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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 7 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I have been caught multiple times peeing outdoors.   The most recent was when I was out walking with my wife one morning.   We were walking back to the car and had plans to go somewhere else on the way home.  I needed to pee, so I said that I was going to pee before we got back in the car.   There were quite a few people around so I walked off the path over a little rise with the thought of peeing behind the rise, out of view of the path.   As I dropped down the other side, I saw that actually there was another path there, but I couldn't see anyone, so I thought I'd pee anyway.   I unzipped and started peeing, facing away from the rise, so my back was towards the path I had come from.   Whilst in mid flow, a man and a woman appeared on the other path, walking right towards me.  They had come from a side path, so I didn't see them until they were about 20 metres away from me.   There was no way they could have missed what I was doing and I was in full flow so I made the judgement call to turn slightly away from them and let a bit more out before trying to stop and head back over the rise before they drew level with me.   They didn't seem too perturbed, so I didn't panic.   I stopped a bit short of empty, zipped up and headed back to the main path, but not before they had seen more than they were expecting to see that morning!

    I think that's a mature approach, @Alfresco. It's hard to prejudge people's attitudes in any case.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    I may post later if I think of more, a lot of these may seem like minor OCD or may not be unusual. 

    • I must have my drinks coaster lined up with the edge of the table. If it's at an angle I correct it immediately. 
    • When I turn everything off at night I must turn off the TV before it shows the static. Same with my pc monitor, it must be switched off before it shows "no signal" and goes into standby. 
    • When I'm tired I am constantly playing with my hair, stroking it with my hand and twirling it around my finger. 
    • When making hot drinks I never pour and stir at the same time. I will fill the mug, put down the kettle and pick up the teaspoon. When making a hot chocolate I like to add a little water, stir and then add more. I will still put down the kettle to do it. 
    • Volume measured in numbers has to be set to a multiple of 5. Having the radio set to 7 is a no no. I'll turn it up to 10. 
    • On a similar vein, when setting the volume on my power supply the display must be exact. I cannot be working with it reading 4.99 volts! 
    • I do things in 15 minute intervals. For example if the time is 10 past, I will wait until 15 minutes past before doing something, and if I miss that I will wait until half past. This has got me into trouble a few times. 
    • I love the smell of new instruction manuals and other printed media, to the point where I will literally stick my nose right in there. I also love the smell of petrol, and swimming pools. 
    • When listening to music with headphones I frequently pause because I have imagined people shouting for me from another room. I've even shouted back "Yeah?" in reply to absolutely nobody because I thought someone shouted "Sophie" or "Mum" 
    • hate standing at my bedroom window because I always feel someone is watching me. When opening or closing the curtains I move away as quickly as possible. I don't know why this bothers me, I'm not doing it naked. 
    • I don't remove the stickers on electrical appliances. My 10+ year old washing machine still has the "2 year warranty" sticker on it.
    • I talk to myself a lot "You go in here, that goes there and then I click this..." 
    • I usually wake up with songs stuck in my head. 

    Feel free to ask about any of these, I probably have more! 

    Hmm - that's quite a list 🙂 I think I have got quite a lot more relaxed about things as I have aged, but I still really don't like sticky labels staying attached to things. I always remove them.

    On the bedroom window thing, I am the opposite. Whether the neighbours want to or not, they always have the option of seeing a naked me at the bedroom window first thing in the morning and last thing at night when the curtains are drawn!

    Incidentally, how do you cope with things like this?


  3. 2 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    Does anyone else have any unusual habits or quirks?

    I am something of an indoor nudist, I guess you could say. I live alone and have done for many years. It is my usual habit to spend all my time at home sitting around naked. When I come home from work I immediately undress. I was thinking today how unusual others might think this, so thought I would post about it.

    Anyone else got any similarly odd habits?

    Not unusual Steve. Though the weather has to be warm enough and I am sensitive to the reaction of K and other family members too.

  4. 44 minutes ago, wettingman said:

    Damn I have to pee. I have not held my pee in ages. But after a medical test today I was told to drink lots of water. I have been sitting here for hours as the pressure in my bladder built. I mostly ignored it but now it is starting to hurt, and there are increasingly frequent waves of pressure at my pee hole like it is going to come out. Wonder what will happen when i stand and slowly walk to the bathroom. I can't hold it like I used to.

    Update   45 minutes later:  I had to pee badly for about 2 hours. I had not intended to hold and post , until I realized  how full my bladder was. I have been unable to hold my pee like this for a long time.

