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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. It appears that benches in graveyards are far more common than I imagined... It's just the anatomically shaped part that seems less common.
  2. You're definitely 100% in the right place, hopefully as you've already gathered, you're amongst like-minded friends. Any questions please just shout up, and enjoy!
  3. No problem at all with posting links to innocent blogs.... as long as it's on topic it's fine to share here.
  4. https://peefans.com/topic/2335-naughty-indoor-peeing/?do=findComment&comment=100522 Apologies if this is a duplicate of the video mentioned above.
  5. Well, you know we’re here for you when the time, and frame of mind is right. Life is definitely a juggling act as you’ve hinted, sometimes it feels right to be here and at other times I know what you mean about just not feeling it. But glad to hear from you now.
  6. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - I'm sure you'll quickly feel right at home, but just shout up with any questions.
  7. Absolutely incredible - love every word of it. Actually I don't think I can summon up any more words for it....
  8. Exactly as they ^^^ said @jmatthews1995 - definitely welcome and the wetter the better. Hopefully you're feeling at home, you're amongst friends and there are a good number of people already enjoying wetting, so please go ahead to you heart's content.
  9. Ahh, that beautiful combo - and beautiful photos. Maybe you didn't need to - but I for one love the fact you did. Thank you!
  10. I love the real world concerns you've put in here @Bacardi - the fact that you have a whole unknowing family around you for one, and clearly take them into account, along with your privacy. I tend to agree with the comments above, and i can see the balance between desire and restraint. I've highlighted #4 on your list because I wonder if there's a simpler solution - guessing your house / apartment has a bathtub rather than just a shower? Maybe you've already satisfied yourself with peeing the length of the tub and want to see how much further you can reach? If not my first distance / h
  11. Hey - I've seen your videos and photos. Let's just say I think you're definitely further from home than I am.
  12. Remember, there's a 'Highway to Hell' but only a 'Stairway to Heaven'. Maybe that gives an indication of the expected traffic volumes.
  13. This is dedicated to all the ladies (and gents too) who've ever found themselves confronted by a man who is, erm, a little underwhelming.... https://xhamster.com/videos/look-how-tiny-it-is-xhXYYAn Don't be put off by the title - and forgive my humour in posting it - it did make me laugh out loud. Hope you enjoy watching - and some great acting for once too.
  14. @radu - I understand that English may not be your first language - but please try very hard not to post negative comments. It is a very special moment when somebody shares a real experience with us and even more special when they post pictures too. Please just enjoy the moment with them.
  15. Totally agree... I get that outdoors, especially in public situations it'd be inconvenient and very conspicuous to have a couple of LED lighting panels clustered around the model - although in a forest scenario for example a folding pop-up reflector wouldn't be too unmanageable. Indoors in a dedicated set there's really no excuse. My other pet hate is the sound quality - when it's outdoors and background traffic noise or an aeroplane flying over completely obliterates any chat between the models, which for me is often the key part of the clip. It's not like they'd need to be radio-mic'd
  16. Whether intentional or not, looks absolutely perfect - and perfectly subtle too. If we’ve learned anything from your posts though, I’ll bet that’s not the last we see of that dress or those panties. (Living in hope anyway).
  17. From the description and the ‘name starting with’ which is their site username here, I do know 95% confidently who you are looking for. However the member in question hasn’t logged onto the site using that account for some time now. They are still listed as a member, so the best suggestion would be just to keep an eye on the site for them - but it’s their choice and it would be totally in appropriate for me or anyone else to reveal any more about them. Not to mention that revealing personal information about a member is a breach of Rule #3. There is always the possibility that
  18. Hi and a huge welcome to two-way membership, like you I was a long time finally arriving - but welcome. Do shout up of course with any questions. Great videos too.
  19. Wow - incredibly hot account, and so glad you managed to get your moment. Can see how incredible it felt for you. I can completely relate to that having to keep it behind closed doors and choosing the moment carefully. I do find that when the rest of the family are about my thoughts can generally be satisfied viewing pictures or videos, reading stories or just using my own imagination to paint pictures in the mind's eye. Often though as soon as I've got the house to myself, just like you found it's like a door being unlocked and the monster being let loose. In those sort of situati
  20. @Admin - I've noticed that some photos from my phone will upload ok, and others won't as @speedy3471 is finding... There's no option on the iPhone to photograph at a lower quality or resolution. Would it be appropriate to increase the size limit very slightly?
  21. Does sound a great scenario. It does seem that some cameraphones now are producing photos of a resolution and quality that leads to bigger file sizes than the site permits. I've found that too. It's a bit of a faff to edit them and save as a more compressed image with no visual impact, but it is a nuisance.
  22. Quite the opposite it seems - Male pee is less acidic, at least according to the expert gardeners of the National Trust in the UK. https://www.treehugger.com/is-male-pee-better-than-female-pee-the-compost-conundrum-4857550 I'm guessing you mean 'bladders' and not blisters - although I'm not sure that's true either - there's lots of discussion in the forums here about ladies peeing much larger volumes than men in a lot of cases. Welcome to the community by the way.
  23. I don't know about adding questions - it's probably fine as is. My only comments would be that Q3 on whether something scary would make me pee myself, is a bit binary - it's essentially a yes / no or a don't know. I suspect if I was bursting at the time and suddenly startled then there's a good chance I may - so that could be an option. The other thing that would be interesting would be to open up a question as to whether you know anyone else who has wet themselves through fear or shock... I can think of a couple of examples where I've been told about real cases, like the lady walking
  24. I'm not one of those people who've seen every single scary movie and can cite every single scene and movie, but I can think of a few examples... - As a teenager with the advent of video rental libraries and parents weekends away, on of the first horror movies I saw (maybe Friday 13th???) had a girl who ends up hiding under a bed, and sees a mouse in front of her, cue the camera cutting away to a puddle flowing across the bare floorboards from under the bed. - There is on course the famous scene from The Man Who Fell To Earth where the female star sees Bowie in his alien form for the
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