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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. France, Italy, and then Japan! Sounds like the best girls trip ever! Even better knowing you can fly us around in order to save us money 🤣 Oh but first we have to stop by mama Midori's house so I can pee on her carpets and in her fancy butt spraying toilet.
  2. Everything about this is 😫😫 just out in the open city air, whips all of it out and pees like it's what he is supposed to do. That is a huge puddle tho and I can't help but to wonder if someone had peed there before him. I love it. Thanks for sharing 🫰🏼
  3. Everything about this sentence turned me on to the max 😚 I will gladly take you up on that offer, bestie.
  4. Good! And since I speak Italian when us three go to Italy I will be our guide lol. @Chrissy89 do you have a place we can visit? Bonus points if they use Bidets lol.
  5. Well, when you, Chrissy, and I take our girl's trip to Japan you'll teach me right? So I don't end up looking like a stupid American 🤣
  6. Literally lol. Maybe we can plan a trip together 😄 do you think the Japanese would hate us if we peed in their woods?
  7. Well I don't hike and the only real exersize I get is walking on my treadmill lol. But I started using it to go green and save money. I used cloth diapers on my babies, reusable shopping and produce bags, and reusable paper towels, so it made sense to me to make my period eco friendly! In regards to pee the cup is all over the place. If I don't get everything aligned correctly (cup to cervix and if its not positioned correcrly in my vagina) the cup can press on my urethra which then makes it feel like I really, really need to pee but nothing will come out. There was once a time where I wa
  8. Me, tired af and reading over the title: Space age Joe Biden toilets? What? 🙄 Anyway, back on topic. I never have but since we own our house now husband and I were thinking about installing a bidet on our toilet to save on toilet paper. I always cant help but wonder tho what would happen if you tinkered with it and made it spray out at an insanely high PSI lol. It would only be in our bathroom because I'm certain my young kids would hate having their butts sprayed by water. I would love it tho cause I've been wiping little booties for years now and my youngest still needs it 🤣
  9. I should think that if i can afford an expensive looking toilet and bathroom like that then I wouldn't be the one cleaning it either 😬 hopefully I'd be able to pay someone really well to get into the cracks and crevices of that toilet and clean it for me 😅
  10. I have several of these too and was literally just sitting here thinking not a single one of them started a conversation with "I'll let you pee in my mouth if you want" 🤣 Those that initiated the conversation always introduced themselves first and we slowly got into talk about the fetish as I became comfortable with them. I actually had time to become attracted to them and their personality, which is something I appreciate so much. This is also something I try to keep in mind when I message people too.
  11. I'd feel like those skulls would be constantly watching and laughing at me while I peed lol. But other than that, I am into this. It's really pretty.
  12. It's after midnight overseas, so I feel safe in posting this. Please join me in wishing my twin @Chrissy89 a very, very, very happy birthday! Chrissy, I hope your day is extraordinary. I am so proud to call you my best friend. I love laughing with you about the stupidest things, sharing mom stories, and discussing the fetish with someone with my same tastes (since we are exactly the same person 😬) Have fun turning up with my brother in law and nephew! Oh, PS, you can be at the top of the multi-player toilets this time since it's your special day 🙌🏼 I even drew out a diagram:
  13. Part of the reason why i suggested this is while I was venting to a mod they suggested I report it, but I didn't think it was fair because as of right now there is nothing in the rules about such low quality messages. I just feel like an addition to rule 8 to include messages along with forum posts would make myself and maybe others more comfortable to report as well as deterring the behavior.
  14. Have you ever heard of a menstrual cup? I use one of those paired with period panties and am happy to share my experiences. I haven't used a pad and tampons in years.
  15. I'd really like to see a posted extension to Rule 8 about low quality posts also apply to messages. It gets exhausting receiving and subsequently deleting the same message every few days. Always "will you pee on me?" Or "Do you want to pee here?" And nothing else. Already pitched it to the admin team but I feel like it would become a gray area of "how many sentences make a message not low quality" and "what subjects are acceptable" lol. I have no answers but maybe some of our other members will have suggestions.
  16. peaches peaches peaches peaches, I, LOVE, YOOOOOUUUU OOOOOOH 😩😩 The Mario Movie was a whole 10/10, and I would even argue that Jack Black carried the entire film with this song.
  17. No I haven't. As far as I know he still doesn't know. I don't want him to know because when i told my ex boyfriend he shamed me so hard I refused to do anything with the kink for years after that. It wasn't until I joined here in 2018 that I really opened up to the kink, and even tho I am more relaxed and accepting about this part of myself I just can't bring myself to ask him. I just get humiliated every time thinking about it 😔 I know my husband probably wouldn't shame and laugh at me like my ex did, but I still don't want to tell him. No I haven't. That same ex I spoke previously ab
  18. My body is super pee shy too. Even with the progress I've made these last few months I'm sure there's be a few hang ups for me too lol. Ty for playing and sharing with me 😍 you look good and you look like you had a lot of fun!
  19. From one of my AI art groups. Fellas, how many of you could aim into that teeny tiny hole?
  20. I have been in a Fedez mood. He is an Italian singer and me and one of my kids jam out to his music all the time. Us two are the only ones who appreciate his music tho. Everyone else can't understand what he says cause they don't speak the ✨️Italian✨️language like we do. Hes got a nice voice but I was never physically attracted to him until I had a *ahem* interesting dream about him last night. Now I would take a golden shower from him any night of the week.
  21. Lmfao look at the way I'm walking! She is just like me and doesn't pee in public 😂 I love it. This is mostly for the dudes since I don't pee outside, but maybe they can do that?
  22. I did last night. Or at least I think I did. I was masturbating with a friend from the forum (long distance unluckily 😒) and when I came I ended up with a wet spot in my pants. I smelled it and it didn't smell like pee, but I had been drinking water all day so it's possible it could have been diluted. Or maybe just cum. Who knows lol. I have masturbated with a full bladder once and peed when I came on purpose before. So it's not out of the realm of possibility.
  23. Ah what a shame cause I am bad at hovering. Can we get some carpet peeing too?? 😍
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