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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Ill pee somewhere besides the toilet. I'm not sure where yet but I'll try and think of a fun idea🙂 and I'll hold for as long as I can🙂🙂
  2. Also if you have anything special you want me to do or any extra rules or challenges you want me to add to holding let me know🙂
  3. I will! Before you go, do you have any challenges or any rules you want me to have while holding😂
  4. I'm already starting to feel myself filling up😂😂
  5. I can't fully wet the bed tonight😂 that would be a lot of cleanup but I'll definitely let myself get desperate🙂 I drank some water before bed so I shouldn't be long🙂
  6. What do you mean by inconvenient😂 I just have the urge where most people might get up to use the bathroom😂 needing to pee always feels nice😂🙂
  7. I'm not desperate but I definitely have the urge to pee😂
  8. I'm currently in pajamas, in bed, but I could still let a spurt out of you want🙂
  9. Also I kind o fhave to pee again and have a weird urge to just let a spurt out while sitting here xD
  10. Something like this is just beautiful to me. I think its also the face and just the feeling I get from someone though. For me even though I like things like red hair, personality is way more of a factor than anything.
  11. Please @ me in the post in case i miss it 🙂
  12. I dont know either! I mean it could be random chance but idk xD I also really like long hair but I dont know why xD Just seeing it flowin the wind or move as someone walks, idk the human mind is very strange xD
  13. You should! Im biased since holding is my favorite part of peeing but its kind of fun to see where your limit is xD
  14. How big is your bladder!! Have you measured??
  15. I do too xD most of my past crushes have been on redheads 😳
  16. Also I love the pictures 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
  17. *googling what 3 cups is in mL* 700mL!!! you have like 3 and a half of my bladder!!!!
  18. yay 🙂 Im sorry im not completely sure how well that game will translate over but I really enjoy it so i thought i would share it 🙂
  19. Also if you are willing to hold, Another game thats fun is to find the smallest cup you can and set a timer, and only let yourself fill the cup whenever the timer goes off and see how long you can last 🙂 If you dont like holding though dont do that because holding is pretty much the entire game xD
  20. If anyone has anything specific they want me to find I can try xD Im trying to post pics that i think everyone would like so also if im posting something that you dont like, let me know 🙂
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