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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. So this is why my husband always insists that I walk up the stairs first πŸ™„ πŸ˜†
  2. 🫠 is us after we're doing being peed on after a full day, Midori. Didn't you know? Yes me first! I found the video and discovered this about myself last night so I get to go first! 🀣
  3. Honestly me too but as I've kinda blossomed in my fetish and accepted the fact that I am into consuming it in small quantities from people that I know well, it didn't bother me so much in this video lol.
  4. You guys sure as hell know how to put a smile on my face lol. @Kupar @MidoriLemonade85 I love you guys so much. And @Chrissy89 I didn't know you were into this so much, but really I should not be surprised since we are the same person lol. Happy to know tho that we once again share another hot fantasy 🀭 imagine if we let just one man onto the peefans farm that did this for us 😫😫 I would be in heaven.
  5. You guys know me and know that I mostly keep to women peeing for my porn, but tonight i was feeling adventurous and went on the hunt for some new porn and happened to come across this video: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph61617d9d5a812 In which a man simply walks up to a woman sitting eating her breakfast and pees so much on her. Her lack of reaction might turn some off, but to me it really turned me on. It made it seem like this is such an every day occurrence that it's normalized to her. Then at the end where he walks over and, without skipping a beat, she starts
  6. Yeah the only porn I watch is pee porn, women most of the time but the occasional male video will do it for me too. It's been like that for as long as I can remember. It started out with watching men pee but over time I came to accept my attraction to women. I have my go to videos which are of women peeing on carpet πŸ™ˆ nothing else will make me cum!
  7. Seeing as though I am allergic to melons, you will just have to settle for my titties πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ sorry to disappoint.
  8. I had the strangest pee ever, if you can even call it that. I have my period and I always use a cup instead of traditional tampons or pads. Sometimes if you don't get it in correctly it can press against your urethra and/or your bladder which makes it more difficult for you to pee. I've experienced this before for sure, but never what just happened to me just now! I'm at my sink washing dishes when all of the sudden I was immediately hit with a dire need to pee. I'm talking, if you don't make it to the toilet in the next ten seconds you are going to pee in your pants. It was honestly
  9. So many people have told me this but i dont know what it is lol. Did a quick Google search: It sounds pretty accurate to me. @Chrissy89 what do you think? Honestly I'm such an introvert that I don't take well to new people both on and off the forum so I don't feel instant connections, but maybe Chrissy felt one to me? I do know once we did start speaking I got comfortable with her real fast; faster than anyone else on the forum really. This is so much new information to take it lol. And I wonder if it still works if Chrissy is a few years older than me.
  10. 34 years! All based on the stuff I want to do. Everything but drinking/having someone drink, golden showers, sharing porn publicly, peeing on someone else's floor and peeing on the wall, I've actually done!
  11. Good evening friends! This goes out to the spiritual side of peefans. Those of you that frequent the chat might know about my close friendship with @Chrissy89. We are so close we often joke we are twins. It started out in February when we met in chat and took our friendship beyond the forum, and we quickly found we were very similar. It was simple things like favorite colors, favorite foods, favorite animals being the same, but over time the similarities became quite overwhelming. Our birthdays are exactly a month apart, we laugh at the same silly things (multi-player toilets. *squ
  12. Update: ya girl finally got her period, and so did @Chrissy89
  13. Home, straight to my couch to relax. What is your favorite color of pee?
  14. Still no period but SOMEOME πŸ‘€ reported to me that she got hers this morning, so I'm gonna assume mine will be here soon 🀣 There was a post a while ago that I also commented about my relationship with this girl, where I explained we always talk about what we'd do during a threesome. I had also mentioned how she told me her boyfriend might have a piss fetish lol. We could go all day about what we'd do with each other, and it's really fun cause, unlike me, she has experience having sex with another girl. And this is just a regular conversation for us! I did see her for a while yeste
  15. You go twin 😍😍 I'm happy you got an O in! Something about it being someone you know peeing just hits different, don't it? Would you still love me even if we went to an escape room and I got so scared that I wet my pants? Cause I am a cry baby when I get scared lol.
  16. Peach tea normally has this affect on me lol.
  17. I prefer uncut men, and have subsequently not had my son cut as it's his penis and his decision, not mine.
  18. Aren't you happy to hear we are not pregnant?? By default my period must be synching to yours 😫 I'll let you know in a few days, hopefully lol.
  19. That's an excellent question. I actually don't remember lol. I'm sure I didn't cause I was too hype about not having another baby 🀣 plus at that point I honestly didn't care. My life was basically on the line. The next person would have had to just deal with it.
  20. Hello everyone! For those of you who have been keeping up with my woes in the chat, you might know that I am currently 10 days late on my period and I have been absolutely horrified at the thought of being pregnant. My best friend at work offered to bring me one of her tests, which was a standard pee on a stick and then wait ten minutes test. I really, really don't want any more babies. I went through enough with the last one I had and just have no desire to carry, give birth, and raise another one. So the entire time we were walking to the break room I was sweating and feeling lik
  21. I like my cheeky panties. They feel the best and are comfortable. Color doesn't matter to me 😊
  22. Get ready to eat a bunch of crabs and Old Bay. And please take me back with you πŸ˜ͺ
  23. I do them often, before bed and before I leave the house. Depending on where I'm at in my cycle water can either sit in my bladder for hours without feeling like I need to pee or run right through me as soon I drink it, so going and letting out just a little bit is good for me, and I've never noticed any negative side effects.
  24. So if we are exactly the same, close to twin status, which one of us is the evil twin πŸ€” and which one of our kids is the evil twin as well since they are exactly the same? These are the things I think about at night when I can't sleep lol. Also I think it should be you since you steal my greetings!
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