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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Here is the average duration of each day (I think I got it right)



    The average over a day is pretty consistent - I'd probably expect that. It would be unusual for you to have a whole day of just doing a few long wees. Or a whole day of lots of little wees. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    They are taken from this topic so the big wees will usually be the first in the morning, the little wee's would be my visit just before leaving the house for work.

    Right. So the pattern is in part an effect of the rhythm of your day. Weekends might look different from weekdays. Lots of data analysis could be done if you were feeling nerdy enough! Nice to do a distribution of the length of the wees in bands maybe?

  3. 1 minute ago, Sophie said:

    A little bump (no new wee timings, sorry if I got you excited)

    I'm feeling nerdy tonight so I took the time to go through this topic, write down any timings I did (73 of them!) and plot them into a graph.

    Click to see full-size


    Are these wees sequential? Are any missed out? Because if it's an ordered set of all wees, the pattern is really interesting! Why would it be that a big wee and a little wee seem to alternate with such regularity I wonder?

  4. 1 minute ago, UnabashedUser said:

    Reading good erotic lit works for me, but so does amateur porn as lot as it's shot with proper lighting and moaning 🙂 Mostly though it's thoughts with mental pictures of prior acts with different girlfriends and/or the wife.   Sometimes though we will mutually masturbate, each one watching the other and frequently joining in at the last moment when an orgasm is imminent.


    Yes - I had neglected the mutual masturbation thing. If @greedyneedygirl thinks it counts here, I would mention that when done with a partner, it's one of the most pleasurable things there is to do: particularly when you are in the same room, but it works well enough remotely too (though from experience I can confirm that it's worth taking a bit of time to work out how you're going to set up your communications devices so you don't interrupt the moment when your tablet falls over). You could describe it as (two) people watching live porn and beating off to it. Or if one were more romantically inclined, as shared love making without physical contact of the other (sometimes K and I will help each other out at the end; not always though).

    Of course, if your definition of porn includes live webcam shows or video calls with non-partners, there's something else to be written too - but I have zero experience of that, so I'll leave it for others.

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  5. 27 minutes ago, greedyneedygirl said:

    Thank you for your brief and/or more thorough replies. I have tested the question on other forums. I guess I'm also trying to ascertain whether the ease of access to pornography on the internet has increased the desire for masturbation. Printed material, 8mm film, VHS cassettes, DVD are so called older or analog formats, requiring a purchase and one to one interaction, presenting problems, embarrassment and a furtive exchange of sorts. It also seems that the combination of the imagination, stimulated by an image, or previous experience can aid masturbation. One man told me that he became a member of an Adult Cinema Club, he said that he stimulated his penis beneath his clothing without releasing it and by not having a full climax, (edging as Theo describes it) to the films on the screen. He said that he liked to watch other men masturbate, (although he was not gay...and would not entertain the idea of any physical interaction with another guy). Clearly pornography provided the stimulus in that case. One of the most interesting replies I had from another forum, was from someone who enjoyed the whole ritual of wedding ceremonies (obviously sorely missed due to this awful pandemic). He said that he found what the female guests, (from bride to bridesmaids to the friends and families in attendance) intensely erotic because of the range of tight, often revealing clothing on display; "I just love seeing a curvaceous bottom through the material, silk for instance, the way that it clings to the flesh". The chap sent me some illustrative evidence of the type of dress that stimulated his masturbation after the wedding. I suppose this tallies with the comment about seeing someone fully clothed, but then imagining what lies beneath, fuelling the imagination. If you have been following my contributions to this forum you will know that I often contribute to the 'celebrities that you would like to see pee'  theme. Again, it is obviously to do with fantasy and imagination...but also knowing that EVERYONE has to pee, it's then down to the how and where they do it! Also, the memory plays an important role, it can be the most fleeting sight of something or someone, it could be the first pornography encountered, the first furtive grope or the best fuck you ever had! Your first girlfriend/boyfriend...here's another example: "My wife and I don't have sex anymore, yet I masturbate thinking back to the time when we were at it like rabbits going for our first child" 

    I'll leave you with the Wedding image that was sent to me, I'm sure that you will see the point and I look forward to further replies, thanks for those that have contributed so far. BTW this is also meant for any female members! I'm quite prepared to contribute my own take on the initial question.




