for taking the plunge and signing up 🙂 I guess if you've been lurking for a while you'll know what there is to see. I look forward to your contributions ... it is true that the more you put in, the more you get back from the site. Welcome!

  2. Welcome! You'll find plenty of people here who share your love of wetting and all things pee-related 🙂 There's a huge amount of stuff on the site - take your time and have a good look around, and enjoy. The moderators are very helpful if you have questions. See you around!

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  3. 33 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

    Not saying that there weren't more public situations than this but here is one that springs to mind. 

    Walking home one evening through our city, several months ago, my husband and I both needed to pee (we'd been boozing, which probably surprises no one. This was prior to the teir system being introduced). The inner city ring road is crossed by a pedestrian footbridge (plus a few other pedestrian crossings). We positioned ourselves side by side at the foot of the stairs leading to the footbridge and pissed against the wall. 

    It was fairly dark, but still on a well lit city street with cars going past. I was actually slightly disappointed that no one did see us. If they did, they certainly made no comment. 

    It's odd. I've been in less public places than that and been spotted, but there I was literally pissing in the street and as far as I know, no one other than Mr Eliminature saw. 

    A pity no-one was there to see the two of you. You conjure up a lovely image in my mind's eye 🙂 

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  4. 24 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    No pictures this time - it was pretty dark, but later in the day after my tree piss, I was out at a local nature reserve type park trying to photograph a time-lapse of the sunset.

    After standing around for half an hour at just above freezing it was pretty chilly and the sun had set. I was just about done and decided I could manage a pee. Not desperately, but seemed a shame not to take advantage of a deserted car park.

    Actually I managed quite an impressive flood - more than the morning to be honest. Plenty of steam too, and shaking off after I was more than tempted to carry on with something else - it was very cold though.  Back in the car I was so tempted to stop in a country lane somewhere to take care of that need too, but in the end saved it for home.

    Might as well take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Hope you had a good time at home too 🙂

    • Like 2
  5. Hi! Yes - there are many of us, and you will find a warm welcome on the site I am sure. There's a lot to see and many ways to interact - I see you've found the chat room already 🙂  PF is a great community of like-minded people with many variants of the pee kink, and I know you've been doing your background reading about what this site is and isn't 🙂 Enjoy!

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Apparently 1066 calories - or something equivalent in pizza slices.

    Screenshot 2020-12-28 at 16.06.30.png

    That is a strange icon to choose for calories isn't it?

    A quick Google search suggests that a "slice of 14inch pizza" is 285 calories. So over half a pizza. Doesn't sound enough, does it?

  7. 3 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Well - I'm officially knackered, or perhaps the term is 'goosed'.

    I've been meaning to get some cycle miles in to up my annual total to a nice round number and this morning I had the perfect excuse - wife wanted to watch Bugsy Malone on TV.

    At this time of year my riding is virtual, using a smart turbo trainer in the garage - controlled by my laptop I use a riding simulation called Zwift. This creates a 'real' world view including city streets and countryside, other cyclists and a very toned athletic looking me. I was going to ride in a group ride, but had a few minutes delay setting up so went solo.

    Today's 'world' was a 55km ride through London and some of the Surrey Hills (conveniently relocated onto the Isle of Dogs) - so two long slog climbs.  Anyway, two solid hours of cycling with the trainer applying resistance for every climb and I'm done in.

    I did get my annual target aim plus an extra 10 miles!

    Nice one. I think the turbo trainer was probably a wise move today rather than risking outside! And 55k is a proper workout. At least equivalent to a Christmas dinner, a bottle of pudding wine and a couple of mince pies 🙂

  8. My wife has started reading "This isn't the sort of thing that happens to someone like you" (published in 2012 by Bloomsbury). It's a collection of short stories by Jon McGregor. She read this out to me this morning - it's the opening of the story "If it keeps on raining".

