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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. @glad1 I read the title and ran to the comments to tag you ๐Ÿคฃ Everything I know about peeing on boats I learned from the best: Glad ๐Ÿค—
  2. Bacardi

    Men's butt

    You good sir are CAKED up ๐Ÿคค wearing my favorite kind of panties too.
  3. Don't forget us Italian people as well ๐Ÿ˜ Maybe what would be easier to implement is if we had a tag to add to our profiles to indicate what languages we speak? Then maybe a way to filter people by language. But I realize this is an Admin thing and he is not often here so it makes it difficult. In the mean time I'm gonna add to my profile that I speak English and Italian ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น
  4. Bacardi

    Men's butt

    What I see when Oysterman runs in front of me when we play Fall Guys: I loooove your booty ๐Ÿ˜ซ
  5. I've peed in front of my best friend twice now. The first time was when I took a pregnancy test and was super nervous. Second time was when she face timed me and I was on the toilet ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  6. I have been two steps ahead of you for like 15 years lol. I haven't used a razor since I was in high school.
  7. Why, so I can dream about peeing with you and know it'll never happen ๐Ÿ˜” you were even in my neighborhood and didn't even stop to say hi! I would have given you oysters and everything lmao. But, it's not too extraordinary. I just want to be peed on while I'm awake and while I'm asleep, want someone to pee a little in my drink or food, and I'd like for someone to control my bladder in person. Nothing special.
  8. I have a whole bunch of stuff on my list that requires two people but since those are likely never to come true I will exclude those lol. I'd really like to pee on the carpet of a store and in a fitting room, but just a little bit. Perhaps the same thing I did on the trash in the fitting room: just about a seconds worth of flow. Only because 1. I know I am too shy/not brave enough and 2. I'm too nice to leave a full puddle for someone else to clean up. If there was a way I could let go of a full bladder on the carpet of a store and be able to steam clean it up without being caught I'd do
  9. I'm happy to see products specifically designed for pubic hair, and I dont care how they have to advertise them. Shaving the hair on my legs or underarms is wildly different to the hair on my head (I am half white and half black, so hair texture is different all over my body) so I can't use just anything to shave. That being said, my husband has a manscaping electric trimmer that I use to shave everything, since along with having thicker, curly hair I also get razor bumps that get infected easily. The girl stuff doesn't work for me ๐Ÿคฃ
  10. I dunno. I like them both equally ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ
  11. I prefer briefs or boxer briefs ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ
  12. 1. I feel like instead of multiple streams I get one real wide stream. It's probably happened in the past but I've never noticed. 2. Yes, with my fingers. 3. No. 4. Forward most of the time. Sometimes just straight down. 5. Most of the time no. A. Usually in the morning when I have a lot of pee and after I orgasm is when my stream is at its messiest. B. No. 6. Sometimes. It depends on what I drink and where I am at in my menstrual cycle. 7. Yes. 8. Yes. A. It depends on circumstances but most of the time no. B. Yes. C. These s
  13. Back when I worked and was moving around a lot intermittent fasting worked best for me. I'd have breakfast at noon and be done eating by 8 pm, and I lost nearly 30 lbs. But then after a stressful move, a car accident that left me more or less couch bound for a while, and dropping my hours and eventually quitting my job, I gained almost all of it back. Even with fasting I just wasn't expelling enough calories, and with the stress eating my bad food habits came back so I had to start from the ground up again. 1. I had to fix my portion sizes and work on not stress eating and eating when I w
  14. Idk about powerful but when I drink Peace Tea I usually have to pee soooooo often. The cans are so tall it usually takes me 2/3 days to finish one can but even just half a can has me peeing an extra like 2-4 times in an hour ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ and good long healthy pees too. I'm taking between 10-30 seconds lol.
  15. I cant say that I've ever lost interest in pee. Even when I was recovering from the shaming my ex boyfriend laid on me so heavy and I was actively avoiding piss porn I still had an interest. I guess to best answer this question I'll say that when I am masturbating and I get a little distracted or bored if I am having to sort through videos I don't like or stories that just aren't doing it for me, I always think about my absolute favorite pee videos and/or writing. Usually that jump starts my libido and I go searching for that particular piece of porn and end up consuming it. If it's one of my
  16. And don't forget Florida Man.
  17. I always just planned on cleaning the towels in the bathtub/shower as soon as I was done, ringing them out, and then hanging them up to dry. There have been vacations I've been on where I've had to get other sticky/colorful things out of hotel towels before housekeeping arrived the next day and it's always worked for me.
  18. I saw it on pornhub ๐Ÿค— they have several very nonchalant pee videos on their account but I don't remember the username off the top of my head.
  19. I'm shy af so no lol. Very close friends have gotten to see/hear me pee and obviously I can't stop people from listening to me pee in public restrooms, but other than that no I don't think I'd be able to pee in front of just anyone.
  20. It bounce when she walk ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ several people here can confirm ๐Ÿ˜
  21. I only really hold my pee at home if someone is asking me too, and occasionally by myself. I was unsure how to answer the simulation question because of this so I voted "bathroom broken." In public I hold my pee out of necessity because i dont like peeing in public. I've held my pee for hours at a time in public cause I really don't like using public bathrooms, but at home I've held my pee for about an hour or so at a time.
  22. I try my best. I am usually just a water girl but since my period is here I am sugaring myself up and producing pretty yellow pee lol. The smell of pee in general is a turn off for me. Very yellow and very fragrant pee isn't fun for me.
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