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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 45 minutes ago, MyPee said:

    I like any pissing. But maybe these are favourites:
    I like to see a closeup of a dick pissing, side on, or slightly facing viewer. 
    I like seeing the man hold his dick while he pees, and gently caress it, like it’s a lover.
    I like seeing the stream of piss hitting a wall or fence or other object, and flowing down to make a puddle. 
    I like seeing the stream aimed straight to the floor, making a puddle.
    I like seeing a man piss in places he shouldn’t, like on the carpet, furniture, clothes, pot plants, outdoors, in public. 
    I like to see a man walking along, just pull out his dick, let it hang, and piss carelessly as he walks.
    I like seeing a clothed man rubbing and squeezing himself through his pants, in obvious need of a piss, then a wet spot appears, and the guy pulls out his dick as it starts pissing, and he just let’s it all go wherever he is.

    Oh, that’s enough now! I'm making myself hot and horny! Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room!....

    Right. That's my video making project sorted for the next few weeks 😉❤️

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  2. 1 hour ago, Pee Sensei said:

    By the way this forum section should also contain only real experiences, don't you think? Too bad it's full with badly written fiction.

    I think there are many real life experiences on this site 🙂 of a very wide variety. Whether all those stories in the 'real life' topic are genuine is almost impossible to say, but I am prepared to believe that the vast bulk of them are.  

    There's also the separate 'pee fiction' forum topic; again, there's a really broad range of styles in there, and a range of writing quality. (Remember many members don't have English as a first language, so I always cut them a lot of slack.) Some of the stories appeal more to me than others - I'm sure it's the same for everyone 🙂 But there's enough content on this site to keep me happy! 

    • Agree 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    As I've said before, I pee outside regularly, so only add a bit here now and again.   Two outdoor pees today.  One was off a wooden bridge into a small stream and the other was on a footpath behind a row of houses.

    Yesterday I peed in the woods twice whilst out on my bike.  The first time I knew a woman was heading that way, I headed down a narrow path in the woods, just maybe 15m from the main path I stopped, turned to the side and peed on a tree.  The woman walked past on the main path and would have definitely seen my stream shooting out to the side.  I carried on until I was done and then cycled away.

    Good to keep your hand in, so to speak 🙂 

    • Like 1
  4. Nice to meet you! There are lots of people to interact with here - and as Goose says, browsing around and commenting on people's posts is a good way to start interacting - I'm sure you'll find lots of people who share your interests: there are *lots* who love desperation for instance!

    On the drink thing, there was a topic on this recently: 


    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Ozabot said:

    One more Norwegian prog band


    This, my friend, is superb. The first four minutes sound like Thomas Traherne poems set to music by Genesis; the next five minutes is just simply wonderful, creative complex jazz-inspired rock instrumental - almost Jethro Tull, but with more complex polyrhythms. And the lead vocalist sounds like a Norwegian Al Stewart ... and that's no bad thing. All in all, it's sublime. Thank you!

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, toseepee said:

    My ideal movie, and a scenario I don't see all that often in porn, is someone being so desperate to pee in a semipublic place, but unable to just piss on the floor or wet themselves, so they get another person to drink their urine.

    At least two people are stuck someplace like an elevator, office, or car, and can't leave for whatever reason. Person A really has to piss, like on the verge of an accident.

    But due to social pressure, they can't let it be known that they peed. No one is around right now, but people will be around soon. They can't wet themselves because people would see their wet pants. They can't just let loose onto the floor because again people would see the puddle, or the car is their boss's, and they dont have a bottle or trash can. 

    But luckily person B is there and either volunteers or is convinced by person A to drink person A's piss. So they do! Person B gets into position and seals their mouth around Person A's urethra and starts drinking from Person A...

    ...To varying degrees of success. I think it's just as hot when the piss drinker gulps down all the pee without spilling a drop as it is when the piss drinker can't handle the flow, gags, gets sprayed with piss, and makes a big mess anyway. 

    I dont have any porn actors in mind. I'm bi, and the fantasy is just as hot with the pee coming out of a cock or a cunt, so I'm not picky!

    A few couples who do porn together would be good for it, like nerdy faery and her partner, or the couple Bruce and Morgan. And of course Tina Lee Comet pissing in the mouths of her friends

    That is a creative one - and an interesting answer to a question posed in another thread: 


  7. 7 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Good question...  and after a few other thoughts I'm going to go with The Beatles - With A Little Help From My Friends.

    A couple of people know my connection with The Beatles, but that's only a small part of the choice.

    Instead it's very much about the lyrics.  If you asked me what the most important thing in life was, I guess it would be friendship - I don't have a massive circle of friends in reality, I'm not the life and soul of the party, there are times in the past I've felt very alone. I'm not generally alone - but I remember well what it feels like.  Sometimes it can feel like I'm the one providing the support and friendship to all around me, sometimes I just want to be asked if I'm ok. I'd probably say yes irrespective...   Other times I feel incredibly privileged by the friendship shown be those around me as the support me.

    So let's have a theme celebrating friendship and helping each other out.  There you go...  Goose's Theme



    What a great choice, my friend ❤️

    • Love 1
  8. Hmm. That's a tough one. When I was 16 I wanted to be a research scientist - something in low-temperature physics, or optics maybe. My Dad was a proper scientist so I had him as a role model I suppose. When I'd finished studying though, I'd gone right off that idea and wanted to be a journalist - but I wasn't aiming as high as you - science writer, or engineering writer maybe (in the days when hundreds of trade magazines had an editorial staff of more than just the editor / ad manager they have these days). I ended up in academic publishing then PR so I suppose I did write for a living.

    I have never been driven by an intense passion for anything specific, and have just sort of fallen into things, and largely I have been happy with the way things have worked out, so it's difficult to answer your question. But I would have been happy as a cricket commentator, beer taster / writer, or both together - a sort of relaxed, never-ending summer kind of job.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

    I call them crumpets too, though I prefer them only with butter. No marmite or jam.


    13 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    I would call that a crumpet and I would have it with marmite. Partly because I love marmite and I've eaten it nearly every day for the last 30 years. Jam would also be nice though! 

    Thank you both! No agenda behind my questions really. Just curious 🙂 (And in case you're interested, we used to call them pikelets when I was growing up, but I tend to call them crumpets these days, and I honestly couldn't decided between the marmite, jam or butter-only options: it depends on time of day and other context I think.) 

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