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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. From one of my Italy group. I laughed so fucking hard. Somebody in the comments said "This would be highly embarrassing to poop infront of other ppl.. Glad these days toilets have doors.. ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ" and I lost it ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ This is how I know for sure in my past lives I would still be shy about peeing because I would rather run off to the woods than pee in front of 10 + other people ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  2. I love it. Thank you. But I have to ask: what is the ๐Ÿบ for ๐Ÿ˜†
  3. I never have, mostly because i am an introverted loner and don't think I could withstand a loud party like that, but it is one of my fantasies. I love stories of girls simply picking a spot and peeing over the carpet at a house party. But, with how taboo pee is outside of our kink, I'm sure most girls would rather pee in the toilet or outside than inside on the carpet. Im sure some have, don't get me wrong lol. I just don't think it's as common as we want it to be.
  4. Hi friends! Firstly happy valentines day guys! I love you all ๐Ÿ’ Secondly, people have been asking me for years to pee in a container, and out of the blue last night I finally got the urge. To kinda set the stage, I was in quite the silly mood thanks to several people in the chat box (you know who you are and I love you ๐Ÿคฃ). I was howling with laughter and my bladder was building. I was on the verge of peeing in my pj pants, and that's when it hit me. Just kinda out of nowhere. "I want to pee in a mug!" So as quietly as I could I snuck into the kitchen (since my whole famil
  5. @Chrissy89 and @Kupar definitely have made me smile in the last 24 hrs. Will always be thankful for my peefans friends who are always there for me when I am feeling down.
  6. I never had an original question. This post was only for fun lol. But I still appreciate everyone's responses!
  7. Jee, I wonder who in Maryland would be trying to make it to Europe ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿค” and yes, @Chrissy89 . It can be our song. And Goose too ๐Ÿคฃ
  8. Until the day you walk into the bathroom and I'm at the urinal just waiting to ask you this question. We will make your dreams come true, Kupar! Don't worry!
  9. Me and my twin @Chrissy89 taking down all the useful information in this post to discuss thoroughly later:
  10. Soft! I enjoy watching the little shake at the end ๐Ÿคฉ
  11. Do you hold it like a joint, or a cigarette? Personally, I prefer the joint ๐Ÿ˜
  12. My ears are pierced, but my mom had it done when I was an infant so I didn't get any real say. This really upsets me because I really hate them. And what's worse is I haven't worn earrings since I was like 13 but the holes are still there, which from what I understand means they're scarred now :( in the past I've thought about getting my dimples pierced, and recently I think I'd like to get a piercing on the very center of my bottom lip lol. But I probably won't.
  13. Bacardi is my favorite rum! I like it mixed with fruit punch. It's also not one of my typical usernames so I'm hoping my identity is quite hidden lol. I think I've decided I want my first tattoo this year. When I get my taxes back I'm gonna start shopping around for a shop and seeing what I can get done. I want it to represent my kiddos, and I want it done on my chest. That means no more boob pics for peefans ๐Ÿ˜… I'm a baby when it comes to any kind of pain so I'm sure I'll be crying, but oh well. I think I'm ready.
  14. One of my friends at work and I have been talking heavy on threesomes. We are both in committed relationships but go in detail about what we'd do to each other in a three way between their partner and also one of my friends ๐Ÿคญ at one point we talked about farts and about how the two of us would die laughing if one of us farted during sex. I jokingly asked if their partner had a fart fetish and they said no, then we went into a sprial of fetishes we found silly, but I totally asked them about a piss fetish and, surprisingly, they said "maybe" their partner had one ๐Ÿ˜ Hopefully that's a yes
  15. Nah. I figure if im at their house for whatever reason then that means we are close enough and they probably have no qualms letting me use their bathroom. Better than wetting my pants on their couch or something lol.
  16. Bacardi


    Right before my period and when I am ovulating I am off the walls horny. I'm talking sex with my husband morning and night, night, still masturbating at least once (sometimes more) in the afternoon, and late at night if one of my peefans friends hits me up I could probably have another one. I go through this at least once a month lol. Any other time my libido is low af.
  17. Feels like that in the shower too. Although my husband tells me I like my showers so hot he doesn't like to shower with me often ๐Ÿคฃ but I often like to stick my fingers between my legs and feel the temp difference. Like the cool pee running through my fingers while the water is extra hot. It's really neat.
  18. Thanks to TikTok I discovered Peyton Parrish for the first time: Disney Rock! I immediately went onto Amazon music and downloaded so many of his songs. Dude looks and sounds literally like a Viking. I LOVE him.
  19. We have this sign in the women's bathroom at my job. I'd imagine this only happens if you hover when you pee or pee before you sit down. Or if you don't wipe well enough when you stand up lol. I used to happen to me so much more when I was a kid. A babysitter used to get so mad at me when I left pee on her seat. I'm talking little drops. She called it disgusting and said I was disrespecting her home. Needless to say, while I was at her house I became obsessive about checking the seat after I peed.
  20. I do the first three! And I choreograph dance moves lol. I've found my husband's tooth brush and tooth paste in the shower too so he must be one of those weirdos.
  21. Really? I'm a member of quite a few and have always had a good time. Never had too many negative experiences with my servers.
  22. I am always in incognito mode, and I disabled a whole bunch of stuff on Google that would have given any indication of what I do on my phone (where I browse porn and this site most of the time). I also have an app that I use to talk to people here that is locked with a pass code I don't use often and even if my husband guesses my pee chats are hidden and locked away in an additional folder. I have a husband and kids and desperately do not want them knowing about what I do on here!
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