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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Im starting to have to pee kind of badly, i didnt drink that much tho
  2. I'm thinking of doing the challenge where I can pee every once in a while but I'm only allowed to empty like half my bladder out. Idk what amount or the time limit I would put into place though😂
  3. I'm drinking some water right now😜
  4. Should i drink lots of water and refill my bladder or something else or stop posting? idk xD
  5. Thanks 🙂 I changed into this outfit but if anyone has another in mind I'll change again🙂
  6. I couldn't hold it im sorry. I ran to the bathroom and peed. It did feel amazing though xD
  7. I havent drank a lot today so now i just really have to pee. I barely had to go before. No im sitting with my legs crossed definitly feeling it @gldenwetgoose
  8. Any challenges you want me to try and do XD or anything like you want me to go get water or whatnot
  9. If anyones interested, I have to pee xD
  10. Riley


    Thank you so much!!! That means the world to me 🙂
  11. I know im not one of the peoples you tagged but I thought I would add a few i liked anyway. I hope they are up to standard xD
  12. Im going to try writing fiction but I'm not the most experienced so I'm really sorry if this is bad. Thanks for clicking though🙂 All I could think about was her, Emily. Her gorgeous red hair and the way it waved in The wind. Her shimmering blue eyes that radiated in the sunlight. Her intoxicating laugh which infected everyone around her. She was, perfect. Then there was me. Your average blonde crumpling under stress and just trying to make it in this world. I was just Emma. We were very close friends and well one day, thinks changed. It all started here: I was supp
  13. Btw if anyone has any more suggestions/ ideas for me to try. Please let me know!
  14. Brief warning. I'm writing this while I kinda really need to pee and I'm not letting myself pee until I finish writing so this may be a little rushed and I'm sorry about that 🤷 I was wearing light blue jeans and a grey shirt btw So me and a friend of mine are working on a song together, well mainly he is just using me for recording since I can play the violin but it's fun and gives me something to play so I have fun🙂 Anyways I was getting ready to go over and record when I thought of a fun idea. What if I put something very absorbent in my pants so I could wee a little without
  15. I might have done this one again😂 I was wearing blue jean shorts and a blue shirt. It was also over 30° outside for a few days where I am due to a heat wave so everyone was in shorts and t-shirts pretty much. I walked into the grocery store and felt like I wanted to have some fun so I drank some water, well maybe a little more than a bit of water and started getting the few things I needed. I continued drinking as much as I could and pretty soon I felt the urge to go pretty badly. I got in line to check out and was starting to really need to go. Waiting in line kept getting harder a
  16. Sorry I'm a bit late but I thought I would throw my name out there😂😂
  17. Based on the photo it seams like she definitely was not trying to hide the fact that she was peeing. She could've gone behind the bus stop or somewhere else but didn't. It makes you wonder if she wasn't doing it because she needed to pee necessarily but was having fun😂🤷
  18. I like the carpet but I don't really know why😂😂😂
  19. I dislike it when someone feigns desperation when they aren't desperate and as soon as they pee they just stand perfectly still, like no that's not how that works. It's more like this https://www.youporn.com/watch/12539967/desperately-holding-pee-and-squirting/ https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59faf724cdcda https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5839f642131f7
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