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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 8 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Definitely! People are so quick to make the car go faster (or ruin it by lowering it to the ground with stupidly stiff suspension and bolting on a huge turbo that lags like crazy) when they aren't even close to pushing the car to it's limit. A well trained driver would run rings around them in the stock car compared to their "upgraded" one. It isn't all about speed either, proper training can make you a better driver, more observant, safer, more in control of your vehicle.

    I am a member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) which requires me to pass an advance driving test, the techniques are based on the UK police driving manual and the examiners are currently serving or retired police officers.I am also a member of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders (RoADAR), which requires me to be tested every three years. What I learned from these two courses I cannot praise enough. I am more observant than I ever was when I first passed my test and I feel I have full control of my car even at 30mph.

    If you have the opportunity for driver training, take it!

    I had to do a commentary during my test which is scary as hell but so much fun. Here's an example


    I had heard about having to do the commentary thing. It is interesting the things he mentions - every time he checks his mirror, and that there is a warning sign that he sees the back of - that sort of thing. I wouldn't have thought to do that. Thanks for posting the link!

  2. 15 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    My handwriting varies considerably.  I can do beautiful calligraphy, but my day to day writing if I write more than a few words deteriorates quite a bit.   It is OK, but certainly wouldn't be classed as neat.   However, if I take my time and write deliberately then I can make it very neat - just that in most cases when writing I rattle it out quickly and lose that neatness.

    Of course these days I type a lot more than I write anyway.

    Do I remember you saying you do sign writing, and lining for your engines? Or am I thinking of someone  / something else? (Memory like a sieve these days 😞)

  3. 1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

    I am glad I'm not the only one watching that and wondering where she had popped a squat whilst out on her walks.   I am sure she is not averse to finding a bush or wall to hide behind, but what about the camera crew - I wonder if they all happily pee outside or whether they have some kind of "welfare vehicle" that meets them along the way for breaks.  I like to thing that as it is a programme about nature then they take the natural approach.

    I really hope they all just pee outside. It's difficult to know for sure, but she strikes me as the sort of person who wouldn't mind in the least. After all, she has said in the past that she's happily naked at home, posed nude, and does a lot of walking - she must have done hundreds of wild wees over the years. That comfort with her own body and bodily functions indicates to me it wouldn't be a big problem. I don't think JB is shy in any way. 

    • Like 2
  4. Wow! That's a hot story. Thanks for sharing it. And welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it. You'll find lots of like minded people here, and lots of content to inspire you. Have fun!

  5. 2 minutes ago, JDG said:

    For sure! Pushing it through corners is much more statisfying than hitting 260km/h on the Autobahn to be honest.. 

    I by the way really liked the fact that I had a manual gearbox in that car as well. I really learned to appreciate a good automatic gearbox during my job as a driver when I was in college, but in a sporty car a manual is a must for me. 

    Manuals all the way for me. I drove an automatic Audi 80 for a few months (precursor to the A4). It was a company car and I didn't have a choice. Nice enough car, but I really didn't like the automatic box. (And I kept doing emergency stops when I forgot, and stepped on the non-existent clutch pedal.) 

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 minute ago, JDG said:

    It certainly was! And not even because of the speed. I remember that when I owned that Skoda, my dad owned the exact same model but brand new instead of 12 years old. I preferred to drive in mine. All technique was still mechanical and you really had a lot of feeling with the car while driving. My dad's car was all electronics and driving it felt much more artifical than mine if you know what I mean..

    I know what you mean . I can switch off the electronic stability program / traction control in my car - the chassis is sorted and though it's FWD I still love to sense the connection to the road and how far I can push it round corners. Just so much more of an experience. Strangely the only thing I find myself worrying about is whether the tyres are OK. Irrational I know, but there it is.

  7. 18 minutes ago, JDG said:

    I consider myself to be a car enthusiast, although I am not handy at all and cannot do any modifications or maintenance myself at all. 

    I have also owned only two cars in my entire life. I first had a Skoda, but it was a RS-version. It had the famous 1.8VT engine of the Volkswagen Group, chiptuned to 235 horsepower. Even though it was "only" a Skoda, it was very enjoyable to drive. It could reach 100km/h within 7 seconds and I once maxed it at 260km/h on the Autobahn (only to be overtaken by a SUV, that's Germany for ya!). I bought it when it was 12 years old though and when it was about to turn 16, the maintenance on it became too expensive unfortunately and I had to get rid of it. The engine was still perfect, but pretty much every other thing on the car started to break down..

