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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Thanks - I'll make one for you. First chance I get 🙂
  2. People change over time. I do many things now that I never did when I got married. Likewise my wife. In fact it would be utterly bizarre if people and relationships didn't develop over time. If you do the same things now as you did 20 years ago, have you really lived in those two decades? So what you tell a person at one stage in a relationship won't be the end of things. Issues around pee kink, and loads of other things, will emerge, reemerge, change many times over the years.
  3. I agree with you completely on this @Alfresco. When the warm weather comes again this year, I have decided that on solo walks in the countryside I will try much more nonchalant peeing. In the past I would have found a tree or a wall to pee against. But I think I'll try just letting it go and wetting my shorts - they'll dry pretty quickly. Some of my solo countryside walks are done naked - just because - and for those, it will be fun just to let it go, and pee down my legs. And if I find myself indoors on my own again, I might just see what it's like to be less inhibited and pee more
  4. What very neat, err, handwriting you have! Very impressive indeed @Alfresco
  5. @Sophie may confirm that one of the best modifications you can make is to the driver 😉
  6. Just now, 40 minutes after a coffee. I'm working from home downstairs today. Didn't fancy using the toilet so I opened the backdoor, walked round the corner of the house and peed on the patio by the dustbins (it's quite a secluded corner). This is my go-to peeing place when I feel like peeing outside at home. It's a wet day, and the rain will flush the pee away in a little while. I heard people walking by on the pavement, but they couldn't see me.
  7. The average over a day is pretty consistent - I'd probably expect that. It would be unusual for you to have a whole day of just doing a few long wees. Or a whole day of lots of little wees.
  8. Right. So the pattern is in part an effect of the rhythm of your day. Weekends might look different from weekdays. Lots of data analysis could be done if you were feeling nerdy enough! Nice to do a distribution of the length of the wees in bands maybe?
  9. Are these wees sequential? Are any missed out? Because if it's an ordered set of all wees, the pattern is really interesting! Why would it be that a big wee and a little wee seem to alternate with such regularity I wonder?
  10. I'll add my welcome to the others here. Hope you enjoy the community!
  11. Yes - I had neglected the mutual masturbation thing. If @greedyneedygirl thinks it counts here, I would mention that when done with a partner, it's one of the most pleasurable things there is to do: particularly when you are in the same room, but it works well enough remotely too (though from experience I can confirm that it's worth taking a bit of time to work out how you're going to set up your communications devices so you don't interrupt the moment when your tablet falls over). You could describe it as (two) people watching live porn and beating off to it. Or if one were more romantically
  12. Thanks for the context @greedyneedygirl - I would be interested to know whether anyone has expressed the view that free access to amazing pornography has desensitized the whole masturbation experience for people. Going back to pre-Internet days, when I was a teenager all I could get my hands on were catalogues that might have women modelling underwear or swimwear, or 'ordinary' magazines with some photos of sexy women in them (until I discovered where my Dad kept his few copies of girly mags). The difference to what a teenager today can get access to is so vast it's hard to comprehend. Ma
  13. And I suspected Pauly would like the story 🙂
  14. Kupar


    I'm sure you will find plenty of people to chat with. It's a great community of pee fans. Feel free to message me anytime if you like.
  15. I had a catheter once only, in hospital, after a UTI had meant I hadn't peed for about 36 hours. My God! The overwhelming sense of relief when I was able to empty my bladder was incredible, and seeing my pee fill a *big* clear plastic bag was amazing. I have no idea how I had been able to contain that amount of liquid. But the horrible feeling of being unable to pee and being in pain from it was something I never want to experience again, and that's enough to put me right off the idea of using a catheter, or even doing any kind of sounding play, even though the idea kind of appeals.
  16. Kupar


    Nice video by the way! Thanks for sharing 🙂
  17. Certainly not a prerequisite for me. Thinking back to my teenage years, I could get myself off very nicely almost without even touching my cock, let alone looking at porn, simply by fantasising. Visualising girls I fancied, and thinking about what I might do with them, would get me achingly hard, and after a few minutes if I even brushed my dick against something, bang: mess everywhere. Now I am much, much older, I can still get myself hard by simply thinking. I can lie in bed and think through a scenario, get hard and bring myself off perfectly happily without visual stimulus except in
  18. Of course, this brings in a completely different kink / fetish!
  19. This is an Interesting thread. I like seeing women in high heels - adding height, emphasising the length and curves of the legs - these things work for me at an aesthetic level. I also like them for their association with sexiness, which is possibly derived from the more purely aesthetic issues. I think heels have probably become a cultural thing too, or even a habit: if you want to be sexy then you wear high heels. And seeing a woman in the street, say, who is wearing very high heels is a turn-on for me - I can't deny it. Added to this are the fetishes / kinks related to feet and shoes (
  20. Lol! Much more fun than what happened when K and I found ourselves in a similar situation the other day. She moved forward on the seat so there was a gap at the back, then I aimed at the gap. My aim was pretty good, but I did catch her bum cheeks and a little pee flowed between them into the toilet. She wasn't bothered, which surprised me as she isn't much into receiving showers.
  21. It is very tempting to swap temporarily. But I fear if I had a nice pair of boobs it would be really difficult to stop playing with them all day. And that's a bit obvious!
  22. I would hope it wouldn't be a disappointment. But if I were you, I'd keep open the option of going back from M to F, just in case you discover that the female orgasm blows the male orgasm away 😉
  23. Maybe @Paulypeeps will be able to find it
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