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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I'm so glad you did and even more glad you chose to share it... everything about it paints the perfect picture, just like we were there to share the moment with you. Maybe that's one bit of fantasy too far, but you know what I mean.
  2. A question for you good folks... does anyone know how long it takes for an average tissue to biodegrade? What I mean is, with normal rain, dew and the like, a tissue left on the ground is going to degrade and dissolve sort of just like any other kind of wood pulp product, I'm just wondering if we have any scientists in the crowd who may have more than just a guess answer. Reason for the curiosity follows on from a bit of discussion about discarded tissues, wipes, napkins or whatever you prefer to call them - starting a thread rather than further derail the existing post. I'm ve
  3. No chance of a fire hydrant going limp... I wonder if this is your naughtiest post yet? (If any of us had driven past I'm sure we'd have noticed. You'd be able to tell by the way we kept driving round the block and slowing to walking speed). Love it as always.
  4. @peelove64 @capacitylover @Person31 - Have a great day today.
  5. Welcome again @DorsetP - since last time we welcomed you. You'll find quite a lot of people on the site who enjoy pants wetting, and the site search facility is pretty good. It may even turn up more results than asking people to get in touch. Posting content on the forums for all to enjoy is more what we're about after all.
  6. Forgive me if I'm reading and psychoanalysing far too deeply - I wonder if there's two different things you're hoping for? The first being for your Mum to accept your kink, and then the second being that you want to carry on expressing the kink when visiting. The first part there seems perfectly natural (I don't mean that the second part isn't either). But we all want to be accepted (and to have our love of pee accepted) and who better to do so than our very own mother. Generally our mother is the very first person any of us try to please, often the person we're closest to growing up.
  7. Not to mention a certain sadness and vulnerability?
  8. @Stacy666 - All site content needs to be in English please
  9. Great spot @Alfresco - and quite apart from the imagery this conjures up for all of us, it's a fantastic message she's spreading. Go out and live your lives. Pee happens, it's not going to kill you, and doesn't have to be a major trauma. So what if you get a bit wet.... (and that's without adding 'and you never know, you may enjoy it')
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8454303/Wentworth-actress-Kate-Jenkinson-reveals-wet-set.html
  11. There is possibly a line of logic that doing something once is excusable as a random accident but more than once will raise questions... If you were to have an accident as a one off, as a young adult it would unexpected but certainly not impossible. For example if you'd been out for Christmas drinks, came home and happened to wet the bed in your sleep? The morning after you can play the humble game, agreeing with your parents that it was because you drank more than normal, you'll not drink so much again... (and your secret will be safe with us). If you have actually had a few dri
  12. I've made my list, I've checked twice - and you're definitely right at the top of both the naughty list and the nice list. That white sock and white panty combination, not to mention your smile is fabulously cute (in a grown up way). The sight of your vibe peeking out though has put me 100% to the depths of the naughty list. No question about that. Erm, back in ten minutes.
  13. Happy Birthday to @Mangold159 @taake @pissmeup
  14. Have a great one @wilbur @Snkrxvfb @Tyty390
  15. Sounds great - and lots of good ideas. One thing to bear in mind, although we all have pee in common, we all have our own little preferences and maybe some things we think 'ewww, no'. So it's worth very much letting her call her choice of how she'd like to try it. But sounds very much like you're doing that anyway.
  16. I'm a bit late to the party here but fantastic - well done K... Lovely account of a wonderful moment or five. Thanks hugely for sharing with us - and of course K for allowing us in.
  17. Hello! And a huge welcome to PeeFans, it's great to have you with us. Please do shout up with any questions as you're finding your way about.
  18. @No Toilet @radu @Kingfisher28 - Have an amazing Birthday !!!
  19. Love it, and know exactly where you’re coming from. And actually although as you say it’s a near obsolete product, I suspect there will always be a very small niche for the product and then actually a market then for craft manufacturers. So - don’t give up hope…
  20. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Hopefully you've already worked out how friendly a place this is, but do shout up with any questions.
  21. Happy Birthday @visco @pisslover94 @wetguy321
  22. I guess the whole thing here for me is not so much what would I do - but would I do things back then with the confidence I have now? It's sort of my mantra in life to have no regrets - so I've made unwise choices, I've missed out on opportunities by not having the confidence I have now. But it doesn't matter. That girl I could never have talked to in a million years because she was so far out of my league...? What did I have to lose? Ten minutes embarrassment if she was head-too-far-up-her-own-arse to have taken me seriously? I know now just to be myself, take me or leave me. Back
  23. I know exactly what you mean @steve25805 - I do wonder if in these days of livestreaming and everything being video centric, whether there are any photographers actually producing photos any more. Even the amateur drunken pics of girls on nights out have mostly turned to tiks, toks and snaps. There can't be many people willing to pay for pro photoshoot images now I guess, no matter how good the quality. Hence no commercial market for those glossy St Lucia beach shoots. It's a shame though that so many of the recent looking images all look so 'samey' - all seem to follow the same formul
  24. Just to add to what @flyingthedream said there @Sophie... If you happen to know someone who flies on a Private Pilot's License (PPL), generally the sort of people who are members of a flying club and use the club Cessna etc on a weekend, they're not allowed to profit from flying. But they have to fly a minimum number of hours per year, and they can share costs - so if they're paying for an hour's flying time at the club there's nothing to stop them and you paying that 50:50, making the opportunity to get in the air even more affordable.
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