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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Actually I kind of do like the idea of making my own pee challenge🤔
  2. I could even do one of these pee tests I guess https://www.nerdtests.com/mq/uttake.php?id=143075 Or I could make my own and do it😂😂
  3. Riley


    Welcome to the forum! @Doc-S
  4. I thought I would finally update this thread😂😂 here's another photo of my really fat legs with a camera angle that does them no favor😂😂 sorry
  5. Riley


    Sorry @F.W for kind of stealing your idea but I thought it would add a lot to these pictures too😂 When did they last pee, who knows? They could have gone hours ago and are trying to get one more photo before they run off to the toilet. Maybe the photo was taken, moments before they leaked, trying to hold it in for just one more photo. Who knows🤷
  6. Unfortunately no😂 do you have any ideas🤷
  7. I let Emily guide me out of the room with her glittering eyes and intoxicating smile. She lead me to the kitchen where she procured two large glasses and handed me one. We both drank, smiling and giggling at eachother over how odd of an act this was but both enjoying it nonetheless. I felt her hand yet again wrap around mine and my heart slightly skipped a beat. We both kind of just started at eachother for a little while. All I could help but do is just admire her beauty and not be able to believe how this wasn't a dream. We slowly got closer to eachother again and kissed again, t
  8. I kind of want to do something involving holding my wee but I'm not sure what to do😂 does anyone have any ideas?
  9. Are you ok? If something is going on in life or something just made you extremely angry or whatever, you can always talk to me. I completely understand making a mistake and I'm always one to give a second chance but I also want to make sure you are ok. Even if you just want to tell or rant at me, please dm me or just post here and I'll try and help you. I'm here if you need anything, it might take me an hour or so to reply depending on when you message me but i will try to get back to you as soon as I can. I hope everything's ok🙂, Raven
  10. I thought I would share a little about my morning😂 So I woke up and was absolutely dying to pee. I grabbed myself and clamped my legs together trying to stop myself from peeing absolutely everywhere but I felt my bladder trying to push everything out. I slowly tried to get myself out of my bed and with every movement felt s tiny spurt of wee shoot out of me. When I tried to stand up I leaked again and felt my wet panties pushing against me. I felt my self slowly dribbling and knee I wouldn't make it to the toilet so I quickly scanned my room and next to me was a widemouthed bottle like ha
  11. Not to be a downer and I'm really sorry but I thought unabasheduser should be aware of this either way. A quick reverse image search on this photo brought up 11 different website that it was on, primarily porn photo websites and well if this is your wife. I thought you might want to know and if you just reposted the photo you might also want to know. One of the websites https://vipergirls.to/threads/538691-Extreme-Pissing-In-Horny-Mouth/page156 has posted your photo 4 times under different users between 2015 and 2016 Also here's the caption that was used to describe your wife: Outs
  12. I can always use them in the future! If you still want to say them😂😂
  13. I thought I would make this thread after well, me, and also hearing other people's stories. This thread is just for if you need a hug or want to talk or are lonely. It's just a place for people, or at least me, to give you support or a hug if you need one. If this thread is out of place or anything I'm sorry but I just thought it might be a place for people to go if they are feeling lonely or sad and needed a pick me up or a funny cat video or something to help.
  14. I randomly wrote a poem and thought I would share it. It's not great but idk I enjoyed writing it so I hope someone enjoys reading it😂 I look over the horizon And see the everlasting sea I look towards the sky And see the sun glimmering down at me The waves batter gently against my ship As I glide through the ocean breeze With wind in my sail And adventure in the air A whole world lays in front of me A world of freedom and possibility A world with opportunit
  15. Hello and welcome to the forum. As @steve25805 said this website isn't really a mestup website or something like tinder but it's a community forum where we all talk and share an interest in peeing. I'm not saying people never meet up from here but you need to be active in the community so people can get to know you. Peefans is a lovely community and I'm sure you will love it here whether your interests lie in stories or videos or just chatting to people so dive in and see what you find🙂 I can only really speak for myself with this but I'm very hesitant to meet people from the inter
  16. I'm starting part 3😂
  17. Cookies are used literally everwhere. It's just YouTube. Millions of people every day use the website and well everyone's fine. Also planting a cookie isn't really the right term. That's like saying a search for planted in my search history. Cookies are used to just increase the speed in which we browse the internet and to make that experience better and more efficient. All the cookie is being used for in this case is to transmit the link that is being sent when you pressed the play button so YouTube knows what video to play for you. So without that cookie YouTube would have no idea what video
  18. Did you watch the video though? The painting is just the thumbnail Sorry
  19. I thought I would add a post🙂 It's not strictly political but the main person in the video is Trump so I still hope it fits in ok?
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