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Everything posted by Alfresco

  1. I have thought of this idea before as well. I see events where there are rows of portaloos, then an area fenced off with male urinals inside - either troughs or those ones that you stand 3 or 4 people around them. I thought that it should be easy for women to have something where they just squat over a grating in a similar enclosure. Just a grating on stands would be an improvement over the way ladies currently have to pee on the grass behind the portaloos and end up with a muddy soggy mess. With a grating in place, they can pee anywhere, the grass will still soak up the pee and it won'
  2. A difficult situation for sure. Like others have said, maybe you will have to take advantages of times when she is out of the house, or improvise other options elsewhere. I guess it depends a lot on what exactly you want to do, sounds like you enjoy pee play and sex in the shower. In all reality, she isn't going to think for a minute that you never have sex, so would it be that bad for you both to go in the shower together? I know it might be a bit embarrassing that your mother in law knows that you are up to something together at that time, but she will probably be OK with it. If y
  3. Hmm, totally agree that showering at 3am when you were just going for a quick pee is not really what you want to be doing, so I see that won't be great for her. Maybe the bucket will work. Either having the bucket in the bedroom or put the bucket in the shower so that it doesn't matter if it spills.
  4. That was a great experience. I hope that now she has seen the convenience of the shower, she will continue to do that on a regular basis. Hopefully you do too, to have fun, but also to encourage her. No reason to trek downstairs when there is a perfectly good shower. In the past I have stayed in places that have a shower or sink in the room but no toilet, I always use whatever facility is available to pee rather than trek to a communal toilet. No point in having to put clothes on and grab your keys and walk down the corridor when there is a shower or sink available. The same appl
  5. Remember that if you ask for a bathroom in the UK or Europe you are likely to be pointed in the direction of a room with a bath, so unless you want to pee in the bath, then you might like to use the word toilet or the equivalent in the relevant country. Be careful you translate the correct word as, for example, in French, bathroom translates to “salle de bain” (room of bath) so you need to translate toilet which gives you “toilettes”. Similarly with restroom. That is a place to rest or relax and would translate to “salle de repos”.
  6. That's ridiculous, although not the first time I've heard it. Surely littering constitutes leaving something which is not meant to be in the environment, doesn't degrade quickly and is unsightly as well as potentially needing to be cleaned up. Pissing in the countryside is the only option if you are out for more than a couple of hours, it soaks into the ground almost immediately, actually assists nature and is exactly what every other animal does. The only way I could possibly see the littering charge being used would be if that tissue, tampons, pads or packaging of such items were left o
  7. Love your reasoning @vanessa9. I have several times seen ladies in the gents toilets at big events where the queues for the ladies are long, but each time they are queuing for the cubicles although they seem to be quite happy watching the guys using the urinals whilst the wait! I would love it if one time a lady came in and used the urinal for a change, that would be fantastic. As for pay toilets - I totally agree with @WateryMoose that I would find an alleyway or other place rather than paying to pee. I know I am a guy, but I think ladies should also boycott paid toilets and pee outs
  8. Brilliant night @Great Horned Owl. I wonder whether your fiancé's sister had informed her of your interest in peeing - the fact that she asked you to go into the toilet and help her take her nylons/tights down and then wasn't bothered at all about you staying in there with her. For her then to ask you to wipe her and pull her tights back up as well. She may have just been steaming drunk and not caring about anything and not being at all capable and I could certainly see that in that condition a girl might not care about making you leave the room first, but to actually ask you to wipe her,
  9. A great experience @swekiss. I agree with @gldenwetgoose that I never come up with the right words quickly enough in a pee related situation. However in hindsight I would suggest it would be an easy get out - you only needed to say "Be careful in there, someone has made a right mess. I even had to wipe the seat before I could go." That would totally deflect the blame away from you and alert him to what he was expecting to see. Anyway, you got away with it and that's the main thing.
