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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Amazing.... Got to love those playful gnomes.
  2. Welcome both to a great community.
  3. Hi Travis, welcome to the site and the community.
  4. The thought also reminded me of a joke I heard the other day..... A guy driving his car stops to pick up a hitchhiker. A mile down the road the hitchhiker says "Thanks so much for picking me up, it's so difficult these days getting a ride. I guess everyone thinks they could be picking up a serial killer". "It's ok" the Driver replies, "anyway what would the odds be of two serial killers in the one car?"
  5. I haven't although there are a select (very few) group of members that I'm in very close contact with, chatting off the forum about all sorts of things and generally being more open about the 'real life' me. I wouldn't rule it out, but with 25000 registered members on this site, I'm going to remain pretty guarded about a lot of my personal information and trust needs to be built. I wonder what the odds are of meeting a serial killer in real life? If they're greater than 1 in 25000 then that could be a worry lol. More likely is meeting someone and finding that their profile was 'lar
  6. Point it over the edge of a bridge or stand on a very tall building lol? i know that’s not what you mean - the bad news is it doesn’t improve with age either.
  7. After I made the comment I thought perhaps I had overstepped the mark, so my apologies. I've taken it that Elodie's posts have been very articulate - like many people with second and multiple languages they put us (well me anyway) to shame.
  8. Welcome to the community - great pic by the way.
  9. Hi and welcome to the site and the community. Great to have you on board.
  10. You know how much we all like it when you 'forget' to be proper.
  11. I feel your pain - although my wife would be a bit upset if I was actively attempting to date. You're absolutely right there are a small number of ladies on the site, compared to the hoards of guys anyway and people are spread around the world. Occasionally people get reminded it's not a dating site, but you've been very clear you know that. There are some great lady members all around the world whose inputs we greatly value, and new members joining all the time. So, relax - enjoy and hopefully you'll make great friendships close and far.
  12. Well done Will. Quite an achievement to be proud of, it's amazing isn't it what a difference a fresh coat of paint will make to a room. Good on you for getting it done, at the moment with lockdown and the like there seems to be so many possible excuses to sit around and not do things - getting to the DIY shop for one. Keep us up to date with the progress and look forward to seeing more pictures as the work comes to a close.
  13. I'm on the wrong continent to be likely to see Indian ladies peeing, but I did see a delivery driver in the UK whilst out on a lockdown cycle ride...
  14. I'm curious.... (no complaint, not saying there's a problem)... Now we have the 'new' chat, there is the list of online chatters / chatterers / chattees that appears alongside. On the homepage though, just above is the list of users online and often there are differences between the two. I know that both lists can include 'stale' names, where 'xyz last visited 10 minutes ago' but just now for example there was a user on the online list browsing the site but not showing in chat. Is that because the chat list is only users with the chat window visible on screen, or is there another
  15. Breezy day and you were being a little bit careful not to show off more than you wanted to?
  16. Great to make your acquaintance - or in other words 'hi'. Loving what you've posted so far. 😉
  17. No problem - I didn't mean to sound rude, so I offer my apologies if my post seemed that way. If they are general nude pictures then you could create your own topic in the 'Sex and Porn' area - anyone can create a new post there. Or where they fit with an existing post that is fine too, just like the delicious pictures you've posted of your ass. The same with peeing pictures, obviously in the Pee Pictures section either in an existing topic or your own perhaps. (I know it's easier and nice to speak with other French people in your language, but Sophie and the other moderators want
  18. And would be great if we could keep to topics too - this is a post mostly for those who enjoy close-up pictures of ladies slits.
  19. Hopefully we can get back onto topic of just looking at cute slits....
  20. That's a great honest summary @Naughts - Thanks. Recently there seem to have been a few guys on the forum about what ladies should and shouldn't do regarding wiping - it really irritates me when people express their preference as though anyone else is wrong and everyone must do as they say. You've described a great balanced view of both sides though and a big hi-five at you for that. So happy wiping, or not wiping however you wish to do it. Thanks.
  21. I'm probably a bit late in saying it but 'Hi and welcome to the community'. Great to read about your naughty pees on the site, one of my favourite aspects. So - welcome (from yet another Brit).
  22. What's the point in commenting if you don't understand? I believe the point is that many couples have enough mutual respect to allow a partner to shower in privacy. The clue is there in the fact the door wasn't left open. If the door wasn't open it's generally understood that you're not welcome to go barging in there.
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