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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Im definitly feeling the pushing sensation from my bladder outward through my urethra. Im kind of curious how long I can last xD
  2. I think im going to go drink a little more water 🙂
  3. Im definitely starting to feel the need to pee, i intentionally let out a little spurt of pee and now the wetness is making me need to pee that much more xD
  4. I drank a little bit of water but I don't want to drink a ton right now because then I will get really desperate in like 10 minutes xD
  5. I think i might try to do a live hold, if anyone wants to join I think that would be really fun 🙂
  6. I thought I would update this thread with a little more happiness from the world 🙂
  7. Im so sorry for the late reply!! Your back!!!! I think I can safely say that we all really missed you, and are really glad you are back 🙂 I know im not the best person at helping people but if you ever need to talk to someone, or rant or anything, you can always dm me. What you had to go through sounds awful and I just want to help if I can 🙂 Im really really sorry about the late reply and I hope you are having an amazing day, or night, or whatever time of day it is when you read this 🙂
  8. I want to do another pee challenge but I don't know what to do xD
  9. Ive peed so many times today xD Sorry i couldn't update as much as I wanted to. Im about to go to sleep but im a little worried since my bladder msucles are very weak right now and i still have quite a bit of fluids still going through me xD
  10. I already have to pee again xD Im forcing myself to keep drinking but I feel like its going straight through me xD Im going to see how long I can hold it for but I already kind of need to go xD
  11. At first it wasn't very difficult I was just having to pee sooner afterwards but my muslces slowly got weaker and weaker and it got harder and harder to hold it in. I was at the store and I started leaking before I could get to the bathroom. I had a tiny wet spot on the crotch of my jeans that I am hoping no one saw but I did end up fully peeing after that xD
  12. Sorry i finally got home xD ive had quite a few close calls today xD I know my bladder is small, but for some reason I didn't expect it to be this hard xD
  13. Thank you 🙂 Im starting to have to go more and more frequently xD Next time i go i might intentionally only empty my bladder halfway and see what happens xD
  14. Ive already had to pee so much today xD I havent been drinking like constantly but I have always had water next to me and have been making sure to drink from it a lot so its been affecting me quite a bit xD If anyone has any specific challenges or extra things they want me to do as well Id love to try them 🙂
  15. Im currently just wearing blue jeans and a sweater but i can change into whatever is wanted by people 🙂 Im a little busy today and it is currently 4 degrees outside if i remember correctly? Sorry xD
  16. I started drinking water but I haven't changed yet if anyone has any outfit suggestions. Or if anyone has any challenges for the day knowing that I'll be drinking a lot let me know💁
  17. I kind of just want to drink as much water as I can all day tomorrow and just kind of see what happens xD If anyone has any outfit suggestions let me know xD
  18. To me its kind of more of a trust thing than anything. Like how well I know the person in a way that would make me trust them. If we knew eachother very well in a more formal setting I don't think i would say yes but would also be maybe trusting of the excuse idk though. If it was someone I knew more personally as a friend I would be more likely to say yes but would be really nervous during the whole thing. Like I would be blushing, shaking, everything, and especially nervous for the reaction that the friend would give back to me. It just kind of depends on how kind of platonic our relationshi
  19. I know this is going to be weird so just a warning im sorry. I think its really interesting to see it when the penis grows, sorry i know thats weird. Also with peeing kind of whenever but I think peeing into containers is also really fun to watch. Sorry I know im weird.
  20. Wow that's a lot of fluids! Idk to be honest. Ive peed in my closet? Or one time i sat cross legged in the bathroom in front of the toilet and peed. Idk xD Has the person below me ever wet themselves?
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