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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I tend to do this in my fantasies lol. I'm usually very quiet during sex.
  2. Lol, thanks. I dont feel as tho I am as popular as everyone else but I'll take the encouragement from my favorite tall handsome boob guy anyway 🥰
  3. https://fb.watch/nBB_hhD4iw/?mibextid=Nif5oz Imagine peeing in this 💀
  4. I dont know lol. Drinking water when needed made me pee roughly every 2 hours or so. If I were chugging it down it would probably be more like every 45 minutes or an hour! We definitely went back roads when we went from TN to GA. There was next to no one and almost no streetlights. I should have seen if I could pee on the side of the road.
  5. That would have been just another 5 hours or so lol. Imagine all the extra pee fun!
  6. What fans 😑 Oh well I guess that means I'll have to do it all over again! Maybe this time you can come with me and show me the ropes lol.
  7. Morning friends! My very first long distance road trip just wrapped up. I am exhausted but I don't know when I am gonna have the time to write all this up next so enjoy the story now before i get back to unpacking and resting lol. I wasn't originally planning any fun pees as it was family time, but I kept my options open just incase the opportunity presented itself. In the end I did get two naughty pees in! And they were two brand new experiences! For a general list, I peed in the following states on my way down: MD (our starting point), VA, TN, and GA (our ending point). On th
  8. This but I'm the one that eats Italian 🤤
  9. I even heard the noise in my head 😭😭🏃🏽‍♀️💨
  10. Once when my youngest was a toddler he ran into my bedroom excited that I was awake. He body slammed me right in my abdomen and I peed the bed against my will lol. It was a full morning pee and everything 😪
  11. I have had an orgasm with a full bladder plenty of times. Most of the time I lose the need to pee for an hour or two, or if I'm made to pee right after it take a lot of work 😅 One time I managed to pee while I was orgasming, and i found it it to be harder as well. Took a lot of concentration. But I peed on my hand as I did lol.
  12. No! Stop trying to knock my hustle.
  13. https://onlyfans.com/ir1xk8r013d7u?fbclid=IwAR0vVcHzMWistKf9kzviSoRngmeU5zPOBV9MqIgEH1DT3dyD6HjQtEmv9WE&mibextid=Zxz2cZ Guys, don't laugh too hard but I made an Onlyfans for my content finally 🙈
  14. Me when my chiropractor walks into the room to adjust my back.
  15. 👀 you had me at Brazillian lol.
  16. Morning friends! I woke up in quite the mood today and felt like I had to make this post. To keep it in compliance with the rules make sure your post is written in English pls. Don't wanna get myself or anyone else banned lol. But what languages does everyone speak? What is your first language and why have you chosen to take up a new language or two, or three, or what have you? I have lived my whole life in America, land of the "wE lIvE iN aN eNgLiSh CoUnTrY sO sPeAk EnGlISh!!!" And yes, I have heard people say that several times 🙄 so all I have spoken all my life is English.
  17. @Sophie I'm so sorry this happened to you.
  18. I'm a woman and can just speak for myself but I'm not about to pack up and meet just anyone I meet on a fetish site. I'm married with children so I'm not looking to meet anyone anyway. There are several people on the site that I would be willing to meet up in person with. Probably not for pee sex since I and the majority of them are in committed relationships, but for coffee? For a walk? To go shopping? Of course. We're friends and have been friends, some of us for years now. But a stranger that inboxes me that I've never met before asking if they can come to my house for pee sex? No tha
  19. I've only wet myself a handful of times and like twice was when I was wearing my underwear. The first time I was wearing a thong, and that was probably my favorite.
  20. It usually takes me a day or two to get me into the mood. I have to decide where, when, on/in what, and I have to work around my family's schedule. Once I can nail down a time I enact my plans, make sure I have a towel and cleaning products close by, and then pee lol. Sometimes I film but most of the time I don't. Just depends on if I want to share or not.
  21. Probably my kids and the way they're gonna grow up in this world. Everything I do I do for them. From waking up at six am to make sure they're prepared for school, to helping them with homework when they need it, to taking them to all their birthday parties and playdates, buying them what they want and need (when reasonable), and so on. I had to quit my job to put them and their needs first, and my plans after graduating university include working from home if possible. Not only is it what I want cause I am a hermit lol, but I want to show my kids that no matter what they can follow thei
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