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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. That last name.... C.P. Waterman. that sounds like the perfect pseudonym for any watersports guy. (Sorry to lower the intellectual level there)
  2. Hi welcome to the forum and a great community.
  3. Welcome to the community - it's definitely not just you. 25,000 past and present members should confirm that. There's a smaller (more select) audience here typically, but lots to explore - hope you have fun.
  4. Over the weekend I was doing some renovations, this time on the tired old bathroom. A couple of coffees and the need to pee was gradually taking away my ability to concentrate. Eventually it got to the decision point....
  5. Just to add to my previous.... exercising the imagination when it comes to people I know, just as much as an attractive stranger in the street. Yes, if I see an attractive (to me) person in the street then I may get that spark of imagination about them.... But the added factor is that with friends and acquaintances there's more chance of them fuelling the imagination like throwing a bucket of petrol onto that spark. Like for example giving a lift across town to a client's assistant after she'd supervised a cold outdoor photo shoot and her first words on getting into the car were "
  6. What a magnificent beast.... the car I mean 😉
  7. Glad to see I'm not alone.... I'm almost constantly considering the 'what-ifs', what is she wearing under that skirt or jeans, is she shaved, trimmed or fully natural? Does she need to go, what would her attitude be to pee, what would she do as a last resort. All of those questions and many more. Obviously these are always just personal musings. I find it easy to keep these thoughts separate as pure personal fantasy - nothing improper apart from my thoughts.
  8. Ooh, good question- from my perspective there’s two related aspects.... As a teen and adult before realising I completely had a pee fetish I was obsessed with the femal body (ok, still am lol) - and maturing realised that I wasn’t always very subtle about it. That led to me for a long time feeling creepy about what I enjoyed. I’m going to narrow down from this fetish to actually say this site has made me realise two things: - A girl peeing isn’t always a sign of vulnerability for me to feel guilty that I’m somehow taking advantage. Not being exploited and forced to pee for the
  9. I guess it's the difference between cooking a meal from scratch using fresh ingredients, versus taking a ready meal out of the freezer and popping it into the microwave. Both will meet your need to be fed, but one will take way more effort, requires some knowledge and a fair bit of practice to get right. Which one gives more satisfaction - well, guess that comes down to whether you're satisfied just to consume the food or whether you derive pleasure from creating it (despite it taking more effort). No right answers, just preferences...
  10. Hi there and welcome to the community. Hope you enjoy finding your way around and just shout up with any questions.
  11. To echo what others have said - here in the U.K., well Europe in general the manual transmission is standard and autos are an option or a luxury thing. There is a certain satisfaction - being able to master the clutch, balancing engine revs on down changes and of course hill starts. My son is learning now and it’s been obviously rewarding seeing him get those things nailed. Having driven in the US (of course in an auto) I think also there is a slightly different approach as well - setting off from junctions seems more relaxed somehow. In the U.K. we seem to get underway a bit more cri
  12. Straying from the topic a bit @ukpeegirl86 but I’ve just somehow browsed two of your ‘wee’ tales one after the other from two different posts.... perfect in every sense and very hot. Here’s to many more!
  13. Some of the pictures I find the absolute hottest are taken from an angle where the girl's genitalia is hidden from view, on some even the stream and puddle aren't visible - but her naughty smile and her eyes are. The attraction for me of images like that definitely includes the wider scenario - why is she choosig to or having to piss there. How much fun is she having as a consequence? Compared to fully naked paid models, all in the same squat with knees wide apart and all on show.... well for me there's no comparison...
  14. More freedom as a consequence of lockdown - in that I'm largely working from home, whilst unsuspecting wife is still office based and has been throughout. That said, son has been home from college and now on holiday for the summer so I haven't completely got the house to myself. Gives the opportunity to browse freely though during the day and to pee as the desire hits, though obviously not in places and ways likely to be detected. Sinks, washing, hard floors, clothes for laundry - that sort of thing. Also the garage of course...
  15. I'm not one for thinking of churches as 'sacred ground' so for me there's nothing about a church that makes it automatically naughtier. However, the closeness to other people and the broad daylight factor along with being on the path to the car park all raise the stakes. If there was a formula for calculating naughtiness, then all of those factors must score highly - I guess the more chance of being caught then the increased naughtiness. In a garden or the barn maybe a small number of people, but at a Christening I guess lots of family and friends who'd all remember that girl peeing outsid
  16. Funny thing isn't it the human brain.... Whilst you're in bed, or if you'd been already wearing clothes then what are the chances your brain would continue to cope? Yes you may have felt desperate, you may have still been squirming and pressing legs together, feeling your fullness pressing as though it were held only on the very last muscles in your urethra. But chances are your brain would have held it. Yet because you're naked, brain allows bladder and muscles to consider the prospect of release there as you stand on the carpet. Brain knows you're not comfortably sitting on the
  17. Welcome to the community.... Hope you find yourself right at home. We're always nice. 😉 Just shout up with any questions.
  18. Lots of this sort of thing on Imagefap...
  19. I was tempted to post that one... It is on Imagefap in all its high resolution glory - a sequence of the girls flashing boobs, bums, pussy, and full naked. Like a fool I overlooked the innocent starting point though. I do love their coyness.
  20. Well it’s not essential. I generally do, particularly if I’m aiming, but when I say that it’s not a full on pull back - just enough that the circle of foreskin lies outside the edge of my slit. Does that make sense? What I mean is I pull back so about 1/2 inch of tip is unsheathed. If I pull fully back, for example if I was erect and playing then my stream is more of a jet with more distance. Of course if I was peeing hands-free, like in the shower for example, then I wouldn’t pull back at all. It doesn’t really affect direction or anything else. Finally - having a foreski
  21. I'm not sure I understand your comment there @Ms. Tito.... I'm sensing that you're frustrated that I've covered girls and blokes but haven't gone through a list of possible non-binary cases and situations??? If so, your observation is absolutely correct. Do I need to apologise for my omission? Firstly let me say that my whole outlook and ethos is for inclusivity - whether it be that Black Lives should be afforded the same rights and respect as any other lives or that LGBT+++ should be free from discrimination. Even for that matter taking the time to help someone feeling low. I'm n
  22. Jumping in a bit... But yes when you're logged in and you view your own profile you should be able to edit your banner image and also your profile image (at least from a computer browser if not from a phone as well). There should be an edit symbol on both pictures. Agree that the media and gallery is always blank. (Edited - I misunderstood that you were asking about the profile pic that appears against any posts and messages.)
  23. Awesome - thanks for posting. Absolutely beautiful that you're both able to enjoy such moments together and have got such a close bond. As the third party pervert - very hot too, I can imagine perfectly just how amazing it felt from your description. Only complaint is too many apologies in your writing - absolutely no apologies needed, and even if you were posting every day it would never get old.
  24. I guess it's entirely similar to guys using the urinals in a bar toilet... Just standing having conversations whilst peeing. We (as this community) have the love of all things pee related, but for most people of course it's just a function. Just like you'd speak to someone whilst sipping a coffee, you could carry on a conversation over a pee. I know some guys get pee-shy and need their privacy. I know some of us may have inferiority complexes that everyone else is bigger. I'm guessing it's no different to the ladies - for most it's a bodily function. Everyone's body is subtly d
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