    This is how his days begin. If you really want to know. Standing in his doorway in the cold, wet morning light and pissing on the stony ground. Waking up and getting out of bed and walking across the rough wooden floor. Opening the door and pulling down the front of his pyjamas and the weight of a whole night's piss pouring out on to the stony ground and winding down to the river which flows out to the sea. The relief of it. The long, sighing relief of it. He has to hold on to the door frame to keep his balance.

    He looks at the swirl and churn of the river. Boats passing, driftwood and debris. A drowned animal turning slowly in the current. Sometimes the people in the boats wave, but he doesn't wave back. He didn't ask them to come sweeping past like that while he's having his morning piss.

    • Like 3
  9. On 7/4/2017 at 1:08 AM, Admin said:

    I am pleased to say PeeFans is at a level where there's so much content posted you could easily miss some greats posts just by browsing the forum the standard way. This is where a very handy feature called 'Activity Streams' comes in.

    Firstly, the site activity stream - of everything happening on the site - can be accessed easily from the main navigation bar by pressing 'activity'.

    However, hold your mouse over 'activity' and you'll also be able to view unread content, the content specifically you started, and a page called 'my activity streams'. From here, you can create customised feeds of specific content - for example a stream of content from all of the users whose posts you love most. The possibilities are endless, and I encourage you to have a play around with these features for an easier way of managing what you view on this site, so you never miss your favourite content again.

    If it's OK, I am going to bump this because it's so incredibly useful. One thing I have only just realised us that it is possible to find, for instance, all the posts of a specific kind made by a specific person by looking at, and filtering, their activity stream from within their profile. I will experiment with the activity streams more now I realise how powerful they are. (Mods please move or delete my post if it's inappropriate here.)

    • Like 1
  10. 51 minutes ago, Paulypeeps said:



    The Underground

    It was just another hot summer morning and the usual morning squeeze on the central line. The train filled at Stratford, and with Lottie packed in to her normal place she found herself pressed up against the end of the car reading her Metro resting on the bulkhead.

    The train had barely started off when Lottie felt liqid trickling on her ankle. She was unable to turn round but just accepted that in the crush someone had split their water bottle and it was leaking its already warm contents on to her feet.

    Warm as the water was, it was still quite cooling and soothing given the cramped conditions. Soon the trickling stopped. Lottie just assumed that the bottle was empty.

    At Liverpool Street the doors opened and released the crush. As the passengers disembarked Lottie turned, hoping to see who's water bottle it was, but she could not tell who it was amongst the passengers disembarking before her.

    Lottie thought nothing of it and went about her day.

    A few days later something similar happened again. As the train pulled away from Stratford the passengers surged and this time the trickling water was landing a little higher up her legs. As before it was warm but cooling, and actually felt quite nice.

    At Liverpool Street again Lottie could not tell who was spilling the water as she turned and left the train. Her legs and feet soon dried on her way up the escalator. 

    Over the next month the same thing happened five more times. On one occassion even getting the bottom of her skirt a little wet.

    Lottie did not often work weekends, but she was busy and decided to go in on Saturday. Lottie caught the usual train and transferred as usual at Stratford. Saturday travel was much better. It was a real luxury to be able to sit on the central line.

    Lottie settled in to her seat reading her Metro. She was sniggering at the Nemi cartoon strip when she heard pattering in her lap and felt the wetness soak through her skirt on to her thighs.

    Lottie looked down at her lap and gasped. The jet coming from behind her Metro was unmistakable. Lottie moved her paper aside and was shocked by what she saw.

    For a few seconds Lottie was speechless. She Did not expect a man to be standing there, penis in his right hand, directing a jet of pee in to her lap. Even less did she expect him to be filming it on a camera with his left hand.

    Eventually Lottie was able to speak. "What are you doing?" She asked.

    "Peeing." The man replied.

    Again Lottie was speechless and the man continued to pee.

    Eventually the man's flow waned, he pocketed his phone and retrousered his penis.

    "Was that nice and cool?" The man asked.

    Before Lottie could compose herself the train rapidly slowed to a stop at Liverpool Street and the doors opened.

