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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. @yellowii - In point 1 of the OP, @Zorroblade already said that is wife is quite comfortable with peeing whilst he's in the room. Zorro clearly loves his wife dearly, which is beautiful and he accepts the situation for what it is. The post is a celebration of his enjoyment, not to pick holes in his soul-mate's preferences (that's me reading ahead to where your question could easily lead). @Zorroblade - Your wife does indeed sound adorable, and extremely similar to my situation. Wives who we love dearly and respect their personal preferences enough to not try and force our kin
  2. @pussylover - Don't be confusing your own personal taste with those of another member. We all have our own unique preferences, tastes and things that turn us on. As a community our aim is to celebrate, not to critique other members' choices.
  3. Thanks for posting. It's not so much that the video will be too big, it's that the site doesn't support video hosting (apart from the Gold Gallery). Instead what we recommend is using a third party site and posting a link here. Many people use Erome or similar,
  4. Noted about the not looking to closely (straight male) but was drawn in by your opening comment... Your husband is a very lucky man on so many levels.
  5. Hi and a huge welcome to a great community. I can definitely relate to your situation and you're in exactly the right place here. Do shout up with any questions as you get to know us and find your way around.
  6. Here's a question - Have you ever had the pee literally scared out of you, or seen it happen to anyone else? It's something that may have been touched on - but I don't recall it ever being posted as a complete topic. Those who know me will know that I take no delight in anyone being humiliated, but I'm curious about those times where someone or something has made you jump and either leak or maybe even a full flood. Or of course seeing it happen to someone else. As an example, my father-in-law's neighbour out on a stroll when a dog just the other side of a garden gate suddenly l
  7. I can agree with them on some points, but a lot of gross generalisations. When guys are in a situation with strangers - like walking into a public bathroom for a pee, there's a general etiquette to leave a gap between you and the next person, just like if you came to park your car in a part full car park. Out of all the parking spaces in the place, you wouldn't park doorhandles to doorhandles with the one other car and similarly, if they're urinals you'd probably use the second one from where someone is already peeing. In a pub where typically there may be three, the middle one sees far
  8. You'll find an awful lot of people already have shared them. There's well over 21,000 posts here already. Happy reading. I'm going to close this topic to further posts - Anyone who does have an experience to share, please have a browse around, find the best topic and add to it there. If it's unique or very personal to you then feel free to start a new topic.
  9. I actually saw a girl wearing very much that outfit at the weekend - in green though. She walked straight across the front of me a few feet away. Her bum wasn't quite as rounded but was still very well proportioned, and as she was upright the dress came slightly further down her thighs. I was a bit taller than her, so looking down rather than up. And for the record I'm 100% convinced that was the only stitch of clothing she had on - no line around her waist from even a thong, and as she walked the fabric moved uniformly across her back, bum and thighs - no sign of it slipping or wri
  10. Putting the plastic bottle behind her back at 2:41 was a pretty clear give away wasn't it, and the lack of showing you the wet shorts. Also at the start after showing her apparent bladder bulge, that pee-dance started pretty suddenly. I guess it's the difference between buying from a girl who honestly is into the idea and buying from a girl who doesn't, but is still prepared to take your money for what she thinks you want.
  11. Am guessing the young lady didn't sound entirely disapproving about the idea... Now my over-active imagination thinking that maybe seeing you walk out of the woods triggered a pang in her bladder 'It's alright for the dog, he can pee anywhere. Why didn't I go before we left... Wonder if Mum's got any tissues?' Great to hear of your pee too.
  12. Reading this 13 hours on, obviously you won't be still holding and I guess not still in work either? How did it go - did you hang on, did you pee before? (As you'll see sometimes it takes a while before people see posts - there is a thread https://peefans.com/topic/10299-live-action-thread/?do=getNewComment where people from time to time post and have a real time experience. Again it depends on who's online. Also you could shout up in chatbox - it's part of what it's there for, although all sorts of conversations take place).
  13. Sounds amazing - I know what you mean about not wanting to leak of the bus and have everyone see a wet patch as you walked to the front at your stop. Glad you made it off the bus ok, and I can only imagine how amazing the flood gates opening must have felt - well done on getting pants down in time. And is it just me, or is there no better feeling than fresh night air wafting around your parts whilst you do it...? Thanks for sharing - bottoms up!
  14. Perhaps one way to look at it... Would you rather have whispers going around that they thought you (or me) to be some sort of deviant because of our fascination with something as weird as peeing? As it is, it seems like you've got a very cool bunch of friends if they are aware, but it doesn't affect the way they treat you or react around you. Win-Win situation I'd say. For me it's more the case that there's only one person who's aware - as far as I know - so in every other interaction I have, it's always an innocent comment for me to enjoy. Like when a female friend casually remar
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - lots of very friendly folks with a shared interest. Don't worry at all about not being to PM... It's really not what this community is about, we're much more of an open forum post based group than one-to-one messaging. Plus when you post in the forums we all get to enjoy it.
  16. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - a very warm, welcoming bunch of like minded folks. Hope you find yourself quickly at home, but do shout up with any questions.
  17. On the basis it doesn’t result in too excessive pop ups (so when you close your the browser it’s left a trail of debris behind) and nothing malicious then it should be absolutely fine. (If any of the staff know something I don’t you’re welcome to correct this post) Thanks for asking - look forward to seeing them.
  18. I’ve just spent the last three days at the British F1 Grand Prix at Silverstone, along with 140,000 other people under one of the U.K. governments trial events. It’s been incredibly hot weather so I’ve probably drunk 2-3 litres of water each day. Not all of it has come out as pee, but enough has generally in the gents toilets scattered around the site. No photos - sorry folks, but for those interested, most of the toilet blocks featured a gents ‘urinal room’ - a cinder block room with a sheltered doorway, no way of being spied from outside (boo!) and inside a stainless steel open
  19. Three little words - and I can’t express how amazing and arousing the image is that they conjure up.
  20. For info - topic closed - Kinkykoala is unfortunately no longer a member.
  21. Hi @nenTyp - a huge welcome to the community. Hope you're finding yourself feeling at home already. If you have any questions please just shout up - lot's of friendly people about.
  22. Yes - the choice is yours @embruh... You can start a new topic which means you can have a title more relevant to the new content. As @Kupar suggested though if you were going to post lots of content then it would be helpful to collect it together (Embruh's Pee Adventures or some title like that). If you wanted to do that now, there is the ability to change the title of this post to be a little more generic - your choice of whatever. You should be able to click and hold on the title and it should let you edit it (I think). If not, I or the staff could do. Entirely your choice.
  23. Ha ha - I think I'm going through an '80s pop phase
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