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Everything posted by Riley

  1. I did this challenge but I might do it again and maybe take a photo because I wouldn't have to show myself. But today before I took a shower I waited a little before and drank a lot of fluids. I waited until I had a fairly strong urge and undressed myself but still left my panties on. I stood in the bath and held my hand on my slit on the outside of my panties and relaxed. My hand filled with warm wet wee as it then spread and splattered to the floor of the bathtub. You could hear a hissing sound radiating from my slit in addition to my sigh of enjoyment. It felt amazing. My st
  2. @Jayne78 don't worry about it. Everyone has wet themselves. We all understand. I mean I wet myself more than most people and I haven't gone through childbirth. If you ever need support you can always pm me🙂
  3. This photo is amazing. Like not only the content in it but i love how it slowly blurs out from your hand. Sorry its just so beautiful 🙂 Also, I hope you feel better now 🙂 Hugs, Raven
  4. I would say I naturally pee at a number 2 but I enjoy peeing on all of the positions just to try them. Sometimes due to me not being careful enough or being in a less normal position I'll accidentally get some on my legs clothing or seat but never if I'm sitting on the toilet normally. Idk it's just natural. When I sit down to pee I spread my legs a little so my pee flows easier but not super wide because my legs don't naturally fall in that position. In public restrooms I also tend to have my legs closer together just in case someone walks in so I can close them quickly if I need t
  5. I did the later part today😂 I had to stop by the grocery store to well buy food and so I decided to bring my hex bug with me as asked. I was wearing black leggings and a blue top during this btw. I know that that's a really casual outfit but I was tired😂 When I arrived at the store I held the hexbug in one hand almost clenched kind of trying to hide it a little (I had no pockets) and held my phone in the other. I made my way towards the back of the store and saw the restroom sign and walked towards it kind of s little paranoid that someone would see me. I walked into the bathroom an
  6. I haven't done it a lot but I do enjoy the intimacy of it. I havent ever drank someone elses pee though just mine because I was curious. It is fun to pee into a glass and drink from it. It makes me kind of feel like a sex goddess in the moment though looking back on that I know that's weird but I just thought I would be honest xD
  7. I did it! So I didn't really go shopping today but I did the pee part. I wore a knee length sundress today with nothing underneath and well drank a lot of water. For like 15 minutes before I left I just kept drinking water until my stomach felt super full and I brought a very large water bottle to the park with me as well as the book I was reading and have now finished (the hot zone, amazing book btw would highly recommend). As I was walking to the park I felt my bladder already starting to fill but it was nothing I couldnt keep control over. I kept drinking my water and felt my bla
  8. I always keep mine shaved because honestly mainly comfort reasons. If there's hair there it gets really itchy for me and it's not fun so I just shave it all off.
  9. If anything I'd want to lose weight. For me the benfifs of being small outweigh the benefits of gaining weight. Also I would have to eat more and me and food don't really get along.
  10. What's a challenge people want me to do today, either with pee or masturbating or something, anything. What do you challenge me to do today😂🙂
  11. I did it😂🙂 So I've been drinking more than usual today anyway and well I drank 2 liters as quickly as I could. It took me a little while because that's a huge amount of water and then I got into my car wearing a sundress because I wanted to embrace summer😂 I immediately felt the need to go as I started driving and new I was going to be very desperate soon. I stayed on back roads with little traffic so I knew if I needed too I could jump out and drove. My bladder felt like a filling balloon and I quickly noticed how full my bladder was getting. I kept holding and kept my.legs close to
  12. This actually looks like something that would be quite useful given my bed and my small bladder. I wouldn't have to worry about running to the toilet in the morning all the time😂
  13. Yay single buddies😂😂 My friend used to always say, "I'm a single Pringle ready to mingle"😂
  14. Crossing my legs definitely does help me hold it. Being honest anything that can help my put pressure against my urethral opening helps. I'm not sure how much of it is phycological after that however. Crossing my legs definitely does help me hold longer and I'll often do that when I really have to pee. I hope this helped!
  15. I just went to the toilet and while I saw in there I might have had a little fun down there and accidentally let out a noise that kind of condones itself to that activity and was a little embarrassed. Usually I'm very quiet🤷
  16. Sorry i just randomly stumbled across an article online about how many calories your burn during sex and thought I would share Here's the article: https://www.womansday.com/relationships/sex-tips/advice/a1922/8-sexy-ways-to-burn-calories-110923 Basically they divide sex up into it's parts and share how many calories each part burns. I'll just post the calorie amount here but for more information the article has descriptions for each stage or catagory. 1) Kissing: 68 calories per hour. Though increases to 90 if you use your hands during the experience 2) Making out: 4
  17. For most of my exams it was like that but this one was especially long so🤷
  18. I wasn't too embarrassed. I've known these friends for a long time and they know that I have a tiny bladder. I mean like I was very embarrassed but nowhere near the amount of wetting myself in public. Sorry to disappoint😢 I think they might have had an idea but we all needed to go badly enough that I think it was just every girl for themselves😂😂
  19. It's kind of fun sometimes to pee on my hand. Sometimes while on the toilet I will move my hand in the path of my stream and feel the warm wetness wrap around it. Idk something about it just feels very nice🙂
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