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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. I love this, Thursday through to Sunday the longest for me, just chilling wetting, changing clothes, get up next morning splash some water on my face clean my teeth (have to have standards 😃) and carry on the same way again. Good soak in the bath and a shower Sunday night and was fresh and ready for work on the Monday.
  2. Well not a Sunday but was having a nice lie in with a book and a coffee, so a relaxing pee felt right, https://www.erome.com/a/xsSg2GLv
  3. I came to wetting pretty late and peeing wearing clothes took a while to get the hang of but more because of the years of conditioning I think. Now I can start and stop at will. Peeing lying in bed is fun but I've never lost control doing it, in the morning sometimes I've tried half dozing and relaxing to see if I'll just leak but never do...I have to make a conscious effort to go. I have often wondered if, after doing it so often, that one morning I'll wake up and find that I peed while I was asleep but never have (well apart from once in my 20s when paralytic 😃). One thing I've tried
  4. I live on my own so pretty much pee wherever takes my fancy, I think the bed edges it as my favourite, although I have got a couple of great doormats that will take a full jeans wetting when I get in through the front toor bursting to go. There's lots of places I want to try, more outside pees, I like wetting so got myself a dark pair of shorts and hopefully just wet them while i'm out and about. I'd love to try the cinema seat that @Paulypeeps suggested 😊
  5. I never wash my hands after peeing at home, well technically that's not true as I pe every time I shower so technically I'm washing my hands then 😃 usually do wash them if have to use a public toilet.
  6. you shouldn't be nervous, and you should enjoy it 🙂 welcome to peefans!
  7. I like this, sometimes if I've been having a marathon wetting/edging session I let it go in my pants, I love how intensely you can feel the pumping if you're wearing something tight fitting 🙂
  8. I really like it, I wet things multiple times, as long as they are dried nice and quickly the smell is lovely
  9. mickymoist


    @puddyls lovely 😍
  10. @puddyls a loose summer dress that is see through in the sunlight is just lovely, the thought that there is probably a pair of damp panties underneath is even better 😍😃
  11. @puddyls that is a fine looking bottom 😍
  12. Wonderful Sophie, that is my top fantasy what a lucky boy Mark is! 🙂
  13. 😄 okay that is with me for ever now
  14. I use one of these under a beach towel when I want to just relax and pee while watching tv, browsing here etc. and don't want to ruin my sofa or floor, works well although not reliable for a bed as its not big enough I have a couple of the smaller ones below for chairs, again I use with a towel, esp if I'm working and don't want to ruin my nice new office chair. Also have an older office chair for when I do want to ruin it 😁
  15. I definitely keep my interests on here completely separate from my day to day life, none of my friends and family know about it. I haven't bothered with separate social media but I never share any of those details here anyway, I have got a separate email address that I use for any porn/fetish related stuff. I live alone and only have a few visitors so it's not hard for me to keep the separation.
  16. I loved reading your account Sweets xx Brought back so many wonderful memories of early fumblings 🙂 The first time touching a girlfriend like that is still a wonderful memory, I was about 16 and we were lying in the grass in the woods and she allowed my hand to venture inside the waistband of her jeans for the first time. I clearly remember sneaking my fingertips into the top of her panties and just feeling her pubes for a second before she stopped me and said 'outside the panties only' so I just rubbed the outside until they got wet....thinking about it as I write I always liked to do th
  17. I live in the countryside and recently to get a little exercise and fresh air during lockdown I've been going out for a walk. It occurred to me that it might be fun to do a little wetting at the same time so I waited until I was already in need of a wee, put on some black jeans and headed out. Now I discovered that I can't actually start peeing while walking 😄 however desperate I am, I don't know if it's a male anatomy thing or just me, but if I keep striding out I just can't pee. It seems to be like a siphon though, if I stop for a moment to start peeing, I can start walking again and com
  18. I got into it really late, not sure how long ago exactly, maybe 12-13 years. I remember surfing porn and became fascinated by 'squirting' and when searching for sites with more of that I had my 'eureka' moment, I found Skymouses Wettingherpanties site. I loved the stuff they were doing and found it a real turn on, then one night I was watching one of their late night webcam shows and the model was holding and telling us how nice it was to hold and wet yourself. I decided to have a go myself, piled up some towels on the chair and when she finally let go I did too, it felt great and that's wh
  19. mickymoist


    Welcome aboard, you're sure to find lots to like here 👍
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