     Anyway I wanted to see what would happen if I stood up. While the pressure at my pee hole increased significantly,  a sudden need to do the other thing meant I could not put off going to the toilet. I have been able to not pee when that happened in the past by leaving my dick outside the toilet and squeezing it if necessary. But this time doing so I lost a big strong spurt into my hand. I decided to pee and measure it.  850 ML while  well below what I used to do was satisfying nonetheless.  That is well within the point where I would be getting desperate and need to start externally helping myself hold. which other than some lite squirming I had not been doing. 

    The it's going to come out soon urges were getting stronger sitting here, but now I wonder how much more I could have held if I stayed seated.

    Great description! I hope it was enjoyable and worth the hold even if your volume was down on past achievements! Sounds impressive to me - but then volume has never been my thing!

  5. 13 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Just looked in on the site from my phone and the chat box issue seems to be playing up again...

    Front page main chat blank, corner pop-up ok, but shows zero members on chat. 

    Exactly the opposite issue for me. Corner box live chat is blank; main page live chat working fine!  Edit: And now working fine!

  6. Hard floors get wiped up with old towels or other equivalent stuff from the laundry pile, and I'll do a wipe down with a damp cloth too. All goes in the washing machine straight after. Outside on the patio I'll generally give the area a rinse too from a hose or watering can, as it's generally the same place that gets my pee. I don't do soft furnishings or carpets. 

  7. 3 hours ago, willinglywet said:

    Watching outside in the window and seeing 70 cm snow around everywhere make me think about upcoming spring and summer to get my summer classic back on the sunny roads again. Well still had to wait atleast 3 months to that moment and had to drive my lovely old boring daily driver since then.


    Cant wait for summer..


    Check your tyres before you go out 😉 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, ukpeegirl86 said:

    I'd love to find someone who'd let me visit their house for a weekend and pee all over their carpets, their sofa, their bed, pee in their garden and their car too. All while being watched. As many times as I wanted. I'd like to experiment with golden showers too, but giving rather than receiving. I'd like to pee over the guys dick, chest and maybe face too. I literally wouldn't want to use the toilet for the whole weekend. I'd love to spend the whole time pissing everywhere BUT the toilet and being watched doing so.

    Sounds lovely! I am sure there are many here who would love to be able to make that fantasy come true for you!

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  9. There have been a few discussions recently about statues that pee, both public artworks and for private gardens etc.

    Maybe there would be interest in gathering together a list of these. I'll start with an unusual one from the Middelheim Museum open air sculpture park in Antwerp. It's a bit, err, grotesque. It's called Arc De Triomphe and apparently the creator meant it as a commentary on the patriarchal, self-gratifying contemporary art community. It's big. It's on two plinths and you can walk under it and not reach it with your hands.


  10. 9 hours ago, Vassal said:

    We were open bathroom door policy (for the toilet) too, at least at home. My parents still practice it. We always closed the door when we had guests or visiting others, it was just always open when we peed when it was just us. I wonder how common it is and where it came from. Like are other families like this too and we just don't openly talk about it because it's just so routine? And the fact that we close the door when there's guests limits the opportunities for any of my friends to find out and visa versa. But given how my roommate locks the bathroom door, when its just the two of us here I doubt it's that wide spread. 
    Might just be one of those way my parents might express latent naughty pee fetish behavior without knowing it (or do know it and I'm the oblivious one) that helps foster future pee fetishism in their kids. 

    I'd be curious to pee with the door open at their house now, but I stopped doing that years ago in rebellious teen angst before I fully realized the fetish. Also I don't particularly want or need my parents seeing me pee.

    Really interesting points you make, and your situation is the same as mine. I haven't ever thought about my parents and pee, or whether our open door policy was unusual. I don't now keep the door open when I visit my Mum, and I expect the door to be closed when visitors come here. My children are now grown up (early 20s), but at least at the moment are spending quite a lot of time with us. The open door policy continues here in our house - we all use the bathroom simultaneously. I don't know when or whether that might change. Perhaps if they brought partners with them (both are single currently). When there are friends round, the open door policy is suspended.

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  11. 9 minutes ago, Adyguy6970 said:

    I can well imagine this interview leaving Holly feeling rather bladder stressed:


    Although pee is the one thing that doesn't get a specific mention it's kind of the elephant in the room. 

    Haha! She looked remarkably in control (for her) all the way through 🙂 even when he was talking about how much he likes going down. I can't believe she wasn't getting a little damp by that point. ("What - you have an enormous dick *and* you're orally fixated? Here's my number!") I notice it was Philip asking most of the questions.

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