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Everything posted by Riley

  1. thank you so much! You should! It really does feel like flying, it can seem daunting at first but if you work on your balance it gets a lot more enjoyable and feels incredible 🙂
  2. First thing btw, im sorry the formatting got all screwed up when i went from my computer to pasting it here. Second, I promise i will still have peeing and more intimate elements to the story but I wanted to also involve other parts to hopefully make a better story in the end. As always, feedback is super helpful for me and helps me make my writing better 🙂
  3. Also just to let people know a new chapter was released 🙂 @Alfresco @wetwulf @arg08 @gldenwetgoose @Dr.P @appletree_man @speedy3471 @12345 @ZooeyGlass @Kylenut2 @mickymoist @Pissdrinker
  4. I sat in math class staring at the clock. The second hand seemed to move slower and slower as the whitewashed room and white fluorescent lights became more and more familiar. I just had a few minutes to wait, just 5 more minutes. I tried to take notes while my teacher explained formulas on the board but my mind wandered elsewhere. 3 minutes. the clock hand and that ticking sound seemed to almost stand still, moving at an unbearable slow speed. "Maybe my teacher will end class early?" I thought to myself but also knew that my teacher never did that and that I probably was going to have t
  5. I wouldn't marry any of the people I'm going to post without knowing them a lot better. I find them physically attractive but for me at least, literally everything else matters a lot more so yeah, basically what Sophie said. But here's 4, sorry I hope this is still good enough.
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