    The man left but Lottie remained sitting for a few seconds considering what to do, but just in time composed herself and left the train.

    The man had vanished, nowhere to be seen.

    Lottie quickly studied her skirt. There was little to see of what had happened on the black fabric, and she could probably sponge it out at work, it was not like there would be anyone else there.

    Lottie rode the escalator up from the platforms and went out on the street wondering why what happened had happened. By the time she had entered her building and gone up in the lift she had worked out what she would do.

    She entered the Ladies and sponged the pee out of her skirt, not worrying about the now dried pee on her legs.

    Throughout the day at work Lottie was alone with her thoughts and thought of little else besides the man peeing in to her lap, and realising the water trickling on her legs had probably been pee too. At the time it had come as a bit of a shock, but now she had time to reflect on it she realised that it had actually felt quite nice to have the pee in her lap, running down her thighs, and soaking in to her seat. Now she had sponged her skirt there was nothing to show that she had been peed on.

    The next day Lottie awoke at her normal time. Lottie did not work Sunday, but today she got dressed and put on her work suit as if it was a work day. Lottie went to the staion and took the tain to Stratford, and then changed to the tube. On Sunday there were even fewer passengers and she had the whole carriage to herself. Lottie sat feeling her skirt under her on the seat, and relived the previous day in her mind as the pee pattered on her lap and soaked all the way through to her seat.

    Lottie could not pee in her own lap of course, but there was no reason that she could not just wet herself and feel her own pee soak through her skirt into the seat. Today there was no pressure to get to work, she could stay on the train and fully enjoy being wet.

    Lottie was lost in her thoughts until she heard "Mind the gap" at Bank. As the doors closed, and she was still alone she relaxed her bladder and peed gently.

    Straight away lottie felt her pee warm between her thighs, and felt her pee start to soak underneath her bottom.

    Lottie continued to pee, and after a few seconds she felt pee splashing her ankles as it ran off of the front of her seat. Lottie continued peeing. The warmth in her seat was delicious.

    Lottie stayed in her seat all the way to White City, just letting out a little more pee in to her seat whenever she fancied it. The train terminated at White City, so she just casually stepped out to get a drink from the vending machine before retaking her seat for the journey back. It was interesting to sit back down in the wet seat. She was expect it to be warm and wet as it was when she left it, but it felt strangely dry, and a little bit cooler than she was expecting. But she just settled in a started drinking.

    Lottie was not able to pee much on the way back, but as the train left St Pauls the bottle of Fanta had made its way to her bladder and she was able to warm the seat again.

    In no time Lottie was back at Stratford where she left the tube, enjoying her wet skirt brushing the back of her legs as she walked through the deserted station to catch her train home again. This time although the train was empty she stood, enjoying her damp skirt brushing her legs with the movement of the train.

    Nothing happened during the week as Lottie was crammed in to the tube. It was just the usual crush, but on Saturday she was again working and was again sitting in a nearly empty train reading her Metro. Lottie sensed a presence and was aprehensive, but was pleased when she felt the first drops of pee pattering in her lap. Lottie was prepared and immediately relaxed her bladder, feeling the warmth of her pee soaking the back of her skirt and warming her bottom.

    The flow of pee onto her lap increased and she felt it soak through the front of her skirt and run down between her thighs. That and her own pee now made her feel she was in heaven.

    The man stopped peeing in to Lottie's lap at about the same time her own bladder was empty, but she did not look up from her paper. Even when she reached Liverpool Street she stayed sitting, and squeezed out a last spurt as the doors closed. Lottie waited until the train started to move before lowering her newspaper and seeing that there was no one there.

    Lottie got off the train at Bank instead this time and thoroughly enjoyed the slightly longer walk to work with the wet hem of her skirt brushing both the front and the back of her legs.

    Lottie liked working on Saturdays now.

    Oh! Oh! This is wonderful! Great stuff @Paulypeeps ❤️

    A great idea for a thread, which I haven't seen before. Definitely one to inspire some writing 🙂

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