    Thanks for the context @greedyneedygirl - I would be interested to know whether anyone has expressed the view that free access to amazing pornography has desensitized the whole masturbation experience for people. Going back to pre-Internet days, when I was a teenager all I could get my hands on were catalogues that might have women modelling underwear or swimwear, or 'ordinary' magazines with some photos of sexy women in them (until I discovered where my Dad kept his few copies of girly mags). The difference to what a teenager today can get access to is so vast it's hard to comprehend.

    Masturbation when I was a teenager was absolutely fantastic, and frequent! But I do remember really looking forward to Wednesday afternoons when I was about 14 or 15 and I knew that for an hour or so I would be the only person at home and could more readily use whatever visual material I could find in order to have a really good session, and for it not to be a furtive under the bedclothes thing last thing at night.  

    I find it difficult to believe that it would physically be any more enjoyable nowadays because of the availability of all manner of hardcore video and even VR stuff. But I am prepared to believe that the frequency with which people masturbate might be different - probably, but not necessarily, more often.

    And thanks for the photos - that lady really does have a wonderful backside, and insanely sexy lips. (I just need to go away somewhere for a few minutes... 😉



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  6. 6 minutes ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    I have to admit, I had you in mind when writing it, so thanks for the inspiration. 💗 I used to go to a goth club here ages ago (even before social media was around!) that was dark and people could pretty much get up to anything, so that was my inspiration too. 

    And I suspected Pauly would like the story 🙂 

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  7. I had a catheter once only, in hospital, after a UTI had meant I hadn't peed for about 36 hours. My God! The overwhelming sense of relief when I was able to empty my bladder was incredible, and seeing my pee fill a *big* clear plastic bag was amazing. I have no idea how I had been able to contain that amount of liquid.

    But the horrible feeling of being unable to pee and being in pain from it was something I never want to experience again, and that's enough to put me right off the idea of using a catheter, or even doing any kind of sounding play, even though the idea kind of appeals.

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  8. Certainly not a prerequisite for me. Thinking back to my teenage years, I could get myself off very nicely almost without even touching my cock, let alone looking at porn, simply by  fantasising. Visualising girls I fancied, and thinking about what I might do with them, would get me achingly hard, and after a few minutes if I even brushed my dick against something, bang: mess everywhere. 

    Now I am much, much older, I can still get myself hard by simply thinking. I can lie in bed and think through a scenario, get hard and bring myself off perfectly happily without visual stimulus except in my mind's eye.

    However, I do also enjoy masturbating while looking at porn. I reckon it's probably 50 / 50 with and without.

    Does this help?

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  9. 1 hour ago, owlman76 said:

    That actually happened to me once, lol. I had this girlfriend with a leather fetish,we'd been out and got a little bit drunk and she looked stunning, a nice top, a leather skirt and some long black leather boots with long thin heels. Anyway we got back to my place and she hitched up her skirt and we got down to it, when I woke up in the morning there was blood everywhere, what I hadn't noticed was her boots had metal heel tips. During the throes of passion she'd obviously dug her heels into my back, well me being a little pissed I didn't feel the pain and we just fell asleep afterwards. I ended up with two massive cuts down my back from shoulder to waist and it took ages for the scars to heal.

    Of course, this brings in a completely different kink / fetish! 

  10. This is an Interesting thread. I like seeing women in high heels - adding height, emphasising the length and curves of the legs - these things work for me at an aesthetic level. I also like them for their association with sexiness, which is possibly derived from the more purely aesthetic issues.

