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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Unless im in public. Then i get 4 times the panic that you do xD
  2. Thats 4 times the size of my bladder! Thats not an I only managed thats really impressive!!
  3. Wow you were really accurate!!! These are amazing photos! Thank you so much for sharing!
  4. Ill go look at them!!! Thats really impressive!!!
  5. Sorry! If i had logged on sooner i wouldn't have missed you :(
  6. It's not every time. I think it just sometimes if I'm really in the mood and a lot of things are "right" holding my pee can be extremely..... Exciting😂😂
  7. For some reason holding my wee for a really long time and then peeing gets me very excited so sometimes from that point I don't need much of anything😂😂
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