    Now I drive a small Kia. It only has 60 horsepower, so it is slow as fuck, but I got it brand spanking new (company car) and it is a full option version. Apart from the speed it is actually pretty good to drive, but I would really want something faster again after this. Secretly looking around if I can buy a Mazda MX-5 or something similar as fun car for summer periods, but I don't think it will happen in the near future.

    Everyone's car history is interesting - thanks for sharing yours. That Skoda sounds like a great thing to have owned 🙂

  8. People change over time. I do many things now that I never did when I got married. Likewise my wife. In fact it would be utterly bizarre if people and relationships didn't develop over time. If you do the same things now as you did 20 years ago, have you really lived in those two decades? So what you tell a person at one stage in a relationship won't be the end of things. Issues around pee kink, and loads of other things, will emerge, reemerge, change many times over the years.

    • Agree 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Yes and no.   If I'm outdoors in a not very busy area then I have very little hesitation in peeing wherever I am.  If I'm in the garden I will take the most convenient option, which is sometimes the drain, the patio, the grass or by the shed rather than trekking inside.   If I'm inside working, sometimes I sit on a towel and just pee when I need to.   I often find that I need to pee when I go for a tea break, so I pee in the kitchen sink whilst making my drink rather than wasting time going to the toilet to pee, I sometimes pee in the bathroom sink when cleaning my teeth - even though the toilet is next to me.   However, I don't just pee on the floor unless I am doing it because I want to enjoy it - e.g. sometimes I pee on a pile of washing on the kitchen floor before it goes in the machine, but that is a deliberate act, not nonchalance.   Peeing in the kitchen sink or out of the back door onto the patio is nonchalance because it is easier and more convenient than going to the toilet.

    I agree with you completely on this @Alfresco.

    When the warm weather comes again this year, I have decided that on solo walks in the countryside I will try much more nonchalant peeing. In the past I would have found a tree or a wall to pee against. But I think I'll try just letting it go and wetting my shorts - they'll dry pretty quickly. Some of my solo countryside walks are done naked - just because - and for those, it will be fun just to let it go, and pee down my legs.

    And if I find myself indoors on my own again, I might just see what it's like to be less inhibited and pee more nonchalantly, say when I'm washing up the dishes at the kitchen sink. Kitchen floors are easy to clean up.

    The idea of nonchalant peeing appeals a lot.

    Would people be interested in photos or videos of this in the Men Peeing section? Is it worth the trouble of setting that up when the time is right?

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Had a nice walk in the snow on Monday.   I peed in the snow several times, but because I had drunk plenty in order to make sure that I could pee a few times, I was very hydrated and the pee was quite clear so it didn't really make yellow snow.  However, I did write "hello" a couple of times.   Here is one example.  One time I was peeing behind a gorse bush and I could hear some ladies talking as they walked past the other side of the bushes.  I don't know whether they could hear me splashing the snow, but I would be surprised if they couldn't.

    Yesterday, in the morning I was doing some work in my workshop and I needed to pee, so I opened the door and peed out onto the patio.  Later, I was doing some work on my house which required me to go up on the slightly sloping roof of my neighbours single-storey extension.   Whilst I was up there I needed to pee, but nothing desperate and although I debated peeing whilst I was there, I thought it was too exposed to the road at the front and houses at the back.  However, when I'd finished the work I moved everything to the end of the roof and went to go back down the ladder which was at the higher end of the sloping roof.   As I was standing on the ladder collecting my tools together, I realised that my waist was just above the roof line and my back was towards the road, so I unzipped and peed from the ladder onto the roof and watched my puddle spread across the felt and flow away down the length of the roof.  Quite a good feeling of freedom to be stood there peeing whilst cars and people passed behind me, but they probably wouldn't imagine for a minute that the guy standing on the ladder had his dick in hand and was peeing merrily onto the roof.



    What very neat, err, handwriting you have! Very impressive indeed @Alfresco

    • Thanks 1
  11. Just now, 40 minutes after a coffee. I'm working from home downstairs today. Didn't fancy using the toilet so I opened the backdoor, walked round the corner of the house and peed on the patio by the dustbins (it's quite a secluded corner). This is my go-to peeing place when I feel like peeing outside at home.

    It's a wet day, and the rain will flush the pee away in a little while. I heard people walking by on the pavement, but they couldn't see me.

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