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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I *think* something amazing happened this morning, it certainly seemed like it. I really hope I'm right, although I'll probably never find out. This morning I was in work and used the gents bathroom. To build a picture I work in a first floor office of 120 desks, which prior to lockdown were all occupied by four European nationals. Now with the pandemic the majority of people work from home, and on any given day there are maybe 15 people in the office, with a slightly higher number on the ground floor. We're almost all engineers, so it's about a 4:1 ratio of men to ladies. Heading out
  2. Whilst I'm on the subject of flash-backs to my college days....
  3. Wow - thanks for posting, brought back wonderful memories. Haven't heard Bauhaus since being introduced to the band in my first year in a shared student house - everybody had different coping mechanisms and hearing it blasting across the landing wasn't the worst. Coincidentally, also not a bad entry in the 'Music to F*** to' post either - at least for the last 3 minutes of the F***ing. (Sorry for lowering the tone)
  4. Echoes here of some of the comments above - my brain chemistry doesn't really create the impulses making me want to look, and for two specific reasons. One reason is all around throwbacks to a different era when my mind (and society's attitudes) were a lot more black and white and I, back then was a lot harsher in my view of sexuality. (How childish is it to think that by glancing at guy's cock I've 'outed myself', any more than eating one vege-burger makes me a vegan). The other reason being body image hangups that mean in my mind I always compare poorly to the guy next to me. Yes there
  5. That's a really interesting read. It's struck me for a while how many more opportunities people get when they're not solely attracted to the 'opposite' sex. Whether it be the chance to admire all the scenery in the mens locker room and urinals, or the opportunity to sit in the next stall to the pretty girl. The posts there really convey that - never take it for granted. I'll admit I've changed my outlook for the broader in the time I've been a member here. Much for the better I hope.
  6. There's something delicious (in my mind anyway) about sneaking a pee outdoors in near pitch darkness. If it was summer I'd suggest just sitting cross legged on the grass rather than squatting or standing. Kneeling with knees apart is a valid option though too.
  7. Magic words.... do you have a shortlist of places in mind?
  8. Wow - could see how much you really needed to go - and looks like that may have been a little bit of a risky place? Love it and thanks so much for sharing. (Note - Respect is the norm for this site - you can be almost certain of that)
  9. Guessing I'm probably at least an hour late to the party...
  10. I've done the sit down and aim against the porcelain once or twice in the past too. The last pee on the phone I remember though was during last year's lockdown. It was at that point where the country had been at a complete standstill for a few weeks, and I'd been 'working from home'. Inverted commas because I didn't have any company issued IT and so no ability to work on my secure projects. Instead lots of browsing time, jobs around the house and time on my cycle turbo trainer in the garage. It was one afternoon I'd been cycling in the garage for about an hour, well hydrated and warm w
  11. Fantastic and just a little naughty. Hope you managed to take care of that horniness too!
  12. Hi and a huge welcome to the site Doe. No need to be shy amongst us, we're very friendly and this is a very supporting and polite site. Along with lots of others I'd love to see your content when you're ready to share. You may already have seen we've got the Pee Pictures and Pee Videos sections for all 'non-male' peeing and then there of course is the Men Peeing section too for pictures and videos. The way the site works is that you can add to an existing post if relevant, or start off a new post. Pictures can be added to a post but to keep the site costs sensible any video clips need
  13. Hi @SikkSixx and a big welcome - have a good browse around, see whether 2021 seems active enough for you. Lots of friends here - but worth mentioning we're not a chat site or a hook-up place, we're an open community of like-minded friends. Feel free to get involved commenting and posting on the site. We do have a few site rules to have a browse over - and just shout up with any questions.
  14. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. A great set of aims there, and look forward to us all getting to know you a little more. Hope I don't come across too miserable when I point out we're not a pee partner hook-up site, but there's every chance you'll get to know lots of people with a very similar outlook on life. Enjoy getting to find your way around and do shout up with any and every question.
  15. Today's lovely find - Erin Moore as found on Imagefap See more at: https://peefans.com/topic/7393-floor-pissing-ladies/page/59/?tab=comments#comment-267172 https://peefans.com/topic/1896-peeing-through-panties/page/97/?tab=comments#comment-267171 https://peefans.com/topic/10696-small-boobs/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-267169
  16. Erin Moore - as found on Imagefap See more of her at: https://peefans.com/topic/4926-slits/page/45/?tab=comments#comment-267170 https://peefans.com/topic/1896-peeing-through-panties/page/97/?tab=comments#comment-267171 https://peefans.com/topic/7393-floor-pissing-ladies/page/59/?tab=comments#comment-267172
  17. Well, let me the first to offer the kind of welcome that we give here - you are definitely welcome, with absolutely no criticism of your fetishes - in fact what you've described is entirely typical. Can't wait to see some of your content. I will offer a few words of realism, that despite a huge membership our regular 'active' core is a little less and the fictional written word seems to get a little less appreciation than the instant gratification of images and videos. But - please don't let that deter you. Have a good browse around too, you'll start to get to know what we have goi
  18. Excellent - hopefully the sweat and tears over diagnosing the issue was a beneficial learning exercise too... at least in thinking about potential fault cases if nothing else. Well done.
  19. Great topic - can I include a bit of perving as well as peeing? I think I've covered off quite a few bucket items already, so now I've had to think up a few more - lots of inspiration around the forum fortunately: 1) To carry out a few studio photoshoots. Something classy, uniquely lit, sensual and of course with a wet climax. 2) To spend an evening out in my favourite city with the time and the luck to be fortunate with plenty of female pee sightings. 3) To spend a few days just nonchalantly peeing / wetting around the house and garden. (I have the venue in mind, al
  20. Exactly as @Theo said - and as you mention clips, that points towards the hosting them on a site somewhere else and then in your post here just include the link to them. The one other thing to mention, generally as a principle, when posting you own content most people start a new post with it (and then it's clear it's yours). If you can though when you come to post more content, add it onto the same thread and then it keeps the site tidier. If you're posting pics or links to videos found on the net, then probably there'll already be a suitable post to add them to (again to keep the
  21. Red to make the boys blush - is that how the saying goes? Absolutely adorable and so brave as always @puddyls - love them!!!!!
  22. Thank you @rameno01 for clearing that up - and we wish you every success with getting your new site up and running. And @humbub of course free speech is allowed, we understand you expressed your initial opinion of what you saw, but please keep communication on this forum positive. It's a fine line whether the site rules around insulting others have been broken, but the simple answer is let's just keep everything happy.
  23. I know the peeing in front of friends is a big step, but to be honest peeing in an alleyway behind a dumpster is something you could do today, well maybe tonight anyway. Every day around the world hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people will find themselves in the situation of needing to pee and will duck down an alleyway and standing or squatting by a dumpster or in a hidden doorway. (Yes I know peeing outdoors is illegal in various countries, but so is driving at 35 in a 30 limit. It doesn't mean every single person gets arrested. All the youtube and tiktok videos tell
  24. Yes - when I wrote the question I was thinking of any sexual link - so obviously golden showers during sex, or pee play in the shower etc. But also feeling aroused as a consequence of pee activity (watching or partaking), so yes masturbating as well. The opposite case was someone recently who had posted that they enjoy the feeling of holding but there is nothing sexual about it for them. I'm curious as to whether that's a common thing within the membership here.
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