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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 2 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Such a shame there's a lockdown on....    One of the finest (architecturally at least) pubs in Liverpool, UK - with famed original toilets.



    Once lockdown is over and normality is restored, anyone fancy joining me for a pint?

    Yes please.

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  2. 49 minutes ago, Sophie said:


    You do keep finding them @Sophie ... and you do seem (to me) to have a 'type'! (Or two, or three, actually.) And very nice they are too 🙂 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

    We truly exist and get excited about doing these things for real, but some of us have inhibitions that stop us. I have never pissed a bed. But given that I had an ex who neglected to tell me that he was a bedwetter before he moved in with me, I really should have pissed in that bed as well. I was pregnant too, so I would have had an excuse for it. I was so mad at him, that I pissed all over his laundry before I washed it.  

    It's great not only that you exist, but that you choose to tell us about your experiences, with all their nuances. I think it is easy to forget that we are all humans, with a tangled mess of history, emotions and needs. The very best contributions on this site, in my opinion, are those that are honest, and give context. That's why your posts @Simpfan, for instance, are so treasured. Thank you. And I hope things are happy for you now - from your recent posts, that seems to be the case ❤️

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  4. 9 minutes ago, puddyls said:

    last relaxing in a sunday afternoon in between house chores. and one thing led to another and next thing i know, i’m convulsing in self induced ecstacy.😳😇F4AEA867-FA42-4235-82AA-1A3FC6290BA7.thumb.jpeg.3a50f33717e4c981c975904f25199eba.jpegB0353A28-D342-4AE0-B205-ACC171235B16.thumb.jpeg.497efca89be76b48e0426e776cab72e7.jpeg503DF984-2671-4930-A8F8-3EB4D53546A1.thumb.jpeg.d2d35aa65360808e4e267e23cbc589d2.jpeg

    Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do I guess! Thanks for sharing the fun around 🙂

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  5. 2 minutes ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Was cooking dinner in kitchen, and family were watching Trump on the tv news. I peed in my tights under my dress as I cooked dinner. Made a nice little puddle on the tiled floor, and wet my socks and shoes. Nobody knew, as the kitchen surrounds me. Nice feeling of release and freedom, in spite of all the bad news on tv....

    That's a delightful picture you paint there! Thanks for sharing it 🙂

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  6. On 12/26/2020 at 11:27 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    What a difference a year makes...  and sometimes doesn't make.

    Was just thinking about this thread after a chat with a friend this morning - comments about Christmas being a tough time.  It's now just over twelve months since my original post, since that phone call...  and back when I wrote this who could have foreseen the impact 2020 could have had.

    Everything works for a reason - getting the phone call in early December 2019 threw a huge curved ball into my life - suddenly I was commuting between two different worlds, literally. During those early trips everything was very raw and everything was numb too. It could have been easy to be overwhelmed, to be angry, to be annoyed with the situation, the circumstances and the problems my father had left me with.  Somehow though all felt peaceful. I found myself with two complementary feelings - on the one hand that there's no point being angry when something accidentally works against you.  Miss a bus... there'll be another, enjoy the time to relax. Burn the dinner, never mind, you know for next time.  On the other hand I found myself less forgiving of genuine idiotic actions and more likely to stand up and speak out. Someone pushing into a queue, taking advantage of a third person, that sort of thing.  

    When I was out in Spain every few weeks in early 2020 there was the spectre of Brexit to complicate inheritance and tax, but nobody foresaw closing borders like we've had. When everything locked down it meant that not only did I have to put on hold the house clearance but also the legal wheels around inheritance all ground to a halt. They're still turning slowly and inch by inch things are coming together - after more than a year.

    There are things that are bothering me...   the fact that the house has been empty since last time I was able to be there in July. The fact that restrictions are tighter now than two months ago when I nearly got there, the fact I've got possessions there I want to bring home, the fact I now have friends there - the restauranteur my Dad used to visit every week, the bar my parents used to visit from time to time - the fact that covid has all of that in limbo.

    But that said, the timing of things meant I had three months of being able to make headway, time when travel was relatively easy. Time not only to deal with the mess, but time to enjoy and become at peace directly (rather than locked down 1500 miles away).

    Anyway - don't get the impression I'm feeling sorry for myself. What I'm doing is saying that you my friends were there without even knowing it. I'm always ready to repay that debt - when you need somebody to listen to you.

    That and when this is closer to being over, I'd love nothing more than host a huge long weekend party for my very closest dear friends!   Here's to friends!!!    Cheers all.

    I don't know why I have only just seen this @gldenwetgoose. Thanks as ever for your openness, honesty, good sense and friendship. Many of us here are privileged to know you.

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