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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 6 minutes ago, ukpeegirl86 said:

    I think my most memorable piss was about 3am in the heat of summer. I'd woken up and gone for a walk intentionally looking for a piss spot. I was wearing leggings with a hole in the crotch and I squatted to piss in a nearby phone box which was lit up in the darkness, through the hole in the crotch of my leggings. I wiped with a tissue which I then left behind in the middle of the puddle I'd left on the phone box's concrete floor.  It made me horny as hell so I came home and masturbated till I came. 

    That is such a short description ... and so incredibly hot!

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Silv said:

    Thank you for the link, I will read it as soon as possible. Regarding your question, let's say it is better. I was able to have some new experience. I will talk about them in the future. 🙂

    Great! Looking forward to reading about them 🙂 

  3. I totally understand @Silv and thank you for writing about your experiences. I would be interested to know how your relationship has changed since you first spoke about your kink to your wife. And what you now do differently. You may have seen this thread but if not you may find it interesting.


  4. Honestly described, and with permission

    Regular followers may remember that K and I have been trying to expand our pee play in the last few months. It’s developed within the broader concept of scheduling time for intimacy of various kinds – usually but not always with sex at the heart of them. (After 30 years of marriage, with all the ups and downs that come with it, this system has worked well for us: we take it in turns to ‘set up’ the sessions – at least two a week without fail.)

    Before Christmas we had introduced the idea of K sitting on my lap and peeing – both of us clothed, so she wet her thong and my trousers. There’s a link to that story at the end of this post if you missed it. Yesterday was as much exhibitionist / voyeuristic as physical. I had asked K to fill up and hold during the afternoon so she was ready to go by about 5pm. She has very good control and neither of us is into extreme levels of discomfort. I was doing the same filling and holding, and by 4:30 I was starting to feel the tell-tale pressure in the bladder.

    We’d told the (grown up) children who are with us at the moment that we were going to shut ourselves away for an hour or two (they are used to this now – K and I decided long ago that having them around wasn’t going to get in the way of something as important as our physical relationship).

    I’d chosen an outfit for K: cut-off tight denim shorts (no underwear), white knee-high socks and a white crop top with the lining removed. K is 55 and has the body of a 20-year-old: I swear there must be a portrait of her in the loft that’s magically showing her getting older, because she never ages: I am so into her physically it’s embarrassing. I’d love her to choose her own outfits for this kind of sexy pee play – she knows what I like – but in the meantime I am more than happy to help with these decisions 😊 I think most men are visually turned on – I certainly am!

    We chose the bathroom as the location. K stood on the bath mat, legs slightly apart, knees slightly bent, while I sat on the closed seat of the toilet. I had set up the phone to make a video of the whole thing (it’s just for us, and so are the photos – sorry!). We were both getting pretty keen to go, though of course a growing erection while I just looked at her wasn’t going to help me get things started. But after a few seconds her pee was coming.

    I watched as the pale denim at the crotch of her shorts darkened a little and pee started flowing out of the legs of the shorts, down her thighs and on to her socks, running on to the mat and completely soaking it. K turned round to show me view from front and back and I reached out to feel the stream cascading over her skin – so warm and wet and lovely.

    She peed for 50 seconds; half way through I felt the same lovely warmth and wetness spreading in my crotch and legs as I started to pee in my jeans.

    When K was done, I could tell it hadn’t been a turn on for her at all, and she just wanted to get out of her damp clothes and into a warm bath, so that’s what she did. There was all sorts going on that day between us, but even so I think it’s fair to say that for her, wetting like this is unlikely to be a first choice of sexy things to do, which is a pity, but there it is. I was hugely aroused, and while she climbed into the bath, I picked up her sodden shorts and masturbated into them – it was an immensely satisfying orgasm.

    I had thought that the chances of K getting off on the experience were pretty slim – she is very, very good to me, but doesn’t really ‘get’ the kink. But there’s a quid pro quo, so once we were bathed, warm, naked and calmer, we moved to the bedroom where I’d set up candles, burning incense, and our favourite acoustic Paul Weller playlist, and gave K a half hour of massage all over.

