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Everything posted by Remi

  1. Wow, thats impressive. And it still got the nice morning piss color to it despite the huge amount. Actually its exactly twice the amount than what i measured myself yesterday morning 😅 With such a huge capacity i would imagine you have to pee less often throughout the day. Anf i think being able to hold so much makes you much less prone to waking up from desperation during the night.
  2. @swekiss fair enough and i totally get where you are coming from. I would most likely never tell a partner aswell. The circumstances would have to be absolutely right, all signs on green and the stars aligned for me to go forward with it. 😅 Not that much of a deal to keep it secret when used to it. Only thing that would be a pity is when both partners are into this and no one ever comes forward thus missing out on so much fun but since your partner already showed signs of disliking it you are right with keeping this as a secret. So its cool that you are able to value the relationship whil
  3. 1. A real blocking function. Meaning if you block someone that they can't see your posts. You should be nonexistant for them. 2. More messaging space. The messages add up the longer you're active. Having to delete nice conversations feels bad. What if people come back to find out you kicked them out of a convo? Most people are actually nice on here and i often even have talks about non pee related things in those DMs. And some people can't be messaged at all cause the inbox will always be full. Having such a small limit in place is kind of strange for such a friendly site. Attachements an
  4. Thats a lovely story. I like how you try to sneak in your naughty peeing habits when you are out and about. Something so thrilling imagining you taking the chance and messing up the bathroom of this place without any other reason than for your own pleasure. Thats hot. Do you do this regularly? You handled that situation reasonably well. Have you ever tried to tell him about this kink? This would have been a good chance to test the waters. Telling him that someone peed on the floor and you saw it too late. Maybe you could have seen something on his reaction. If you ever decide to test his
  5. I like this concept, good idea Abby!
  6. Nice sighting. Did you add your pee to the puddle afterwards? 😉 I would be tempted to but that would mean i'm in the wrong restroom in the first place in that case. 😅 Would you have shown any reaction if you saw her again, something to show that you approve of what she did?
  7. Hallways, doormats infront of any rooms, maybe dorm basements or any carpeted area. Can you pee standing up? If so i'd try to go against walls, windows/ glass. Maybe any restrooms you have in your building or nearby. Or try pissing down a staircase and enjoy the sound it makes. Have fun and be careful.
  8. No, i don't care what others do. I only care what i can justify to myself. And certain things i just can't if the circumstances aren't right. Which means it would ruin the fun for me.
  9. I see you are an expert in watering places that were not supposed to be watered 😅 Was it always like that though? Were you as confident like that when you were doing your first house party piss or did the confidence grow over time? I'm guessing you are doing this only at parties where you barely know the host so less worries if you get caught. Something about this is kinda hot. And its fascinating to get insights from someone who is a pro at it. Even if others are peeing everywhere aswell and some throw up all over the place, you deciding to pee where you shouldn't still adds to the mess
  10. Your relationship with pee is quite relatable to me in certain ways. How it affects you differently when you are in the mood vs. when not. The pee shyness. I think i can count the times i asked to go to the toilet during classes on one hand. Just because i somehow didn't want anyone to know i had to piss. So i got used to holding it in. Also this post nut clarity which doesn't come direktly after the pee for me but it will sometimes after the nut following the pee 😅 So its good to see that you're still seeking to get enjoyment out of this despite those hurdles along the way. Would be inte
  11. I'd rather stand guard for the naughty ladies to be honest 😅 Those kind of house parties that are so crowded so that people can do stuff like that unnoticed are not that common here due to a few factors. Those i were at were not crowded enough. I have to dissapoint, i doubt i'd do it myself. Only at parties where the host is a certified A grade a-hole, though i most likely wouldn't go to such a persons party in the first place. But then again the thought has something...going with the right person just for this purpose. The laundry basket, carpets, on and into furniture would be the kind
