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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. We try our best Ma'am.... And of course the message to everyone is if someone treats you like that - click and report it. You certainly won't get in trouble, they will in the first instance just get a friendly arm around the shoulder and some guidance.
  2. ok - no probs - won't go down that path then 😉
  3. Depending if you're comfortable discussing it in the open, just posting in a topic may be of interest to other members too. Of course if it's too personal that's understood too.
  4. Welcome to the Peefans Pub - pull up a chair by the bar. Today the Peefans Staff have introduced a clarification on site rule #8, it's an important point around using this site as a gateway to other social media sites. You can read the rule in detail here. Whenever I try and explain the reason for this rule and some of the other undesirable behaviour we as Staff try to deal with, I find myself using the analogy of a cosy local pub / bar... So, good evening and welcome to the Peefans Pub. As a new visitor, picture yourself having just moved into the neighbourhood and visiting y
  5. Hi and welcome - indeed welcome to you both, since I imagine hubby will be reading over your shoulder too. If you have any questions or need any help finding your way about please just shout up!
  6. Welcome to the site - we're a very friendly bunch here. Any questions whilst you're finding your way around just shout up.
  7. Out of curiosity - since everything has a subtly different interest in this kink of ours... Appreciate that you're a fan of peeing in different places with variety, but don't want to cause lasting damage or odour. Do you gain any enjoyment through desperation, or at least from the eventual enjoyment upon the release at the end of a long period of holding? I only ask in that it could open up a few new areas of suggestion for you - but don't want to go down that rabbit hole if it's not your thing.
  8. The logic is that when you then run the dishwasher, the detergent, water and heat will sterilise everything and rinse away every trace of your nectar. Of course if your dishwasher is right in front of a big kitchen window then you may have a different cause for concern lol.
  9. Our main bathroom is downstairs, with a toilet / sink upstairs. The upstairs toilet is basic and it's also one of those where the position of the tank means the seat won't stay up by itself, you sort of have to stand to the side and press a knee against it. When I'm in the house alone, and working in my study upstairs obviously I just use the sink whenever possible. I have to walk past it anyway. For those appreciating a view of male peeing there's a couple of photos at https://peefans.com/topic/16467-bathroom-renovations/ Similarly if I'm doing any jobs in the garage I
  10. That's really crappy - both that it happened to you and that people out there have got such lives that they do that kind of thing. Bad luck and I'm completely gutted for you. It's always a bit of a thought on here, especially when we see new members splashing about social media hooks and asking to message etc, and why the rules around sharing snapchats, kiks and the like came about - hopefully we're all genuinely who we say we are with no ulterior motives.
  11. Hi and welcome to the community, I'd say you're definitely in the right place.
  12. Well, your pretty much right on all scores. Our motorways are generally 70mph although there are now 'smart' motorways which can impose lower limits when the road is crowded. Our other roads depend on how built up the area is, and can be 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60/70 limits. It's largely a case of remembering what speed limit sign you passed last. And yes, we do get speeding fines and penalty points added to our licences - worst case even being a driving ban.
  13. Welcome to the site... Always great to see a new member. Please can you only use English on the site 😉
  14. @Ruben - Please note that the only language for the forum is English. Por favor, solo habla usted en ingles.
  15. Hmmm.... Interesting challenge. Completely understand where you're coming from in terms of no mess or damage. Thinking of a few random thoughts, sorry to duplicate a bit: - Do you have a floor that isn't carpet, like maybe a tiled kitchen floor - and to save on cleanup maybe combine with peeing onto a big towel which is going in the wash anyway. - Perhaps having a wide neck bottle or jar - and maybe to add a dimension of risk, it has to be used in the dark or blindfolded? - A kitty litter tray, just as though you had a pet cat. - Perhaps if you want to have pee fun wi
  16. Here's some real life grandeur from the north of England... I have an app on my phone from a local university that monitors solar activity and gives an alert when there's a chance of seeing the Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights). It's very rare to see them in my part of the UK partly because of us being slightly too far south but also a lot of the UK being populated and suffering light pollution. Last night 11pm and my app pinged, a quick look out of the back door confirmed the skies were at least partly clear, so I jumped in my car with camera and tripod. I'm fortunate to live
  17. Moderators note - As a single image with plenty of good discussion I've moved this topic. Generally we try to keep the Pee Pictures section as images and the discussion here. 😁
  18. Perhaps the answer is just don't do it whilst his wife is watching....
  19. Great way to arrive here... glad you find us too. ps - Nice choice of name 😉
  20. @will64 - brilliant to hear from you, I've been genuinely missing your posts and pictures - the sort of images that only you can find and post. So glad to hear that all is (fairly) good with you. Obviously a difficult time in so many ways for you, but sounds like you're coping really well. Good on you! Obviously no pressure to post here - just as and when you want to.
  21. That was almost as subtle as one of my hints... Love the fact though that you enjoy giving us that insight into the unique pleasure you and your husband have between you. We are truly privileged.
  22. Totally agree with @Alfresco there. The term Escort is definitely one of the nicer terms for what is apparently the oldest profession on earth. In the UK a good few years ago Billie Piper had a starring role in a TV series as a classy escort and had quite a positive impact on the general public idea of the profession. As we and @ukpeegirl86 have all touched on, it is a somewhat niche thing when the boundaries between pee services and other areas are put in place. Perhaps if it were to be pursued on the basis of additional 'pocket money' rather than a dependable regular income then cons
  23. Now I'm jealous of your boyfriend lol.... (I'm just moving this to the Men Peeing section so it can get the widest appreciation)
  24. Cool - no problem at all - and my unreserved welcome to the community. (We do suffer from this thing where a certain type of newcomer mistakes us for a one-to-one chat site from the outset, or worse. Clearly though you understand us and you're in the right place).
  25. Firstly @Draco36 - a huge welcome to the site. I don't mean to sound negative and I completely understand your situation - but do have to say, we don't really encourage people hooking up off the site. We're not a hook up site, we're a community for people to share their interest inside this safe bubble. In the forum we can help if someone oversteps the mark, or becomes uncomfortable whereas in the big wide world we don't have that influence. Also when you message one-to-one, you interact with one person but when it's an open discussion just like this you've got thousands of like m
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