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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. [Moderator's Note - @Peenicks - You'll see I've merged your question into an existing similar thread in this area. Lot's of good discussion here.]
  2. No idea how many different places have been covered off... But I didn't spot a few obvious ones - in a shop changing room - between the shelves in a public library - into a hole on a golf course - On yourself (deliberately, in the bathtub or elsewhere)
  3. I'm going to be really geeky and odd in my responses.... There's a map app called 'What Three Words' which is breaks the world down into a grid where each squares which are each 3 metres / 10 feet square. The idea is that if you're in the wilderness you can let someone know your location by quoting the three words for that specific spot. Anyway - my suggestion is with enough time to make sure you take at least one piss in each square of your yard. My other suggestion is to mix it up a bit - some pees just where you're standing, maybe some naked in the dark, some kneeling, squa
  4. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Sounds like you're in exactly the right place. Do shout up if you have any questions.
  5. Just the one today - @peefan1000 - Have an awesome day.
  6. It was hard to tell from your original question, I was trying to be helpful by covering all the bases. I've moved your post here amongst the various discussions on pee websites. 😉
  7. HBTY @seniorsexlover @tier1969 - Have a great one!!!
  8. Are you thinking @irishbabyboy in terms of online presence - so finding someone who'd either create custom video clips or a live-chat presence who's prepared and able to pee on camera? If so, it may be worth a look at the Pee Websites section. There's various discussions there over Onlyfans and similar sites (some who allow pee more than others) and there may be mentions of individual content creators to interest you. Also there are content creators on the main porn clip sites (thisvid, pornhub etc) who will take commissions for custom content. Our site policy is that we don't al
  9. Thanks - content merged together, duplicates removed and also relocated here. @Goldun Speidyr - This is the area of the site where we collect trans images such as those you've posted. Also for info, if you add to existing posts it helps us keep the site tidy - thanks!
  10. Now that would be a band to see - Perhaps a Robbie / Take That song ?
  11. There are those who are far more expert than me, but a lot of people seem to swear by puppy pads.... the soft waterproof mats about a metre square which you could put on the floor and then put a thick absorbent bath towel on top of. That or plastic sheeting and then towels on top of that?
  12. Just spotted your post here @jmatthews1995 - so giving it a bump - if my dates are right, you've got a couple of days before your trip and hence time to see any suggestions before you travel. I can see where you're coming from wrt the hotel and pool fun. Also, depending how city centre you're going to be I wonder if there's the potential for some interaction - whether it be as an observer of the 'sights' or perhaps getting more involved. Costs are apparently lower in Romania, so you will perhaps be the wealthy overseas business man whilst you're there....
  13. It's a live and let live from me - as I suspect it will be with a large proportion of our membership. For those people equipped to use them, or the subset who are equipped and choose to use them then great - go for it and enjoy. I for one don't feel the tiniest bit hurt or neutered by the idea - that couldn't be further from my mind.
  14. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Please just shout up if you have any questions.
  15. Just the one active contributing member with a birthday today... Happy Birthday to the forum legend that is @Alfresco - Have a great day.
  16. I'm going to show my age with this question - and there's a real risk I haven't aged well. Remember when bands used to play musical instruments - like guitars, bass, keyboards, drums and the like... not just midi tracks and samples... If you were assembling together a band to perform a favourite song for you, and you could pick up the phone to call in any vocalist and musician from anywhere around the world - who would your band consist of? And what song would they perform?
  17. If there was individual stalking of members going on, harassing them with questions and lecturing then you can be pretty sure there'd have been some site bans being issued pretty promptly. And at this stage thankfully that's not the case.
  18. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. Absolutely no reason not to post wetting stories - have a browse around the Pee Fiction content and you'll see pretty much every element of content there. Enjoy yourself browsing around and look forward to seeing your content.
  19. Huge happy birthday wishes @Peevert and also @kat_19 - Hope you all have an amazing day
  20. There's two levels to answer your question - and welcome to the site by the way, If you're meaning 'how do I find women to take part in wet fun with me' then we can only really offer outline advice - you see we're not a hook-up type site. We don't have the sort of 'woman seeking man for golden showers in Chorlton' adverts, and don't encourage those sort of random hook ups. Instead though, if you're thinking about where to catch a glimpse of ladies peeing in semi-public, then there are lots of experiences posted around the site. A few of our members are very skilled at sensing when
  21. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - based on your intro there, and your interest in being watched whilst pissing in public, I can imagine you finding yourself being made to feel very welcomed here. I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it is a fantasy that's like a dream come true for an awful lot of the guys around here.
  22. Quick reminder - If you're reading this and wondering where your post has gone. Yes you, who posted a negative and disparaging post, then it's been removed in line with site rules. This post entirely meets site rules including the policy on extreme content. The OP is to be congratulated on their obvious intent to not cause any damage to another's property. If anyone has a concern about a post it should brought to staff attention by clicking 'report'. Posting critical comments on another member's post is not the PF way.
  23. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans - sounds like you're in exactly the right place. Welcome!!!
  24. Moderating this site is always difficult - especially when the easy course of action would be just to remove comments - but that would be a direct act of censorship and a removal of freedom of speech. We all have our own perceptions of the British Royal Family, some based on what we may have read in the media (reputable or otherwise), others will have served in Her Majesty's forces or maybe received the benefits of the Prince's Trust or Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. There will be those whose families have suffered at the hands of our royal ancestors' and their quest to expand The British E
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