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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Sorry for the late reply. It's up to you🙂
  2. I saw her walking towards me smiling and began to slightly panic inside. What if I do something wrong? What if she expects me to do something different than peeing? What if.... These thoughts floated in my head but I tried to stay confident. I didn't want to back down because that would be awkward and, I mean I really enjoyed this. "Are you ok?" Emily looked a little worriedly at me. "Sorry I just zoned out" I said smiling and heavily blushing. My bladder had started to ache again and I walked over to the toilet, seeing Emily's excited stare. I reached down and slowly lo
  3. If anyone has any suggestions or things I should do with my bladder let me know😂😂
  4. Im trying😂😂 to be fair there was no one outdoors and also there was lots of greenery covering me and I went like as fast as I possibly could.
  5. Sorry I thought I would add kind of my thoughts. I know I probably very much fall into the catagory of someone who doesn't step ahead as spy put it but in my world it's not that simple. I know this isn't going to make any sense to others but I thought I would still try to explain. In real life I'm naturally a very introverted person that hides alone in her home with a few close friends and that's just par5 of my core personality. When I talk to anyone in real life I'm always super nervous and embarrassed and that's something that just kind of plagues me. Everything that I post on t
  6. It's nice to see you back!🙂 we missed your stories!!! Like this one!!! I hope things are going well for you and I can't wait to read more of your stories🙂
  7. @Mynameissteven I did your request🙂 I walked over to my dresser and picked out an outfit knowing that if want something hard to get out of but I didn't really have anything at first glance. I pulled out a pair of jeans shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of white panties wondering how I could make these harder to get out of. I looked over and caught a glance of the tape I had in the corner and had a bit of an idea. I slipped my panties on and held the tape in hand and started taping my panties to my body swirling the tape around me until it was very firm and not going anywhere. Once I fe
  8. Hmm idk if I can do all of that but I can try to make it as good as possible 🙂 Also, yes you get choice in whatever outfit you want me to wear🙂
  9. Omg I forgot to post about this! So I drank some water and waited until I really had to pee and then I snuck out to the closest slightly private green area near me and squatted behind a tree and let out a great river of pee😂😂
  10. I tried this😂😂😂 When I woke I kinda really had to pee but decided to log into peefans first and saw your post. So then I well tried to do it. I stripped out of all my clothes and cleared everything away from the toilet. I let go and tried to aim. I'm sure maybe a drop got in there? Maybe a reflection off of the stream heading towards the floor😂😂 it wasn't super successful, I'm sorry😂😂 I need to practice😂
  11. Thank you! Oh gosh, honestly whatever you enjoy the most is what I think would make the best video. I would never want to push you into something you didn't want to do 🙂 If your not into standard holding and wetting a few side challenges to add to it and make more interesting could be something like, every 10-20 minutes you are allowed to pee into a tiny shot glass or something. Another one is adding workouts to stress your bladder or doing a pee quiz. If you want more ideas I can try and think of/ find more subsets of holding and wetting but again whatever you are into. The best video a
  12. The sky was a gentle shade of faded blue with clouds dotting the vacuous space with their gray fluffy texture. It was a colder day but still temperate and the wind was very mild. I was laying on the floor thinking of what to do with myself when I decided that I should stop being lazy and go on a run. I opened my closet and pulled out a pair of leggings and a looser crop top to wear while running. I walked over to my mirror and gazed into it making sure I didn't look too bad and I slipped my hair into a pony tail. Feeling satisfied I drank a long drink of water and walked outside. My
  13. If anyone has any challenges they want me to do, feel free to suggest them 🙂
  14. I mean...... Im always into as you put it, "Extreme Desperation" xD If she needs any encouragement we could always help xD
  15. I know this is kind of an odd post but well here goes nothing. What does sex feel like? Both the intimacy of it and the emotion but also the physical feeling. What does everyone feel during the experience? I know this is a weird question but honestly i don't have an excuse and I really don't want to break any privacy barriers and im so sorry if i have but, if you feel like answering.....
  16. Im trying to think of something discrete. This would cost way more than 100,000 pounds but if you could sneak diuretics into everything, everyone would just have to pee more, more often and that could get very interesting. Another fun idea would be to get willing participants together and basically make it so we all are living together (maybe the island would work) and there is a bathroom, but everyone's clothing is held on by a lock and they would have to somehow figure out the combination or maybe a time limit, idk the details. I just thought it would be interesting. hmm idk ill p
  17. It entirely depends on (in my case anyway) my relationship with the other person. If we don't know each other very well we don't go to the bathroom together and the better the relationship is the more likely we will. Also I think whether someone will look away or not depends greatly on the people. Also a lot of people don't go to the bathroom together. Most of the time if I go to the bathroom with others it's in a multistall bathroom. That's just me though so idk
  18. Yes, I definitely do this😂 if you want to make something that is very absorbang and won't slide around you can always take toilet paper and fold it over itself to whatever thickness you desire, set it in your panties, and then take toilet paper and wrap the piece in with toilet paper by wrapping the entire bottom of your panties together. Then you take the top part and fold it into the toilet paper roll you basically just made and you have a hyper absorbant pee proof panty layer😂😂
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