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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Yes it does by a lot🙂 there are times when needing to pee can be really untimely but overall the feeling is wonderful🙂
  2. Ok well I've already peed 4 times today😂😂 maybe this wasn't the best idea😂😂
  3. I might volunteer😜 What could possibly happen😂😂😂🤷💁
  4. That also means I'll have to pee, well a lot though so we will see😂😂🤷
  5. I always try to stay hydrated and drink a lot but I actually have no idea how much I drink. Today I might try to drink as much as I can and see what it adds up too🙂
  6. This morning I woke up and was dying to pee. My panties were already a little moist from me dribbling in my sleep and when I tried to move my bladder spasmed and a spurt shot into my panties. I managed to sit up in my bed and was desperately holding on as my pee kept leaking out and out of the corner of my eye I saw a glass on my bedside table and leaned over to grab it. Another spurt shot out from the pressure. I grabbed the glass and tried to let go of my panties for one second to pull them down but I just lost control. My pee started to flood out and I shoved the glass against my slit as qu
  7. Sorry I didn't write very clearly. It was more of a question than an issue. You have a catagory specifically for transgender individuals when there are male and female catagories. I was curious as to why you didn't just have a non-binary catagory or other catagory and then let any transgender individual disclose that information on their own. I hope I was more clear this time🙂Didn't mean to cause offense🙂 hope you have an amazing rest of your day!
  8. I try and drink a lot of water because i get really bad migraines but the more I drink the more I have to pee, so a lot xD
  9. Some people are just different. One of my friends has a like 8-liter water bottle that they use because they drink so much water. I probably drink a little more than average as well but mainly to ensure I won't get headaches. Do whatever makes you feel good and if you have concerns, bring it up with a doctor. In my very unprofessional opinion, I think you are perfectly healthy but it never hurts to check with a doctor if you're worried about it.
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