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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Yay!😂 We could have a competition if you wanted😂
  2. If it's of interest. I kind of have to pee😂
  3. Riley


    I didn't do it.. I don't know why I didn't. Whether it was a fear of what I would do to people here or a fear of the other side. I don't know Part of me feels like a coward. Like I wasn't brave enough to do it. I'm currently laying in the grass in the park just staring at the sky. There's a light breeze flowing through my hair and a smell of freshly mowed grass. I'm listening to the song wait for it from Hamilton. Part of me is glad that I'm able to experience this, while the other feels like this is stolen time that I don't deserve. I'm sorry I dragged everyone into this
  4. Riley


    Trigger warning I guess My life has always been a complicated web of just honestly shit with myself and a lot of the world. I've found communities such as this one to pretend to be happy in and just try and forget everything else but it all eventually comes back. I come to realize how lonely I am, how much I hate myself, and how much the world around me hates me. And it's to much. I don't think I can do it anymore. I can't find a reason why living another moment would be better than the relief of death. The world sucks and whatever comes after it will be better, no matt
  5. You wander the darkness Trying to find a light Searching along the horizon Being encountered by everlasting night You wander the great haze Trying to grasp the world While it slows you down And drops you to your knees You feel the dirt between your feet The cold across your face But questions burns through you Ones that you struggle to erase Will I be remembered? Will I die with no story? Am I but a blink in history? You run around the world running out of time Clawing at every corner
  6. Thank you but i did kind of go back to blonde. It was getting to the point where i probably should have redone my roots and i just decided to go back. 🤷‍♀️
  7. Thank you guys so much. It means so much to me to hear all of your kind words and support. I love you all so much and I wish I could express my gratitude better but I hope this post is a start🙂 I guess maybe I should change my avatar to this, idk yet though.
  8. Im definitively not a reflection of the average population of this website but my bladder is tiny. Like literally a peanut. xD
  9. I'm currently in a bit of a mental haze but wanted to kind of say this but just in advance. My brain feels like jello and this wont be the best written thing in the world and i'm really sorry for that. My first confession. I'm not a natural redhead. I'm actually naturally a very light blonde. For a while I've been lightly coloring my hair red and because my hair is very light its easy to color it but i have been kind of going back to a platinum blonde color. I'm sorry i should have clarified this sooner but well, here i am now. I kind of adopted just being a redhead because part of me wan
  10. If it was dangerous, I assume doctors wouldn't prescribe it to people. There are an abundant amount of different methods to deal with periods I know another popular method is the nuva ring and while every body reacts differently to different solutions. I don't think @Sophie would keep getting the implant if it hurt or had side effects that we're worse then like birth control or any other method. Idk just like my personal opinion I guess 🤷
  11. I thought I would try and answer these from my point of few i guess. Every person has different motivations and interests becuase were all very different but here are my answers. 1) For me, a little. If i bring up pee in a conversation its usually in a subtle way to gauge how ok the person is with that topic of conversation. At least in most scenarios anyway. 2) Also yes. A lot of times ill subtly talk a little about it to see if it interests, disinterests, basically to see the other persons reaction. I would never involve a third party into the conversation though because it would
  12. I thought I would bump this thread in case any new people wanted to make avatars🙂
  13. Ive never known what it feels like to have a strong bladder so i just kind of accept it xD It does lead to being desperate a lot but can also add fun because you are desperate a lot🤷‍♀️
  14. but like other people have no laws either. So either leave for a country that still has laws or hide in a deep dark mountainside where no one can get to me xD
  15. I should really update this thread xD
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