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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. You literally sent me a video of you peeing on your wall and carpet lol. Nothing is better than going on a piss date with a man who pees anywhere 😭
  2. Found in my Google maps group. Way to invite people to pee in your pool lol. The comments had me so dead.
  3. Ciao e benvenuto 🤗 Warmest of welcomes from the peefans family.
  4. Do other members count? If so@WateryMoose and @pguy2981 have my whole entire heart when it comes to pee porn.
  5. Afternoon friends! Today I was having a fun conversation with my favorite wet friend @WateryMoose. Idk exactly how the topic of my bathroom mat not being clean came up (I had actually cleaned all of the mats in the house but had forgotten about this one). I have become way too confident in my peeing adventures as of recent so when the topic of peeing on this mat came up I didn't even hesitate. There isn't even that much to say about it tbh. I peed on the mat and had a lot of fun. At least until i learned that that mat is DEFINTIELY not absorbat 😭😭 just see for yourself. As you
  6. Not the best picture but it was from this mornings video! Caption was "I probably should have done this before shutting off the water."
  7. My dream lol. As long as it had carpet and a few potted plants I'd be happy. I'm sure every few months the stuff under the carpet would need to be replaced to stop it from molding and stuff but if it's confined to one room I wouldn't mind! I like the addition of the wall art too haha.
  8. Sounds like something I'd like to try at least once in my life. I can remember being younger at a water party at church and being covered head to toe in water. The adults wouldn't let me in the building to pee. I really didn't know what to do so I went into the woods and just wet my pants so no one would see me. I remember it being really peaceful and quiet even tho i was by myself. My little brain told me I guess that no one would be able to tell I had wet my pants and the pee would just dry along with the water when we were done lol. I'd imagine it would be the same if I were soak
  9. Aww i really like this idea! The only issue is free users of this app can only post three times a day. I don't use it enough to justify paying for it so this would hinder me on this idea 😔 but otherwise I like it a lot! I just wish peefans had a story feature. I'd totally do this for the whole site lol. 🤩🤩 I like this a lot too!! I may have to give it a try one day when I'm alone lol.
  10. Evening friends! One of my favorite apps just received a new "stories" feature. Think sort of like FB/IG/SC stories. They're short videos/pictures you can put out that disappear after 24 hrs. I love these things on my personal social media accounts and I was so happy when I woke up and found this feature on my other favorite app, which I specifically made to chat with my friends (IE people I've gotten to know for a while) that I've made on here. If anyone regularly makes content on apps like SC that has some creative ideas for me I'll take them! I'm ready to embrace my pee content
  11. Nope. I tried to sit on the sink but there was too much stuff to move and not enough time lol. I would have peed in my pants. Ended up peeing in the toilet.
  12. Definitely not lol. I peed after two hours and it was a huuuge relief. It was almost 30 seconds and came out fast!
  13. Having a nervous day. Decided to hold to keep my mind off of it and to enforce it I am diamond painting lol. If you don't know diamond painting can be messy. You essentially take small pieces of plastic and lay them onto a pre glued piece of canvas. Kinda like painting by number. I've spilled these little things, had them knocked over by my cats, and they are a huge pain in the ass to clean up. Because of this i prefer to finish a tray of diamonds before getting up. So I have a massive tray, a big thing of water, and a half full bladder. Going to be holding for as long as I can.
  14. I was just recently at a water park and planned on peeing in the changing room, but there was no drain in the stall 😭 it was packed too so if I left a puddle people would know it was me, or it would have ran into the other stall. Instead whenever I had to pee I peed wherever I was. In the pool, lazy river, on the structure. As long as I was in the water I didn't mind peeing. Don't think I peed down the slide tho.
  15. Maybe I need to look into uploading them there lol. Someone told me about that website but I haven't checked it out yet. I dont think so 😔 I don't like the thought of videos, even just blacked out ones, being on my phone and then having to upload them. The sound recordings never save to my phone, just to the chatting app I use. That's why I prefer to use them.
  16. I wish there was i way I could upload them here haha.
  17. Alone yes. Once was peeing in my thong in my bathtub and the second time was in the bathtub on a pice of paper with my friend's name on it. It makes me nervous and I'm not sure why lol. I prefer to make audio recordings.
  18. I laughed so hard at this. I hope they were at least together when they were alive 🤣
  19. 9 pm and I just had my last pee of the day. Kept tally marks in my notes app. In total I had nine pees, and you can add or subtract two for good measure since I know sometimes I was in a rush and forgot after the fact. I had a shower today too and can't actually remember if I peed 😐 which is why I gave myself a variable of two lmao. That's definitely a lot for me. Today is day two of my period so every time I dumped my cup I let out a little trickle and I counted that as a pee. I may try this again when I'm retaining water and seeing how many times a day I pee too!
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