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Everything posted by Riley

  1. I've done this a few times, mainly out of curiosity😂 in a lot of the single room restrooms in my area, they have a toilet and a urinal (btw I don't really understand why there would be a need for both so if someone knows why please tell me😂) and sometimes I'll have fun with the urinal🤷 I usually have more success with the bum in strategy but I haven't been completely unsuccessful with the front in strategy. A few of the urinals I have found that are really nice to pee into are ones that come a little further out of the wall and usually with those they are very easy to pee into relative to
  2. I thought I would say a recent experience that happened to me😬 I had been drinking a lot, it wasn't a hot day but I had a headache so I tried to drink a lot of water knowing it wouldn't be that far until I was home. I was wearing jean shorts and a long sleeves shirt. Suddenly traffic drastically built up and I was a little frustrated but knew that things happened and it would probably clear up soon. I put on some music and waited, not moving at all. I started to feel a small twinge in my bladder and started to get a little worried but thought it would be ok. The cars occasio
  3. I have too many stories with traffic😂 a lot of which I got desperate enough not to make it where I was going😬 my bladder and traffic do not mix😂
  4. I don't know yet 😂 do you have any ideas😂
  5. Thank you so much @Peefreak99 I love this idea for a thread! I want to thank @gldenwetgoose for being an amazing person on the forum and being a great friend to me🙂 he reached out to me when I was in a really dark space and helped my climb out of it which I can't express my gratitude for but just thank you so much🙂 @spywareonya you have been an amazing person and helped guide me through a few complicated problems in my life. You are exceedingly kind and an amazing person and I'm so happy I got to meet you on peefans. I just wanted to thank you for believing in me even when I make mi
  6. I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to this one but I'm writing out an experience, it might take me a little while but I promise I haven't forgotten🙂 I don't really have pictures since I'm going to talk about something from a little while ago, but I hope it's still good enough🙂
  7. Im sorry if it's bad that I'm first but here goes 😂 When I was very little I have a memory of needing to fill up an aquarium but not peeing before doing it. I remember as I filled up the aquarium I needed to go more and more but I was balancing the aquarium so I couldn't let go and eventually wet myself🤷
  8. 1) that depends on what I'm wearing and where I am but I do love the feeling of just letting go where I am without getting up. One time so I could do this I layed towels down on my desk chair and just worked like normal, but Everytime I had to pee I just let it go where I was sitting🙂 2) yes😂 sometimes I'll be in a weird pee mood and just kind of pee in other places, usually I can satisfy myself with a mug or the sink or something😂 3) honestly the floor. When I'm really horny I'll usually do something involving the floor, sometimes I'll just wet myself, sometimes I'll just squat over
  9. I live in a hilly area so puddles are very rare to form but I love watching a river form underneath me and flow away as I pee🙂 I'm terrified of being caught peeing though so I always try to do it in secrecy or when I know there will be no one around. I love doing it though. Even in the forest a small stream will form on the dirt and sometimes that's really fun too! Or if there's a ledge at all I will sometimes pee off of the ledge and watch it flow away on the dirt below me😂 I hope this helped!
  10. So, I went hiking for a few days and this experience takes place the day after I ran out of water while hiking, so let's just say I actually was equipped this time. Before I packed up my tent to hike out I drank as much water as my stomach would allow and filled up a few bottles to bring with me (they were quite large). I was wearing black short shorts that were made of more of a hydrophobic material so they don't really get wet which is nice and a black T-shirt because it was warm. As I started hiking my bladder immediately told me it needed to pee. I was going to go but I decided to k
  11. Congratulations @speedy3471!!!! I haven't gotten the chance to talk to you a lot on the forum but what I do know is that you are a nice amazing person that really deserves this. I hope to see you around the forum more and I hope you enjoy being golden😜 Also ps: I'm so sorry for the late reply, I have been hiking, off grid for the past few days. PSS: sorry for the bad play on words😂
  12. That is actually a perfect example of when to use the report feature on a post. The dislike function is just too easily abused and leads to a non friendly atmosphere in the community. People can still disagree and the report feature is great for extreme examples such as this. For minor things, either ignore them, or talk about them, like I am doing right now. Thank you!
  13. I didn't end up going to bed till like a few hours after I posted my last post, but now I'm awake, I woke up once in the night so my bottle is full and I really really have to pee
  14. So normally I wake up throughout the night to go to the bathroom but tonight I'm going to forbid myself from using the bathroom and only allow myself a small bottle to pee in if I need, the bottle does not hold very much at all though😂 We'll see how this goes😂
  15. Thank you guys so much! I honestly didn't expect people to be interested in this story but I thought I would write it anyway 😂 Would it be of interest to do something like this again? I don't know how I could make it more exciting but if anyone has ideas or just wants me to do this again I guess I could😂😂
  16. Ok the answer to both of these is when I go see theatre performances, mainly musicals. The bathrooms are always tiny and not at all equipped to handle the load of the auditorium. I saw a show a few days ago and I had to go a little during intermission and so right as intermission started I bolted to the bathroom knowing the lines and by the time I got there there was already a like 30 minutes line formed for a 15 minute intermission so I went and sat back down. I did make it to the end of the show...... My bladder did not like me that day though......
  17. I'm sorry if my response is not very good and I assume it's different for everyone but for me it's like a pushing force that kind of slowly gets worse. It's like something pushing on the exit of my urethra harder and harder trying to force it's way out if that makes any sense. I may wait till I have to pee and update this thread because now I'm like questioning myself😂😂 I still hope this helped!
  18. As a little bit of pre information for the story, I was feeling rather naughty and wanted to do something pee related but then also realized I needed to go get gas. I sat down with a large glass of water and gulped it down, feeling my already full stomach struggle to accept the incoming water, but I kept drinking. Then I waited. It was only about 10 minutes to the gas station so I didn't want to leave too soon, or I wouldn't have to pee. I looked at some clothes to wear and settled on a shorter sundress since it was very hot outside and it would be convenient for the future😂 I wait
  19. I kind of feel weird being the first one to comment but I'll try. Also huge notice: all of these will most likely be very different from girl to girl. For me, I personally like using a vibrator the most. I'm also very inexperienced though. I just love the sensations it sends through me😂😂 also if I want to be discrete I have an app on my phone that just turns on my phones vibration motor and if I put my phone between my legs or even just on my lap it definitely works😂😂 I hope this helped!
  20. I woke up really desperate to pee again😂 When I woke up I just felt a massive pressure on my slit trying to let pee out. I slammed my hand into my crotch and felt a spurt of pee squirt out. I slowly got out of my bed dribbling an speaking as I went until I felt my desperation about to overwhelm me soon a panic I just lowered my pajamas and started peeing on the floor next to my bed. About halfway through my stream I was able too, with much difficulty, stop my stream, and I ran to the toilet to finish😂
  21. I thought I might add a few🙂
  22. Thank you so much!!! If you want I could continue Her into a part 4?
  23. I just started drinking a lot of water....... We shall see where this leads😂😂
  24. Ok🙂 do you have any ideas of how to make it more fun for next time😂😜
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