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Everything posted by Riley

  1. I'm sorry I should've drank more. You had to go a lot more when we started. I'm only at like a 6
  2. Holding with someone else is always more fun than doing it alone🙂 Drinking water has definitely helped my bladder😂😂
  3. That sounds really fun but really tiring! Im glad you got a good night's sleep though🙂
  4. Ok I'll get drinking🙂 Why would it not be ok for you to hold along! I'm just chilling😂😂 hbu?
  5. I don't really have juice. I have water though😂😂 sorry
  6. Maybe a 3.5 or a 4😂 not very badly...... yet😂
  7. I kind of have to pee again if anyone is interested😂
  8. I can also post pics of people with different hair colors if you want too😂😂 sorry😂😂 or if you have a favorite hair color I can post some going with that😂😂
  9. These pictures are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!!!!
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