  10. I don't see how they could possibly say that they had agreement from everyone in the Peeing-Outdoors videos. Firstly there are far too many people, secondly some of them are trying to at least make some semblance at hiding, thirdly some of the cameras are obviously static and presumably covertly placed and finally, are they saying that they see someone running into a corner or behind a bin and say "Excuse me, do you mind me following you and recording you peeing in public?" No way. The better defence is that they re filming in a public place where the individuals have chosen to pee wi
  11. So, you know that the breakfast crew enjoyed the view. You also now know that you can repeat going there sans panties without fear of recrimination from them and you might get more free breakfasts. Win, Win. Being spotted by the neighbour is great - was it a male or female neighbour and did they give any reaction? Hopefully they enjoyed the view. I'd love to have a neighbour like you. With that top on, you didn't even cover yourself when stood up. With a longer top you could be covered whilst walking and "accidentally" flash when bending over or sitting down, but that is a bl
  12. Almost makes me want to take up running.
  13. I drink a lot, so whilst I have a reasonable sized bladder it is quite common for me to pee around 8 to 10 times a day. I tend to drink tea in a pint mug and have about 5 of those plus three pints of water, then I might have a beer or hot chocolate in the evening. So that is about 9 pints in and 9 pints out.
  14. It seems to me that this would be a great idea for use where you want to be able to pee but there are no facilities or drains. For example, you could install one in your garage or shed with the pipe routed through a hole in the shed floor or the side wall or under the garage door. You could even install one in your home office or bedroom with the pipe drilled through the wall and protruding a few inches beyond the wall to pour out and fall to the ground, or have a longer pipe outside leading to a drain or put into a hole in the ground. if you have a boat, this could be rigged in the ca
  15. Only just found this thread, so I'm late to the (Christmas) party. However, love the theme and the stories, especially the Night before Christmas @Kupar and the vicar and the WI chair @gldenwetgoose. Both very imaginative and well written.
  16. Indeed I do, but it is always on a Bank Holiday weekend when I have to attend our own location. Also, if I did visit, Mrs A would want to come too and that would further reduce the chances of any sightings. We did go to ALSO festival last year and have booked to go again, but it is a very small event and I didn't see any peeing there other than my own and the once that I persuaded Mrs A to pee in the awning of the caravan. I went to a small local event on my own. It had way too many toilets, but I still saw a few ladies peeing outside. I wrote about it at the time. I might
  17. I would absolutely go if I could, but realistically I wouldn't be able to come up with a good excuse for going and my wife would definitely not approve if I said I was going to see girls peeing. And I don't tend to go to music events here so it would be very out of character for me to go to Roskilde. I am thinking about whether I could get to any decent size festivals in the UK this year though.
  18. Yep agree - I can't see it on my PC or phone. I did wonder if someone temporarily disabled it due to all the bots posting continuously in there.
  19. I agree that it looks like it is a popular pee spot. Could be that it is a convenient corner with just enough privacy to tempt people with a full bladder when they get off the train or when they are waiting for the train. As others have said, probably a mix of men and women. If there is a definite smell there then it is likely a regular spot that has been used for some time. It would take several pees over time to build up the aroma.
  20. You definitely should have said something to confirm she did the right thing. Something like: “Of course not! Better to pee outside quickly than to piss yourself, especially as it would be obvious what happened and you would get cold very quickly” lovely sighting and if, as you said, she is not averse to peeing outside when necessary then just keep her relaxed about it and show her that you don’t mind at all.
  21. A great experience, but did she return the favour and pee for you? Also, did you ever talk about what happened once you were sobered up?
  22. Only just got to this, but @gldenwetgoose, that was fantastic. As ever, you put so much detail into the narrative and have a style which is easy to read and enjoy the events unfolding. Loved the way you built it with one thing after another and then the release but only short lived, leading to other releases and then the ultimate bladder emptying in the bathroom. Brilliant!
  23. Love the fact that she announced what she was doing and presumably you all knew there were no toilets available, then she peed just 15 feet away without bothering to go further or be more discrete. She is obviously relaxed about it.
  24. It is Christmas Day (Happy Christmas) and after the day of eating and generally socialising in the house I decided I needed a bit of fresh air. I asked my wife if she wanted to go for a walk but she didn’t so I went for a short walk myself. I there is a railway bridge near me that has two arches. One over a road and the other is a walkway. The walkway is just off a roundabout. I went into the archway and peed against the wall and on the floor. Some cars passed the end of the arch, but I doubt if they noticed me peeing there in the shadows.
  25. @pissy_nerd01, I don’t generally feel shame, but I do sometimes feel guilty after some of my pee activities. This is especially if I have peed somewhere that others might be inconvenienced by. I know what you mean about feelings changing after having come. I guess I have got passed a lot of it by taking the approach that I often enjoy my peeing but don’t masturbate to coming afterwards. That seems to make it less of a guilt feeling because I am still turned on by it. I have had situations in hotels where I have made a mess and then cum. Sometimes that can lead me to feeling guilty an
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