    Overall it was a wonderful experience for me, and I hope the first (wetting) part wasn't too difficult for K. I do love her so very much. We both know we have to work hard at our physical relationship, and she accepts my kink, seems to enjoy some aspects of it, and is coming to terms with other aspects. That doesn’t mean that everything always works perfectly.

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  5. 1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Why thank you sir - very kind of you.   It's weird, mostly self perception I think but I always tend to 'downgrade' myself when thinking of what I see in the mirror compared to what I see in others. I'm probably doing myself a disservice.

    It's been said that the angle one views one's own dick from makes the dick look smaller than it does to others looking from different angles. Not sure whether that's true, or whether it's just a way to make ourselves feel better 🙂 

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  6. Those I have shared with K this year have all been memorable - more so than any of my solo peeing. So K peeing over me in the bathtub, and sitting on my lap wetting her thong and my trousers - those have been the highlights of last year. Of course, joining PF and meeting people, and discovering that I like reading and writing about peeing have been fantastic too. (And thanks @Ppgirl for your inspiration ... I  feel the need to write a male-view counterpart to your latest "desperate night in the city" story 🙂

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  7. Well that run was a bit rubbish. You know those times when you set out feeling fine and with good intentions and motivation and it just doesn't work out like that? I wanted to run 10k at close to PB time, and failed. So 4 miles at 7:22/mile, then a walk for a quarter of a mile, and another mile run at about the same pace will have to do. Breathing all over the place, I never settled into a rhythm, legs felt heavy. All wrong. But hey, I got out and about - that's the main thing!

  8. 1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Hopefully a quick bump up the page will gain a few more responses - as a guy I'm hoping for a certain unanimous response.  Not that it really makes a difference to me.

    I'm pretty sure my wife would agree with the preference for 'normal', she accepted me so that gives me a clue (or she's even easier pleased than that. Bless her lol).

    I do wonder whether, without getting to know the guy first, there's a stereotype assumption that anyone who places a high priority on their physical appearance is going to be very self-focussed, maybe shallow.  On the opposite hand maybe a guy who works hard to keep in shape would be perceived as healthy, strong and a protector in a sort of alpha male, survival of the fittest way.  In the movies there does seem to be that image of big muscly guys as being all brawn and no brain.

    So widening the question beyond just the ladies:  For all those attracted to men - is first glance physical appearance enough to put you off, and what are your preferences?


    What's quite interesting here is the fact that not every male on this site reveals much visually about themselves (though some do) but that doesn't stop people (women and other men developing relationships of various kinds - genuine friendships, fantasies) with them. I would like to think that many on this site aren't typical of the world at large, and perhaps look for different things. I might be wrong! 

    For what it's worth, my wife has expressed a preference for the 'average guy' over the gym rat, which is just as well. For myself, there's no doubt that I find a fit man attractive, but I don't put much emphasis on that aspect to be honest. 

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  9. Attributes of the modern world amplify, accelerate and polarise many aspects of life. It's harder to keep a long view in mind; harder to remain dispassionate and rational. And yet connectedness across distance and time provides some measure of comfort.

    Think of it in these terms: we might feel desperate. We are holding on for something good that's coming. There are people online who are sharing our desperation with us, and encouraging us. We know that time is coming when there will be sweet relief. We can experience that relief in many ways - in old familiar places or new. Alone or with others. We can share the results with others who will appreciate what we have done.

    When you think of 2020, and 2021, think of pee. You may find it all seems better. 

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  10. 11 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    The last part of this year has almost killed off any dreams I have to be honest - at every glance of social media, news and opinion I just seem to be reminded of the predicament the world faces itself in.  The hypocrisy, the I-know-best attitudes at every turn.

    Honestly - I just want to get on with normal life. To be able to get back on aeroplanes, to travel, to have a drink with friends.

    Sorry, depressing post to end the year on - but at least I have all you guys.

    Hang on in there Goose. You know where I am.

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