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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. You're definitely in the right place to share those experiences and to read about lots more - look forward to hearing them. Just shout up if you have any questions, we're here to help.
  2. In my case the thing that gets me more disappointed than anything is my inability to gradually build up to full. I can sometimes, but more often it's the case that I'll have been drinking filter coffee which gives me a sort of 'all of nothing' effect. So for example if I've been in work and know I'm driving home mid afternoon, in a perfect world I'd set off reasonably full and enjoy the jeopardy of feeling more and more full on the journey, to find desperate relief at home - or by the side of my favourite country lanes depending on the weather. What usually happens instead is exactl
  3. Welcome to the community - you're by no means alone in Australia in enjoying 'crystal showers' or for that matter various shades of gold. Do shout up if you have any questions, otherwise look forward to seeing your contributions to the community and friendships developing.
  4. Obviously we don't know too much about you, and not being judgemental either. But since you're on an 18+ site we'll assume that's you. I'm guessing you have a laundry basket or baskets around the house, and at the moment your parents take care of anything you put in there... Perhaps it's time to start 'adulting' and putting your own stuff into the washing machine? Perhaps gradually get into the habit of doing your own washing before parents get to it - "I wanted to wear these jeans again so I thought I'd give them a quick wash..."
  5. Looking forward to the follow-up on this... My money is on you to beat him, but either way what an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing with us.
  6. Reminds me of a quote by my sister-in-law, who I've known since being a child. This was when she was probably 18 or so. We'd been out and about on a really cold winter day, she popped into some public toilets and when she rejoined us she announced loudly to the whole family and the world in general "I don't mind going for a wee when it's cold, 'cos it warms your bum up". Guess that answers the question for her then.
  7. Hi Zoey - Welcome back in, let's hope we don't lose you again.
  8. I'm somewhat late to the party - hopefully you're very well aware what effect every one of your true accounts has on me. As always a beautiful and heady mix of reality, natural warmth, brilliant description and gentle jealousy (on my part) of your husband. Anything else will pretty much be duplication of everything I say every time.... But still applies every time.
  9. That trips everyone up... The site doesn’t accept videos (except gif clips) so instead you’d need to host them somewhere else and then post a link to them.
  10. I'm sort of feeling relatively cool and chilled now, or at least feeling suitably unconcerned about having too many odd traits. I do have a complete intolerance of the tinny grating noise of a mobile phone on speakerphone, when it's turned up to distortion. Just turn it down to the minimum volume necessary or better still take the call though the earpiece like it's designed for. I'm a bit possessive about some things being put away correctly - TV remotes, keys and kitchen utensils but then if you try and find some paperwork in my study it's exactly the opposite. So all in all I thi
  11. <Features drunken female public wetting and subsequent lesbian themes> Holly woke with a jump as the train rattled and shook over the rough tracks. Not so much woke up, but jolted out of a drunken stupor. It had been an amazing night in town, just like the old student days - a pub crawl around the university quarter pubs and then finishing the night at school disco club night. That sort of explained the outfit - over-tight white blouse, school tie loosely fastened, pleated loose black skirt, with knee length white socks and converse trainers. The night had been just wha
  12. Moderator's note - A couple of posts hidden just here. New members (and anyone who needs a reminder) is encouraged to read the site rules. In this instance Rules #9 & #15 - We all enjoy different aspects of the kink. Asking someone not to include detail on a certain aspect 'because you don't enjoy it' is not the way we do things here. It's completely deflating and discouraging, when they've gone to the trouble of posting content for us to enjoy. As my granny used to say "If you haven't got anything good to say, just don't say anything".
  13. Welcome Alex - Please understand that the only language to be used on the site is English (schreibe bitte nur in Englisch). Thank you! Also, note that Marley is no longer a member of the forum.
  14. gldenwetgoose


    Welcome to the community Savanna. You’re certainly in the right place to find people into pee - male and female. Take your time and browse around, you’ll hopefully make a few friends. Note that I’ve said ‘friends’ and ‘community’ because that’s what we are - if you were looking for a pee hookup site, sorry that’s not us.
  15. A big welcome in - a very respectful and friendly place. You'll get out just as much as you put in, just shout up with any questions.
  16. Just looked in on the site from my phone and the chat box issue seems to be playing up again... Front page main chat blank, corner pop-up ok, but shows zero members on chat.
  17. I think we all agree that American and European cars have been designed with very different agendas for the last five or more decades. Whilst the US industry were still bolting the same powerful V8s and auto transmissions into soft suspension muscle coupes, the European market were creating the hot hatch - building on rally and short twisty circuits with the Quattros, the Lancias, GTi's and RS Turbos. Not just motivated by the twisty European roads and cities, but fuel efficiency and teasing performance out of small engines with the game changer of fuel injection. . Give
  18. I was going to say welcome to the site - but then I see you've been around for six months or so. In that time I'm sure you've already worked out we're not a dating or hook up site. Good luck with asking people to send you pics and videos, again it's not what this site is about. Perhaps instead if you just join in the community a little more, comment on posts, get to know people a little, chat and be friendly you may have more chance.
  19. If I'm ever in your part of the world I'll be sure to let you know...
  20. Bit of a little funny on chat this afternoon (5:15pm UK).... Chatting using the corner pop-up live chat (Safari, desktop browsing) all appeared normal - however other members asking if they'd been banned. Seems that the Home Screen chat is completely blank, as is pop-up-in-new-window chat. Also the list of chat members online is blank in all three places. Corner-pop-up remains ok... Refreshing screen doesn't make a difference - and same experience on mobile (Safari iOS browser) and for other users.
  21. Welcome to the community, hope you quickly find yourself right at home.
  22. Was about to give some advice - and then I realised it was in the fiction section. So that’s good - it means that your writing is fine, it was completely realistic. Great story - I hope there are more chapters, maybe brother and sister can work out their differences somehow - but of course not stop the peeing.
  23. I really don't want to come across as negative here... and will try my best not to. Here in our community we all love pee - in one way or another - and we wouldn't be here if not. Some like watching desperation, others being desperate or peeing in naughty / public places. Some like peeing on themselves, others like peeing on others or on objects - like your Aunt's carpet in this case. We're all generally very accepting of each other's choices even if they're not our first choice, because that's who we are. Outside of our world I guess it's easy to forget that the vast majority of
  24. Times are indeed changing - maybe only very slowly within generations of households, but here we're a huge family with common interests - and welcome you in to share with us. It is a big mind -change to believe less in the 'wrongness' and adopt to the natural and beautiful way of thinking. Loving your anecdotes and memories so far and so glad to have you sharing them with us. Never be afraid - here at least.
  25. I'm not going to disagree with either of the last two answers - In terms of volume, it does seem to be what goes in must come out. But apart from the water, I do find that coffee, beer and energy drinks (along with some sweeteners used in drinks like lemonade) have the effect of making my need go from zero to full on nearly wetting in a matter of minutes. Sometimes can be fun, other times less so.
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