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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Sorry if this story isn't as good as my other ones I really struggled to figure out how to put this into words but I hope I did an ok job🤷 I stood in front of my mirror looking at my outfit. I was wearing blue skinny jeans and a white top and thought it looked ok but was just getting a little nervous. I looked at the clock, 7 p.m, "I need to get going I thought to myself. I went to the toilet and then grabbed the bag of cookies I had baked (yes I know that sounds childish but like cookies taste good, so don't judge😂) to go hang out with my friends. Normally this would not be a stre
  2. yes xD for some reason peeing is a huge turn on thing so iv'e experienced the "peegasm" xD. It is truly an amazing experience 🙂
  3. If anyone has any suggestions for what I should change into let me know xD
  4. Well um... I just totally failed. To make the cup more fun i was just opening my jeans enough to fit the cup in but peeing into the cup inside my jeans and then very carefully taking it out but this tome i was super desperate and before i even got the cup in a i leaked2 twice. Then when i relaxed to peeinto the cup I couldnt stop. So I just ended up completely flooding my jeans x
  5. I just did another wee into the cup. I still have to pee sooo bad idk if these are helping!
  6. Wow my desperation came back quickly. I really need to pee!
  7. Sorry for the lack of updates. On my last wee i kind of lost control and peed too much. I still definitely have to pee but i went more than i shouldve. Its very hard to stop xD
  8. I didnt really feel the need after 10 minutes so i waited until now, 16 minutes and just peed my first little bit xD If any of you want me to drink something or do something to add to this let me know 🙂
  9. I decided ot try and hold my pee after using the toilet one time nad im super desperate to go right now. I keep dribbling out!
  10. @gldenwetgooseSorry my stomach started to really hurt so i had to take a break. My bladder control is like completely gone though too xD
  11. Sorry for the late update but I overestimated my holding ability and had to run to the toilet half wetting myself😂
  12. I just drank a lot more water and im already kinda badly needing to pee again xD
  13. I just had to run to the toilet and well, I have a decent wet spot on my jeans😬
  14. Or maybe I should make it where i can empty my full bladder but i have to drink a ton
  15. I feel like I should set a volume limit i cant go over rather than feel but idk
  16. I really really have to pee again. I cant decide whether to empty half of my bladder again or wait
  17. Also if anyone has any outfit suggestions for me im open to suggestions xD
  18. If you have any suggestions for me id love to hear them though 🙂
  19. I actually did my halfway bladder pee so I now just need to pee, I'm not desperate though😂😂
  20. Wow it suddenly hit me now i really have to go
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