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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Mmm love it in the corner 😍 thanks for sharing.
  2. I prefer clear, odorless pee. Very yellow and very smelly pee really turns me off.
  3. You and I have to be in the same fb group. Cause I just recently saw this on fb too 🤣
  4. Ah yes. Any time I'm feeling down and I pop into the chat if the regulars are about they always make me feel better. I've become so attached to the chat any time I have free time and I'm alone I always poke my head in to see what's going on! Join us, if you can! We have fun conversations about everything. Not always just sex and pee.
  5. Currently 6:44 am here in the states and I've had one. I just created a note in my phone to put tally marks and I'm gonna count just for fun lol. Not like I have anything else better to do today anyway 🤣
  6. I won't make the jump and assume what you're suffering from is depression. However, what I will say is I feel this way a lot when my depression gets the best of me. Once again I'm not diagnosing you, just a preface as to where my advice is coming from. Okay? Whenever I am not feeling like myself, I try to keep busy. I find that sitting around and doing nothing, no matter how badly I want to be doing it, leaves my mind to wander to places I don't like it to. So, for me that looks like video games, a new craft I've picked up, playing with my kids or taking them to do something fun, cleanin
  7. I definitely prefer Mexican porn to Christianity 🙄
  8. This is an adorable idea lol. I love it a lot!
  9. Well I like being spanked but not really onto being tied up hard-core and whipped and stuff.
  10. Idk if this counts but I always dream of a peefans meet up at a massive hotel or something. I personally wouldn't be into the BDSM aspect of your fantasy but other pee activities would be a lot of fun for me to engage in and observe. Then get up to some other fun stuff in a private hotel room with my friends would be ideal 😋 of course this is assuming the hotel in my fantasies would he 100 percent okay with literal pissing competitions in their meeting rooms and whatever else 🤣 not realistic, but I can still dream right?
  11. I brought this toilet back up today with a friend and actually took some time to do some digging. https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/4ygRbB9oON According to this, the notches that look like ears are for specimen collection. Makes sense cause I was in a hospital. The other comments tho had my rolling. "So it fits your face perfectly when you vomit" 😭😭
  12. As a lover of Mac and Cheese, I 100 percent need this.
  13. I second this. I'm a naughty carpet/floor pee'er at heart but it would still be a lot of fun to pee in it while in the middle of every room!
  14. *me with an accent/voice kink* I am so happy this thread exists 🤤
  15. Freedom units only 🇺🇲🫡🦅
  16. I had such a stressful day today, wherein I spent most of it in the hospital. I went to pee and found the toilet up like this. Ya'll 💀 why does it look like a face???? I had a laughing fit in the bathroom just looking at it. Also say hello to my foot lol. Cant be bothered to crop it out rn.
  17. Actual representation of me ignoring my inbox but still responding to those same people on the forum.
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