  12. Wow, please send an invite next time you go to one of those parties! 😅 Sounds quite amazing! Were you nervous and overthinking it or did you just do it without much worries? Did you ever feel guilty afterwards? From the way you describe it i'd guess you knew it was just meant to happen and you wouldn't have it any other way. 😂
  13. Well written story and i especially like the description of your thoughts beforehand, the feeling of anxiety and the long reasoning with yourself before finally going for it. This is so relatable for me and its such a great feeling when you finally overcome those doubts and just do it. Seeing you gaining experience to the point that it now has become a fun, naughty habit is quite an inspiring transition. "The student has now become a master" is what popped right into my head with an ancient voice 😅. Just that you taught yourself. And in that pic it looks like the vitamins are going strong in y
  14. As mentioned before, racing car drivers, more specifically those driving touring cars, might do this when necessary as they are often in the car for longer periods of time compared to formula racing. I heard some drivers jokingly giving an anecdote about a seat that one wouldn't like to sit in or switch into or something in that manner as one driver had to do his business during a stint. If something like this happens during a long distance race where the car is shared with several drivers and they all take turns driving their stints the others would definitely have to endure it. Every sp
  15. It almost looks like you shot your pee right through it! That must have sounded great, peeing on towels always make this distinctive, lovely sound. Cute socks btw!
  16. I just have to say, the way you describe it in such a manner and detail makes this quite an exhilarating read. All senses covered, see, hear, smell, feel. Fantastic way to enhance an already hot experience. If i could write like this. Thank you for this piece of literary excitement!
  17. Do what you feel comfortable doing. If you think one place is not the right one wait until you find the next thats maybe not so clean/ where you have a better feeling. Start being a little messy by 'aiming roughly' rather than just deliberately aiming next to it to get comfortable and see if thats for you and as much fun as you make it out to be. Maybe take the no hands approach and what misses misses...Take little steps. I wish you good luck, or better yet, a dirty restroom deserving of a messy piss for you to find 😅 Looking forward to the updates on your journey.
  18. The 'Soul' browser also works on phones. Automatically offers you a download button for any video except yt. Thisvid etc. Almost anything. Even tiktoks once you open them in the browser.
  19. Lovely story. Being able to have so much kinky fun together sounds amazing!
  20. I always have some kitchen paper or wipes in my car for various purposes. And of course i'd offer it to any passenger in need for a wipe after a pee.
  21. Indeed. And all the resources that are on this case, court, officer, lawyer...like there aren't any other, real issues out there. I don't get arrests for public peeing anyways, seems to me like a relict from older more prudish times where every form of nudeness was (or in some cases still is) also automatically seen as something sexual. A little fine for public peeing ok, if authorities want to do something about it, but even that would lack sensitivity in this particular case. But an arrest, hell no.
  22. Congrats! Realising that must have felt like winning the jackpot without having actually gambled on it. I think that would make every journey together even more special, that unpredictable spice that can occur anytime. Do you ever make remarks about her peeing habits or asked her about it, let alone tell her that you somehow like it? Or do you just enjoy in silence?
  23. That sounds so amazing. Its always fascinating to hear about or see someone pissing on absorbent stuff, especially furniture and even moreso in a hotel! That probably takes a lot of restraint and discipline to not touch yourself right away. That hot just reading it, actually doing what you are up to now must be such a thrill. Have fun, its very enjoyable to read!
  24. It doesn't hurt but it can be a bit of a hassle to get it out properly. First you'd have to get the boxers or whatever you wear out of the way. And then you have to fumble it through the fly. But its possible and i've actually pissed this way on quite a few occasions, especially out in public its sometimes quite practical. Secretly fumbling your dick into position to have it ready and when its time to go all you need to do is unzip, grab your dick and piss. Very inconspiciously if you want it to be. Not uncommon for me to have a little pee dripping into my pants once i put it back in because d
  25. That sounds like a fun way to spend the night. I love the different challenges you set yourself up to, very unique. I hope you meet all your goals. This sounds amazing i have to say. Especially the hotel bed part! 🔥
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