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Everything posted by Riley

  1. I'm sorry but the first picture is beautiful. How the stream is reflecting the sunlight and how crisp the drops are. That's amazing @speedy3471. These are beautiful pictures🙂 thank you for sharing!!
  2. It all depends on where I'm peeing, what I'm wearing, actually s lot of things. Squatting at different levels helps for balance in different slopes and terrain. Some squats are less stable than others and require a lot of energy to maintain. I tend to do a low squat so I can be lower to the ground and be not noticable but the easiest and also messiest version of just leaning back and hoping for the best is very fun for me to do to🙂 I hope this helped!
  3. Its been a little while since ive written a story on here so im really sorry if the writing is really bad. Last night I went and hung out with a few friends and we had a lot of fun, we talked, watched a movie, normal friend things. I was wearing jean shorts and a thinner tshirt since it was very hot. When things were starting to slow down at the end I kind of wanted to have a little fun but I wasn't really sure how. I started drinking a ton of water and soon was having to pee quite often. I kept drinking and when I finally left and stepped into my car. I already felt a slight urge to pee.
  4. I hate to say this. But when she first started selling her bathwater it sold out like within the day. Also i hate to correct you but belle delphine is not a youtube celebrity. She happens to have a youtube channel but she became popular off of Tik Tok and Instagram. She also has a following on pornhub with some very.... intersting.... content xD like this https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d0bd6d86f7a6 https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d0bcb31e0eba Sorry im trying not to be like that annoying friend but i just thought I would share
  5. Yeah. It does work better but I still need a lot of practice xD
  6. Actually women tend to have smaller bladders than men but in porn I think we see some of the extremely large bladders. To be honest I have seen many males pee for 2 minutes or sometimes even more. It just depends on who you are looking for. Females biologically have a hard time holding it, one of the main reasons being a shorter urethra with weaker sphincter muscles but bladder size is on a large spectrum and so some people like me have to pee all the time and some other people like who you saw in the video can hold it for a while and pee for a very very long time. I hope this helped!
  7. I know this could be controversial but it doesn't have to be. Even if you don't believe in humans role in climate change you can still be kind to our planet. Being nice doesn't have to be related to one party. We share this world and share the consequences of our actions. I also want to share a video on this year's IPCC climate report because things are not going well. I know there's not much that we can do as people but just knowing the facts behind what is going on is a start. I know this isn't for everyone but if you want to do a small part, ecosia is a web browser that puts a f
  8. What would the other cars think! Your a lot braver than I am😂 I'm terrified of being caught peeing in public😂🤷
  9. My payback on the construction workers?? It wasn't their fault I have a tiny bladder😂😂 Sorry
  10. This morning I had to run an errand and on my way home I already had to pee and got stuck in construction for a little while. My bladder was not very happy 😂
  11. 1.3 liters!!! how does your bladder fit in your body!!! xD Wow thats rally impressive! Half a gallon is like a liter and a half right? Sorry i dont know the imperial fluid system very well. How does your bladder fit in your body as well! Thats really good! Well better than my 200ml anyway xD How does everyone here have such huge bladders xD
  12. In all my time in public bathrooms I have never seen a security camera, I don't think that's an allowed thing🙂 Peeing in public bathrooms is very fun but some other exciting things that you can do are pee in a public park or next to the park bathroom or whatever when it's raining or something that would cause no one to be there🙂 Also if your worried about peeing in a stall youmcoudl always start with a single room bathroom and pee there and then work your way up towards a stall. Though this is just me who's a little shy so you may be comfortable going right to a stall😂🙂🤷
  13. I love the sentence at the end. Whatever someones avatar is shouldnt matter because in conversation and just looking through the forum it doesnt matter. Let people express themselves how we want and be happy about it. Peefans is a community of people that all care about eachother from all over the world! That in itself is amazing! We are all people interested in pee from all over the globe and this website is a way for us to express our love for it and meet other people and make new friends. I have never really seen an avatar on here and thought, im not going to talk to this person because of
  14. It is true. Personally I enjoy seeing people with witty or interesting avatars that are unique and fun but I dont want to judge people based on their avatar at the same time. I dont understand the appeal of having a nude person as an avatar but I also dont want to judge something I dont understand because It doesnt really bother me and if it gives them enjoyment or improves their experience on the website, i dont want to judge that in the slightest because i dont really care one way or the other 🙂
  15. This is both me I guess talking about my point of view on avatars and also apologizing for something I said a while ago. Recently I've seen a lot of discussion around avatars and what people want people to have in terms of avatars. A long time ago i did judge someones avatar and im really sorry for that. I tried to find the thread and person to apologize but I couldn't. I sincerely apologize and im really sorry for my mistakes. My opinion on avatars is that it should be a representation on what you want the world to see. Whether that be an image or gif you like, an avatar that looks
  16. Riley

    Naked Women

    These aren't me but I hope they are still welcome :)
  17. It's a curse and a blessing we both share, in this case more of a curse though I think😂
  18. Hello sorry I'm really late. I usually don't really have leaking issues while running unless I really have to pee but I've heard keagle exercises help a lot of people and so I thought I would recommend them. All you have to do is act like you are cutting off your stream midstream except hold that muscle and mind of clench it for as long as you can and slowly get stronger and stronger. I know that was a bad explanation I can try and explain it a different way if you want. I hope this helped!
  19. Hopefully these are good enough @F.W
  20. Usually it's not me trying to hold it until my destination, it's me trying to hold it until the next available bathroom, and I don't make it ..... A lot😂
  21. I like to do this but when I wake up I usually really really have to pee, so I can't last that long😬😂😪
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