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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 6 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Getting pissed on while sitting down to eat food (i.e.someone pissing on my top).

    peeing while sitting on a chair, though clothes, or not. E.g.sitting in a cafe and just peeing and hearing it fall on the ground. 

    like others here, peeing on nice dry, clean carpet, or in a bed, is always an enticing thought.

    watching someone pee in jeans. 

    being peed on while I play with myself.

    watching someone piss on walls, furniture, books, etc.

    a pee party, where you can freely piss on things, or other people. 


    That's a great list! You would have no shortage of PF members willing to help you achieve several on that list I'm sure. And others you might be able to fulfil anyway - are those the best sort of fantasy, perhaps? Those tantalisingly close to being realised? Or the more difficult? I'm not sure.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Been a while since I've provided any updates.   I've done plenty of peeing outside, but not a lot different from previous reports.

    This morning I had to go to a town a few miles away for a medical appointment.  I needed to pee a bit when I got there, but waited until after the appointment.   I knew I was going to pee somewhere other than a toilet, but had to decide where.   I saw that in the park, the public toilets were being refurbished and were therefore closed and therefore decided to take advantage of this as it meant that I could pee in the public park and if I did happen to get caught, I would have a reasonable excuse.   I certainly couldn't have justified what I did if the toilets had been open.   To the right of the closed toilets is a brick built shelter.  It is not in the greatest of condition, but it is a shelter none the less.  The whole front is open and visible to anyone in the park.   I walked into the shelter and stood in the back right hand corner, unzipped and peed onto the wall.  The stream ran down the wall and then started running across the floor and out to the tarmac path in front of the shelter.   There was a lady walking in the park but she was far enough away that I didn't let it worry me.   I am sure she wouldn't have had too much trouble working out what I was doing though.

    Photos show the shelter and also the corner that I peed in, you can see the marks on the wall and the stream running across the floor.

    Just an example of some of my other days of peeing which are fairly typical....  Yesterday I went for a walk in the morning and peed in a bin in a park (pic attached), then when I was at home I peed in the garden, peeing on the back wall of the house next to the water butt and I also peed into the "Add Wash" door of the washing machine (the little door that lets you add missed socks to the wash whilst it is running) which was full of clothes.  I had another walk later in the day and peed on the wall in a little alleyway.





    Excellent! Thanks for the update - always good to see you out and about

    • Thanks 1
  3. Pretty Woman

    [Edward (Richard Gere) and Vivian (Julia Roberts) are planning some major league shopping.]

    Edward: Wake up. Time to shop. Now, if you have any trouble using this card, have them call the hotel. All right?

    Vivian: More shopping.

    Edward: Mm-hmm. I'm surprised you didn't buy more than one dress yesterday.

    Vivian: Wasn't as much fun as I thought it was gonna be. They were mean to me. People are looking at me. And no chance to do my pee thing.

    Edward: They're not looking at you; they're looking at me.

    Vivian: The stores are not nice to people. I don't like it.

    Edward: Stores are never nice to people; they're nice to credit cards. Okay, get rid of your gum. And are you filled up?

    Vivian: Yes – I need to go pretty bad now.

    [Later … they enter a shop…]

    [Edward clears his throat]

    Store manager: I am Mr. Hollister, the manager. May I help you?

    Edward: Edward Lewis. You see this young lady over here. Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?

    Store manager: Oh, yes …. I mean no, no, I'm saying we have many things as beautiful as she would want them to be.

    Edward: I think we can all agree with that. We're gonna need a few more people helping us, and you might need to arrange for some carpet cleaners to come in tomorrow morning. I'll tell you why.

    We're going to be spending an obscene amount of money in here, and this beautiful lady needs to pee, and she wants to do it in your store – maybe on the floor, maybe on the clothes, maybe in the changing rooms – her choice.

    So we're going to need a lot more help sucking up to us, and things might get quite wet. That's what we really like. You understand that?

    Store manager: Sir, you're in the right store and the right city for that matter. Anything you see here, we can do, by the way. And whatever you want to do by way of peeing – that’s just fine with us. Get ready to have some fun. Mary Pat, Mary Kate, Mary Francis, Tovah, let's see it! Come on. Bring it out, girls.

