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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 4 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    I was on a conference call and needed a pee, but the call was nearly finished so I thought I'd wait and pee after the call.  However, no sooner than I put the phone down from the call, a guy in finance who had been wanting to speak to me saw that I'd become available and immediately rang me.   I answered the call anyway, but it turned out that it was a convoluted discussion and it went on for ages.   I had an empty pint mug on my desk from having finished drinking the tea that was responsible for my aching bladder.   So whilst I was talking to him, I stood up, unzipped, placed the mug under my penis and angled it slightly.  I peed down the side of the mug to minimise splashing noises.  As the mug started to fill, it got to the stage where it reached the tip of my penis, thus allowing me to pee faster without any sound as I was effectively peeing under water (well, under pee).   The mug rapidly filled and further engulfed my penis in the warmth.  I stopped peeing with about half an inch to spare.  I put the mug on the desk and allowed the wetness to drip off my penis into the mug (still holding a conversation).   I then opened my window and poured the mug out onto the sloped roof of our porch, immediately below the window.   It spread out and made a large pattern over the tiles as you can see from the photo.



    Resourceful ... and satisfying I should imagine! More than makes up for having a long conversation with a guy from finance. Possibly 🙂 

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  2. 26 minutes ago, Nightshift85 said:

    No not really I asked her this morning if she would pee in the shower, that got turned down.  I am going to back off for now, I dont want to upset her by pushing to much. 

    That why I was asking how other people in this situation handle it. I know I can watch videos but, which I do but that grows boring and I'm not sure what else to do.

    I think backing off sounds wise.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Nightshift85 said:

    My wife and I have been married for 11 years and together for 15 in total. She is the only person I've been with. In my previous post, I started how she may consider trying wetting once for me. 

    I'm curious how to other members handle there partner or spouse not being into omo or anything else related to pee? Did any of you  do what I have done and ask their spouse to give it a try? If they did agree how did that go?

    Or do you just enjoy it on your own time?

    Have things moved forward at all for you and your wife since your first post?

  4. 29 minutes ago, Uroguy said:

    I am glad you liked it Kupar. Normally I don't have an interest in seeing women go commando. In public, seeing that would peek my interest but also make me feel uncomfortable. As a person from a religious traditional background, dress wear revealing the absence of an undergarment is a taboo. I would feel wrong and ashamed that I saw that. However, it does peek my interest and that is why I posted such pictures. What about you?

    Something about red dresses is intrinsically sexy I think. And so is going without underwear - the naughtiness of it is arousing - for me anyway 🙂

  5. @expererg is right about definitions of 'naughty'. I am a cleaning-up person for what I consider my 'naughty' pees - that is, at home on piles of laundry, hard floors or bath mats that are going to go in the wash. Hard floors are wiped up and then mopped. I tend to be much more free about where pee goes in a hotel bathroom, but even there I clean up after myself. I don't pee on soft furnishings - mine or anyone else's. Outside in the countryside, or in a city down an alley against a wall doesn't count as naughty for me and obviously no clean up required. Does this help? Reading back it certainly sounds tame compared with many PF members!

  6. 26 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

    Hmm. Lots of interesting things coming out of this thread. I've run this by my partner, M, and she has agreed to me posting this. She is not an online person, one very bad experience lead to stalking (the guy was in her supermarket, doctors surgery, parked in a car outside the house, even in our yard in the middle of the night). She has Facebook, that's as far online as she gets.

    She also has a kind of a medical condition, if you have ever seen Black Snake Moan, you will get the idea. She can go from ‘Would you like scones with jam’ to ‘I want your cock in my throat’, it can be frightening, a truly epic Jekyll and Hyde kind of transformation. This can be controlled medically, but she doesn't like to use it. She doesn't want to ‘dumb down her feelings’ as she puts it. More than a few times, I've had to get her out of public places, she has admitted that she could do bad things to me in the canned fish aisle of our local supermarket.

    As to pee sex, she can be more depraved than I can, the intensity that she develops when she gets ‘horny’ is still unbelievable at times. She is willing to try and do anything, and when her ‘switch’ is thrown, she does. I can't begin to explain how she looks when she hisses noisily into her jeans, or the glass eyed look when she is kneeling in the shower, her red hair plastered to her face after getting hosed down. We are not the bendy toys we used to be, we have to think of others ways to do things, but that is not slowing us down. 

    Our current situation (people staying with us due to covid) has taken a toll, our relationship has been a bit strained lately, we are working through this, and things are getting better.

    As has been stated earlier, if there are any problems with people onsite, please report them. The mod team discuss issues privately, we are actively trying to prevent these things from happening. We have a good site here, we want to keep it healthy and sane for everyone.


    Sending you and M my heartfelt best wishes Scot. Thanks for your post x

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  7. 1 hour ago, Eliminature said:

    As for me, I love posting photographs of myself urinating standing - yes, I really am a clitoris owner.

    At the moment, with cold weather and lock down, opportunities to share this with you have been a bit thin on the ground. Also, winter and lockdown combined to make arousal and urophilia the last thing on my mind over the previous few months. I'm hoping to change this as soon as I can. The warmer months are edging closer...

    Take care Eli. Sending an online hug your way. Good times are coming x

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  8. 31 minutes ago, PeeGurl74 said:

    I LOVE to moan while I piss. It actually becomes a turn-on which drives me to vocal expression. The feel of the warm piss exiting my body is too much to keep quiet about. I'm peeing right now typing this. 💦

    In my mind I can hear you! Thanks!

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  9. I wish I could be more in control and vary things a bit more. As I've got older the maximum flow rate achievable has reduced and there's bugger all I can do about it. But in general I would support your hypothesis I think. My wife can sometimes spend *ages* peeing in drips and drops; other times it's a Niagara Falls for 15 seconds.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Relevantcucumber said:

    I'm a woman who just recently leaned into my pee kink after many years of suppression. 

    I enjoy sharing it, and make content for paid sites as well as dropping free clips here and there. 

    For me the "problem" is that it's a bit of a gateway and many people expect me to go into other toilet activities, which have never interested me. 

    Also how because I'm into something "taboo" I should constantly enjoy being degraded etc 

    However I cant see myself stopping making content or filming myself until I have no new ideas. 

    Of course, you shouldn't have to put up on this site with anything that makes you uncomfortable - and there are, of course, rules 3 and 5 here that if breached should probably trigger a report to staff  


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