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Everything posted by Riley

  1. There's so many, I have no idea. One time on a bus I really had to pee. My stop was a ways away and I was dying of desperation. I kept leaking small amounts and was on the brink of the floodgates just opening up and flooding everywhere. I was wearing black leggings and a sweatshirt. Luckily for me a stop came up and literally all the people near me got off. I was near the back of the bus. It wasnt super packed before but it wasn't private. After that stop though I had actually quite a bit of space with no people. I hunted through my bag seeing if I had something to pee into
  2. I know this is weird but sometimes I also enjoy placing my hand around my slit and peeing so that my pe also makes contact with the rest of my slit while I'm peeing.
  3. Don't apologize I love questions 🙂 They do sometimes get a little wet it just depends on like how hard I'm peeing and whether I can stop. Its not a common thing though. I think your thinking that the vulva is higher and more forward than it is. The vulva is quite a bit lower than a penis and is truly right under you so closing vs opening your legs (at least for me) doesn't have as much of an affect as one might think🤷
  4. Here you go🙂 you can see where I drank more and where I drank less, that's actually kind of cool😂😂 1) 7 a.m 2) 8:30 a.m 3) 10:45 a.m 4) 1:30 p.m 5) 2:44 p.m. 6) 4:00 p.m 7) 5:30 p.m 8) 7 p.m 9) 8:30 p.m 10) 10 p.m 11) 1 a.m 12) 3 a.m 13) 6.am 14) 7:10 a.m. 15) 8 a.m 16) 8:30 a.m 17) 9:15 a.m 18) 10:30 a.m 19) 12:30 p.m 20) 2 p.m 21) 5 p.m
  5. I know this is kind of TMI but i just had an amazing orgasm xD
  6. Do you ever have those moments where you're just really aroused and have no idea what to do with yourself? that's me right now. Help!
  7. So I was feeling a little crafty and I thought of an idea. What if I made panties that would redirect pee into a plastic bag so I could pee myself without actually getting wet. I got to work and created panties where the inside was insulated with duck tape so they wouldn't get wet. The panties then funnled the water into the center where there was a hole where I would attach a Ziploc bag. I felt pretty satisfied and tested them in the shower and everything seemed to work. So to test i filled a glass with water and drank.. a lot. Then I slipped into some grey sweatpants and a t-shir
  8. So just write down the time when I pee??
  9. Sure I guess. I guess I'll document today😂😂
  10. I guess I'm joining in late but why not😂 I just peed in a water bottle in my bed🙂
  11. when i first read this i thought you meant no peeing whatsoever for 24 hours like you just had to hold it and I was like no way is that happening xD
  12. I forgot to post about this😂😂 I did do your idea😂😂 So when you posted about this I put a widemouthed cup with a lid in my car knowing it would probably come up and just continued life as normal until, well it came up😂😂 I was wearing a lighter wash skinny jean and a white T-shirt that was tucked into them that day. My day started out fairly boring but I was kidn of in a mood of wanting something to happen so I started to drink some extra water before I went to go do a few errands. I didn't drink much more than normal but it was enough to kind of kick start the process in my blad
  13. I can do it if you want however it is true that drinking my pee isnt my favorite thing. I dont hate it though so if you really want me too ill do it
  14. Welcome to the forum! Based on what you've said so far you'll fit right in 🙂 I hope to see you on the forum!! -Raven
  15. I think I probably fit into this generation is I've grown up with technology and holy crap is this stereotyping a whole generation fo people off of a few cases. I know that this thread has shifted topics slightly but I wanted to respond to the original post in this thread. I will admit that phones have created an environment in which it is possible for people to stay at home and not connect with people but that's not the full story. So let me share my experience. I obviously still go out in the world, going to parties, hanging with my friends, and going to the mall. Honestly the bigg
  16. How public of an area does it need to be. Like are you asking me to like drop my panties in the middle of downtown and pee there or somewhere quieter, sorry for the clarification.
  17. I just realized I don't think I ever added food interests to the thread. It's been a while though so maybe I'm going crazy. I eat a lot of noodles just being honest. My stomach gets kind of sick after eating fast food so I generally avoid it. When I'm at home one of my favorite comfort foods is pesto noodles and sometimes chicken with broccoli and some other things depending on my mood. I also don't have a very big sweet tooth but I do love dark chocolate and Ice cream so🤷
  18. Thank you so much! If you have any other challenges I'd love to try them😂
  19. Thank you so much! It felt amazing😂 Can't wait for the next challenge😜
  20. Riley


    I tried to find some gifs that you might enjoy🙂
  21. This is me just like throwing another idea out into the world but I thought I would share😂 I thought it would be a fun idea if we had some sort of community ide activity that people participated in. I tried to kind of emulate that with my pee lotteries but only a few people in the community would ever enter so they kind of failed. I don't know wether this would be a challenge, loterry, or whatever but just be something that would get people together somehow. I know that's super vague but hopefully it makes sense. Thank you for reading! Sincerely, Raven
  22. Thank you for all the challenges they are very fun to do!🙂
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