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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 2 minutes ago, Admin said:

    No problem at all. I lose track myself of who has access to what sometimes. 🤪 

    But since there's a cost to peefans for hosting/serving the files, and there's no way to monitor what's going on with them inside PM's, it's just less risky (and expensive) for us to restrict private uploads to just gold members. 

    Luckily if your friend doesn't want to upgrade to gold, it's easily navigated around by copying and pasting the image from elsewhere, or using a free upload service. Slightly less convenient and secure that way, but I guess that means it's another incentive to upgrade. 😉

    Sure - no worries!

  2. 3 minutes ago, Admin said:

    Unfortunately direct uploads are only a feature of gold members. Not browser related. 

    All members can upload files to the public forums, but only gold members can upload private attachments. 

    However non-gold members can still send images to each other privately, they just need to be uploaded somewhere else first, like imgur.com 

    If it's an image already on another site, just copying and pasting it should work too. 🙂 

    If you're having the issue too though @Kupar please let me know.

    Aha! Thanks you. I had completely forgotten the Gold member thing. Now (again) I feel daft. I'm not having issues. (I was asking for a friend, rather than 'asking for a friend', if you know what I mean!)

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Geepee9 said:

    Yesterday my son came home from work and jumped in the shower before my wife could pee. About 2mins after he'd started she announced to me she couldn't hold it until he was finished. I offered her a glass vase in the kitchen and she asked me to hold it under her as she stood. She pulled her clothes down and blasted a gusher into the vase I was holding. It was about a pint and all warm in my hands and a massive turn on. So even though we have almost no private time together and can't get out for our usual fun, lockdown has still caused something so spontaneous.

    That's a lovely experience @Geepee9 - thanks for sharing it! Maybe she'll do it again just for fun rather than out of necessity 🙂 

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  4. 1 minute ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Times are indeed changing - maybe only very slowly within generations of households, but here we're a huge family with common interests - and welcome you in to share with us. It is a big mind -change to believe less in the 'wrongness' and adopt to the natural and beautiful way of thinking.  Loving your anecdotes and memories so far and so glad to have you sharing them with us.  Never be afraid - here at least.

    I'd like to second Goose's comment - I've loved reading your posts and comments @MyPee! This is a great community of friendly, like-minded people - and the tolerance and support is wonderful. It's good to have you as part of the community!

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Admin said:

    Nope, you CAN still access the one-to-one chats on small devices, but you would need to be on "PeeFans Main Theme Light [Live Chat On Mobile]" 

    Go to 'Theme' in left hand corner of site and press that. Chatbox will always be in corner then, and when you press the chatbox in the corner it brings up both the main room and private conversations too. (which are fully operational now, so feel free to use as much as you want).

    Hope that helps. 🙂  


    Oh sorry! I *had* misunderstood something. My bad. And thanks! It works 🙂 

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  6. 7 hours ago, MyPee said:

    The craziest place for me was on the carpet and furniture of the apartment of a stranger I’d met on an online pee chat site, 20+ years ago. When I arrived, he led me inside and he started kissing and playing with me and quickly got us out of our clothes. OMG! he had a gorgeous body and the biggest cock I’d seen, so big I kind of worried about having it inside me! He had put some plastic on the floor to protect the carpet, and he lay back on this. He asked me to piss on him. (Note: this was my first ever pee experience!) I was by his feet, and I got into the sort of standing position that I thought would help the aim (I mean, I had never done this before!), and started peeing: a long stream of piss fanned out everywhere and went all over everything! On him, on the carpet, on the couch and table, the lamp, everything around us. I was as surprised as he was! Well, everything was wet anyway, so he got up and pissed all over me, and we lay down in the piss puddle and fucked (OMG that huge cock!).

    It was kind of funny because he had this plastic carefully placed on the carpet, but everything got wet anyway. Actually it comes to mind now that the apartment wasn’t his, but his friend's. 😂 

    He was so hot and so well-hung that I later wondered if he was a porn actor, and had hidden cameras in the apartment, but I have never seen a video of it online. 😅

    That is such a hot story! Thanks for telling us about it. Did you continue to see him, or was it a one-off?

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  7. Ah. OK. Doesn't seem to work like that with Android with Chrome browser (i.e., the browser navigation bar doesn't disappear) for me whatever I'm doing, so the chat button can't sink lower down the screen. (And turning the phone through 90 degrees doesn't help either). But on Firefox, the chat button disappears after a few seconds, revealing the rest of the tool bar.

  8. 16 hours ago, Admin said:

    I am trialling hiding the chat button on mobiles. (Still there on tablets + desktop).

    It's still accessible on the main page, and the navigation bar (just click the 3 dots to bring up full menu). 

    I know for some people this may be an unpopular decision, but since only a minority of users actually use chat, I feel like the sticky menu at the bottom is far more useful to 95% of users.

    I hope soon to be able to integrate chat within the sticky menu perhaps, so we get the best of both worlds. 

    Open to feedback on this change. 

    Hi @Admin. I thought I was fine with the hiding of the chat button on mobiles. But one issue: I *think* that while you can get to the live public chat from a mobile (just needs one extra click on the "... more" button), there's no way to get to the 121 conversations on a mobile. Is that right? If so, that's a real shame.

  9. 21 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I have never had casual sexual partners so I had to go with long term, but I can see why people would be less concerned telling a casual partner.  Also, if pee is important then it is probably best to talk about it early in the relationship as it may help decide if the relationship is worth pursuing.   On the other hand, if pee is not the most critical thing then maybe you wouldn’t want to risk telling your partner for fear of losing them over it.

    Spot on - that's exactly how I feel. I can't see myself having a casual sexual partner to be honest. But there might be others I might tell (that is, people who wouldn't be sexual partners either in the long term or casual) - though I realise the poll isn't about them 🙂 

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Admin said:

    I am trialling hiding the chat button on mobiles. (Still there on tablets + desktop).

    It's still accessible on the main page, and the navigation bar (just click the 3 dots to bring up full menu). 

    I know for some people this may be an unpopular decision, but since only a minority of users actually use chat, I feel like the sticky menu at the bottom is far more useful to 95% of users.

    I hope soon to be able to integrate chat within the sticky menu perhaps, so we get the best of both worlds. 

    Open to feedback on this change. 

    I'll see how I get on over the next few days and let you know 🙂 thanks for being open to suggestions. And I know you can't please everyone all the time!

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