    I think heels have probably become a cultural thing too, or even a habit: if you want to be sexy then you wear high heels. And seeing a woman in the street, say, who is wearing very high heels is a turn-on for me - I can't deny it. Added to this are the fetishes / kinks related to feet and shoes (and heels specifically) - who really understands anyone's kinks? 

    It's probably a combination of these factors that leads porn producers / creators to use high heels a lot.

    I also understand why many women don't like wearing them. They must be incredibly uncomfortable to walk in for any length of time. And perhaps they'll fall out of fashion, like traditional stockings and suspender belts / garter belts have done: which women under the age of 30 even own a suspender belt / garter belt? Or think they are sexy?

    I wouldn't say I have a high heel fetish. But I do like it when my wife wears high heels and little / nothing else during sexy times. I also love a footjob - sometimes involving shoes, sometimes socks, sometimes sheer holdups, sometimes bare feet - all good. Doesn't have to be in heels. But more generally I like it when she wears them (which isn't often): as well as the aesthetic argument I made earlier, it makes her taller and changes the geometry between us when we hug. As basic as that! Hugs are better.

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  11. 44 minutes ago, ChrisS said:

    Probably both as well, but I voted for give, just based on the recent, very hot experience:

    My girlfriend was sitting on the toilet peeing, but I also had to pee, so I walked up to her. She grabbed my dick and pointed it into the toilet, trying to aim in between her legs to the water below. The aim was off though, and as I released, my stream of pee hit her in the boobs and cascaded down her chest. It took her by total surprise, causing her to clench her pubic muscles, which sent a huge gushing stream of her piss arching up and over the front of the toilet rim and onto the floor. That image of her piss gushing out over the front of the toilet is still burned into my memory!

    Lol! Much more fun than what happened when K and I found ourselves in a similar situation the other day. She moved forward on the seat so there was a gap at the back, then I aimed at the gap. My aim was pretty good, but I did catch her bum cheeks and a little pee flowed between them into the toilet. She wasn't bothered, which surprised me as she isn't much into receiving showers.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Lilipee said:

    I would definitely go back to being female, without a doubt.  I love being a girly girl.  But I'd give anything for the chance to live as a male for just one day.

    It is very tempting to swap temporarily. But I fear if I had a nice pair of boobs it would be really difficult to stop playing with them all day. And that's a bit obvious!

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Bacardi said:

    I'm new to Golden showers. I didn't think I'd ever be into them until I was having some digital fun and he roleplayed peeing on me. Ever since then I've latched onto a post in the fiction board about a woman casually being peed on on the train and get off to it every so often. Its something id like to try one day!

    Lots of people here would be happy to help I'm sure! From the reverse perspective (F on M) I can confirm it's tremendous fun!

  14. 9 minutes ago, Uroguy said:

    If a 2-seater, then no thanks. What do you make of Ford cars?

    I've only ever had one Ford - a new Fiesta XR2 in the late 1980s / early 1990s. I loved it. But I was a pretty inexperienced driver then so I can't really give you much of an answer.

    I chose a SEAT Altea over a Ford C-Max many years ago when I needed a decent sized family car because the Altea felt more comfortable, looked nicer and was less plasticky inside. 

  15. 1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    It's not so much about where, but how.   If I were granted the female body - which is at the top of my fantasy bucket list - I think I would also be making the absolute most of skimpy underwear and skirts.

    Crouching down and pretending to look in my bag on a busy street or a station platform, or just letting it trickle down my legs onto a carpet in a pub, shop or library perhaps.  That and sitting crosslegged on the grass in the park with my skirt or dress spread around me, relaxing a full bladder and letting it flow into the grass whilst people walk past.

    (If there is a gender change fairy, please can she make it summer....)

    In this day and age, you could make use of skimpy underwear and skirts as a man. And there are some Scotsmen on this site. There is probably a thread somewhere about peeing in traditional Highland dress.

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