    Vivian [jiggling a little]: Oh, this is absolutely divine … I simply have to pee on it!

    Store manager: Excuse me, sir, uh … Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just profane or really offensive?

    Edward: Really offensive. So offensive that if this lady says she has to pee on that dress, your staff will help her do it.

    Store manager: Very well, sir. Girls, lay that dress on the floor, then help our customer to soak it.

    Vivian [squirming, with her hand jammed into her crotch]:That’s right! I want all of us to pee on the dress!

    [Vivian and the store assistants all stand over the Gucci dress, legs apart, and let go through their knickers, so that puddles form in patches on the fabric, spreading and merging, then soaking in. Edward watches, with a growing bulge in the front of his trousers – but he has to leave.]

    Edward [to Vivian]: You're on your own. I have to go back to work. You look great!

    [To store manager]: She has my card.

    Store manager: And we'll help her use it, sir.

    Later… in the boutique from yesterday; Vivian is immaculately dressed in clothes from Hollister’s  store.

    Vivian [to assistant]: Hi. Do you remember me?

    Assistant: No, I'm sorry.

    Vivian [opening her legs and peeing powerfully, with a loud hiss, on to the carpet]: I was in here yesterday. You wouldn't wait on me.

    Assistant: Oh. And what do you think you’re doing?!

    Vivian: I’m pissing on your carpet because I can. You work on commission, right?

    Assistant: Uh, yes.

    Vivian: Big mistake. Big. Huge! I have to go shopping now.

    [Vivian turns on her heel and, still pissing down her legs, walks out of the store.]


    I thought @Paulypeeps might like this one.


    Julia Roberts 3.jpg

    Julia Roberts 2.jpg

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  4. The endorphins are coursing through my tired old body now. I just knocked 7 (seven!) minutes off my half-marathon time: 13.11 miles in 1:40:44 this morning.

    But @Sophie, your time is safe: I have no idea where any other minutes are coming out of that - I was absolutely knackered at the end, and to paraphrase the words of the immortal Shakira "hips will tell me tomorrow that I did some exercise".

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  5. Obviously. When Harry Met Sally (1989).

    Sally: How do you know?

    Harry: What do you mean how do I know? I know.

    Sally: Because they...

    Harry: Yes, because they...

    Sally: And how do you know that they really...

    Harry: What are you saying, that when you think they're faking an orgasm at the restaurant they're really peeing under the table?

    Sally: It's possible.

    Harry: Get outta here!

    Sally: Why? Most women at one time or another have peed under the table.

    Harry: Well they haven't peed with me.

    Sally: How do you know?

    Harry: Because I know.

    Sally: Oh, right, that's right, I forgot, you're a man.

    Harry: What is that supposed to mean?

    Sally: Nothing. It's just that all men are sure it never happened to them and that most women at one time or another have done it so you do the math.

    Harry: You don't think that I could tell the difference?

    Sally: No.

    Harry: Get outta here.

    Sally: Ooo...Oh...Ooo...

    Harry: Are you OK?

    Sally: Oh...Oh God...Ooo Oh God...Oh...Oh...Oh...Oh God... Oh yeah right there Oh! Oh...Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes...Oh...Oh... Yes Yes Yes....Oh...Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes...Oh...Oh... Oh... Oh God Oh... Oh... Huh...

    (Sally finishes, looks at Harry and smiles. Harry looks under the table, looking a little uneasy)

    Lady from another table: I'll have what she's having.


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  6. 1 hour ago, weequeen said:

    This year I got to work at home for several months, so I was able to explore more. I started up with a lot of desperation. I would drink as much as I could and hold it until my bladder couldn't take it anymore and I'd wet myself, first going into the bathroom, but then once I genuinely didn't make it and wet my pants as soon as I stood up from my chair lol. I also had several pillows that were old but I've never tossed, and I would hump those and pee on them.

    Working from home has certainly opened up a few opportunities hasn't it? My patio and garden were a lot wetter in 2020 🙂

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